Application for Admission
M.S. in Applied Geospatial Sciences
Northern Arizona University
Department of Geography, Planning, and Recreation
(revision: 7/18/09)
Please send this form and all accompanying material to: MS-AGIS Program Coordinator, Department of Geography, Planning, and Recreation, Northern Arizona University, Box 15016, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5016.
Please type this form.
*** Important Notes: Applications received by February 15 (for Fall semester admission) and October 15 (for Spring semester admission) will receive priority consideration. You must have a completed application on file with the NAU Graduate College before this application will be reviewed by the Geography Department. Send official transcripts to the NAU Graduate College, not the Geography Department. ***
DO YOU INTEND TO PURSUE: m Thesis Emphasis m Non-Thesis (Practicum) Emphasis
(note that you can change your preference after enrolling in the program)
NAME: ______NAU ID or SS #: ______
AREA CODE & PHONE #: ______EMAIL:______
PERMANENT ADDRESS (if different from above): ______
PERMANENT PHONE (if different from above): ______
School Degree Title & Major Year Received
Please provide explanations for "no" answers for questions 1 to 5, below:
1. Is your undergraduate GPA 3.0 or greater on a 4.0 scale as of the date of this application? (circle one) YES / NO
2. Is your undergraduate coursework GPA in Geography 3.0 or greater on a 4.0 scale? (circle one) YES / NO
3. Have you taken the Graduate Record Examination? (circle one) YES / NO
- If No, when will you take it? ______
- If Yes, have you requested an official copy of the exam scores to be sent to the Department of Geography, Planning, and Recreation? (circle one) YES / NO
- Would you want us to review your application for "provisional" admission before we receive your GRE scores? (Note that you can be rejected in the provisional admissions review, however, we would otherwise have to wait until your scores arrive before reviewing your application.) (circle one) YES / NO
4. Have you arranged to have three letters of recommendation supporting this application sent to the Department of Geography, Planning, and Recreation? (circle one) YES / NO
- We cannot evaluate your application with fewer than three letters. Because not all references are prompt in sending their letters, you may wish to consider asking four people to make recommendations for you.
5. Have you attached a one to three page statement of the goals and objectives that I hope to achieve as a candidate for the M.S. in Applied Geographic Information Science degree? (circle one) YES NO
YOU ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A FACULTY ADVISOR PRIOR TO ADMISSION TO THE PROGRAM. “Form 2” must be signed by both you and your faculty advisor. If you are doing an emphasis in a department or topic area outside of the Department of Geography, Planning and Recreation, your faculty advisor in the other department must sign this form.
6. Please list the Year, Title, Semester-equivalent Credit Hours, and Final Grade of all Geography courses you have taken (1 quarter hour is 2/3 of a semester hour, e.g., a 3 quarter hour course receives 2 semester hours of credit):
Year Course Level Course Title Semester Hours Final Grade
(Attach an Additional Page, if necessary)
7. Are you seeking a graduate assistantship or tuition waiver? (circle one) YES / NO (If you answer Yes, please submit the Graduate Assistantship/Tuition Waiver form.)
8. Due to time delays in requesting official copies of transcripts to be sent to the Graduate College, it would help us if you could attach an unofficial copy of your transcripts with this application to the Department. THIS IS NOT REQUIRED. - Did you include an unofficial transcript with this application? (circle one) YES / NO
The information provided on this application form is correct.
Signature: ______Date: ______