Agreement for temporary workers and trainees
Undersigned will work as a temporary worker or trainee for Food & Biobased Research, institute within the legal entity Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek established in Wageningen, Bornse Weilanden 9 and/or Wageningen University, department Agrotechnology and Food Sciences, established in Wageningen, Bomenweg 2, 6703 HD duly represented by the Managing Director of the Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group, (AFSG).
AFSG cooperates closely with contract research organisations, partners, research organizations and clientsin the domain of healthy food and living environment
AFSG emphasizes that it is of the utmost importance that no third party will be informed about the above-mentioned activities, nor that results of the research are transferred to unauthorized persons.
Name and initials ------
Date of birth ------
Place of birth------
Working with AFSGfrom------20---- through ------20----
Is acquainted with the above-mentioned and declares to keep all information derived from his/her position
Confidential to third parties insofar as this obligation either follows from the nature of the matteror has been expressly imposed on him/her. This obligation also applies followingtermination of the assignment to Undersigned.
Undersigned shall not use the Information directly and/or indirectly to apply for a patent or other intellectual property right (IPR) anywhere in the world. Neither will Undersigned use the Information in a patent litigation with a third party.
If Undersigned performs an essential contribution to an invention for which AFSG files a patent application, Undersigned will be listed as inventor on this patent application, all patent applications that are based on this patent application including any divisional patent applications that may be filed by AFSG. All costs of the European patent application and any applications based thereon will be covered by AFSG. Undersigned hereby cedes any right or title that he/she has or may have as an inventor to AFSG. For this cession of rights AFSG will have no obligation to compensate Undersigned in any way. Furthermore, Undersigned will assist AFSG in any way that may be necessary to apply, enforce and maintain this patent application and all applications based thereon.
Undersigned commits him/herself to inform the AFSG Management or the Director of his/her Business Unit immediately when he/she gets acquainted with facts contrary to the above-mentioned.
This agreement is governed by Dutch law. If disputes cannot be solved amicably, Undersigned accepts that the Courts of The Netherlands have jurisdiction.