Scheme of Learning
MFL French
Les Vacances /
Blooms Taxonomy and iPad Use in the Scheme of Learning / Overview of Learning Activity / Impact of using iPad Technology
Learning Stage 1:
Learning vocabulary – understanding and remembering
Students use a variety of apps to revise learnt vocabulary and structures through apps, looking at different sections at the teachers’ discretion. / 1. To be able to say 20 countries in French
2. To be say where I go on holiday
3. To be able to say how I travel
4. To be able to say who I go on holiday with / Students were able to work at their own pace to learn vocabulary and able to use a variety of apps and games as they desired. Students were also able to acquire additional vocabulary that was not taught to them by the teacher, which they were then able to use at later stages of learning.
Learning Stage 2:
Creating a postcard – Applying and understanding
Students apply learnt structures and language and create short postcards using pre-designed available pictures / 1. To be able to say where I stay
2. To be able to say what I do
3. To be able to say where I went last year
4. To be able to say how I travelled
5. To be able to say where I stayed / Students were able to create short paragraphs detailing activities they do on holidays in the style of a post card using pre chosen photos. This proved an excellent opportunity for peer feedback as Photo Cards were easily shared with other students and teacher.
Learning Stage 3:
Writing a brochure – Analysing and applying
Students an area in France using app and applied to write a holiday brochure about the region they have researched / 1. To be able to say what I did
2. To be able to read a tourist leaflet in French
3. To be able to give opinions about my holiday
4. To be able to understand the rules of a holiday
5. centre in French / Students were engaged by the fact that they were able to apply their learning to a real area in France and also engage with authentic French texts. Holiday brochures about the region they researched were then created by students.
Learning Stage 4:
Dialogue at a tourist office -Applying and Creating
Students create short role plays using the transactional language about a visit to the tourist office learnt in lesson. Using buddy poke app students can record their responses to questions given by teachers using the transactional language about a visit to the tourist office. / 1. To be able to use questions effectively
2. To be able to respond to unpredictable language
3. To be able to find out information about a holiday destination / Many students who were normally reserved about speaking in French in class found the activity very rewarding as they were able to work independently and also they didn’t have the pressure of to speak in front of others.
Learning Stage 5:
Writing a paragraph describing a holiday – Creating and applying
Students use Story Bird website, accessible through iPads, to write a short fictional story about a holiday.
Word Reference is also used to check verb conjugations and spellings. / 1. To be able to understand key structures in the past tense
2. To be able to ask and respond to questions in the past and present tense
3. To be able to write about holidays using the past and present tense / Class teacher was able to create a model for students sing using story bird website, before then administering the task. Due to the nature of the artwork and task many students were more ambitious with their use of French than normal. They were also able to look up idioms and more advanced language using Word Reference without relying on the class teacher.
Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: MFL SoL
Long Term Planning
Subject: MFL French Year Group: 8
Term 1 Expo 2 Unit 1
I can discuss TV programmes/ say what type of programme it is/ give opinions about it/ use the past tense to talk about what I watched yesterday/ talk about music and books/ to use the verb aller / I can describe future plans/ I can write a review of a book, TV programme or film.
Term 2 Expo 2 Unit 2
Make future plans/use the future tense with on/say what I will do in the future/ask others what they will do in the future/understand weather forecasts/use the future tense with all pronouns/discuss career choices/use quand/ understand why languages are important/use modal verbs/use a wide range of connectives
Term 1 Expo 2 Unit 3
Talk about illness/pronounce the sounds eu and u/use expressions with avoir and être/describe injuries/explain how accidents happened/use reflexive verbs in the past tense/talk about healthy eating/use the word en as a pronoun/use negative expressions/use imperatives/use emphatic pronouns when I write a longer text
Term 2 Expo 2 Unit 4
Talk about what i used to wear/talk about what I used to be like/use the imperfect with je/talk about sports using all parts of the imperfect tense/understand the use of qui and que/understand much longer texts containing a variety of tenses/ produce longer texts with a variety of tenses
Term 1 Expo 2 Unit 5
Understand tourist information about a region/understand facts about Normandy/use adjectives with the correct agreement/use comparatives and superlatives/discuss travel arrangements/use the pronoun y/arrange hotel accommodation by phone or e-mail/use the conditional tense/describe a visit to a place or sporting event
Term 2 Expo 2 Unit 6
Talk about schools in different countries/give opinions about school//use plural possessive adjectives/talk about jobs I do/say how much money I get/talk about child workers and third world poverty/use the conditional tense/talk about people I admire/ understand and produce long texts with complex sentences
Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: MFL SoL
Medium Term Plans
(Schemes of Work)
Subject: MFL Year group: 8 unit 5 Summer Term 1
The students will follow the Expo course - Unit 5 will be the 11th unit in an 18 unit course covering Key stage 3. In this unit students will operate in the following topic areas:
Holidays and Travel
This unit will be followed by 3 further units during the year each of which will cover different topic areas and grammatical points.
The topics covered in this unit have been visited in year 7,however since these topics were last visited students have learnt new structures and vocabulary and should be capable of producing both written and oral work which is longer, more varied and contains more expression.
Access to higher levels, previously restricted due to lack of tense knowledge, is now easier and more likely because of this.
Prior Learning Needed for this Unit
Work carried out in years 7 and 8 in this context, notably the use of the past, present and future tense using a range of pronouns.
Students will also be expected to be able to use a variety of descriptive language including opinions, time phrases, adjectives, adverbs and quantifiers. Students will also be expected to have some understanding of basic subordination.
Students joining from other schools may not have followed this scheme of work but any school should have taught to the KS 3 framework objectives
Differentiation within this Unit
All: all students will be able to answer questions both orally and in writing about holidays and travel
Most children will: be able to produce a short series of sentences orally about holidays and travel
Some children will not have made so much progress and will be able to: give oral answers about holiday and travel, when prompted and fill in writing frames
Some students will have progressed further and will be able to: produce sentences about injury and illness both orally and in writing and combine them appropriately with other tense work so that they can access levels 5 and 6 by using more than one tense in a piece of work
Occasionally: a student may be entered for GCSE in year 9 but usually they would be from a francophone environment
Building Learning Power (BLP)What are the BLP activities? / When will they be used in the scheme?
Reciprocity – The social aspects of learning (Relating)
Resilience - The emotional aspects of learning (Feeling)
Reflectiveness – The strategic aspects of learning (Managing)
Resourcefulness - The cognitive aspects of learning (Thinking)
Respect - Linked to social, Relating to others / Working with others on a regular basis, being able to work as part of a group assisting with the development of others
Coping with the unfamiliar vocabulary and phonic structure in French, being able to derive meaning through gist and being able to respond to unpredictable language
When applying new vocabulary or structures being able to understand how and when to use applicable language.
Understanding where to find and how to use previously learnt vocabulary and structures.
Developed at all times, from listening to instruction to working with others.
Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: MFL SoL
Subject: MFL Year group: 8
Assessment For LearningWhat are the AFL activities? / When will they be used in the scheme?
The learning and assessment pyramids drive a lot of the AFL activities (see faculty PowerPoint )
Students will self-assess and peer assess their starter scores
The assessment pyramids will indicate what a National curriculum level means a student can do and will indicate what they need to do to reach the next level.
The mini board activities also enable a teacher to see exactly when a student has failed to grasp something
The end of unit assessment will be summative for this unit and formative for the next unit. / The learning and assessment pyramids are stuck in the students’ books and should be used continuously. This means once a unit has begun students should have a learning pyramid stuck in their books with some squares coloured in completely, some partly coloured in and some not coloured at all.
Squares coloured in contain learning objectives which the student feels secure in, partly coloured squares contain learning objectives students feel they can do much of but not all and uncoloured squares are learning objectives either not yet mastered or covered.
The student is expected to use the pyramid every lesson and decide whether or not to colour something in. The teacher is expected to encourage this practice and provide opportunities for this to happen either as self or peer assessment (see faculty PowerPoint on learning pyramids) .
Mini white board activities enable the teacher to see instantly which students can or cannot produce target sentences. The number of accurate responses in mini board work enables a teacher to know whether to move on or re-teach a point. Mini boards should be used at least once a week.
Learning Stage / Learning Objectives / Learning and Teaching Strategies / Learning Outcomes to guide AFL opportunities / Bloom’s
Apps / Skills with framework objectives
Voyages et vacances / I can name 20 countries
I can say where I go on holiday
I can say how I travel
I can say who I go with / Task magic activities for use as starters for all topics can be found in J Drive Modern Languages French Expo year 8 Unit 5 folder as picture matches or text matches introducing key vocabulary.
Other starter activities include think/pair / share with learning pyramids
PowerPoint’s exist in the same folder for introducing the relevant vocabulary and sentence structures
Mini white board activities and word documents in the relevant folder develop reading and writing and the cassettes develop listening activities
Direct method, sequencing, predicting, information gap, pair work, group work surveys etc. all help practise the structures
When using transitional language there is the opportunity for role play. / Listening and responding AT1/2 Understand someone saying in which country he/she lives and which
language he/she speaks
Speaking AT2/2,3
Ask and say in which town and country you or someone else live(s)
Reading and responding AT3/3 Understand information about in which country and town different people live and which languages they speak
Writing AT4/3
Write sentences and a paragraph to say in which town and country someone lives / Learning vocabulary – understanding and remembering
Lingauacope – Students use app to revise learnt vocabulary and structures through linguascope app, looking at different sections at teachers discretion
Vocab Express –
Students use website through iPads to revise and discover new relevant vocabulary throughout the module – regular tests and challenges set throughout module progress is monitored by class teacher
Vocabulaire en images app – app designed around understanding of vocabulary through images allowing students to revise learnt vocabulary and structures without referring to English / 2.1a identify patterns
2.2e ask and answer questions
2.2f initiate/sustain conversations
2.2i reuse language they have met
2.2j adapt previously-learned language
3c apply grammar
3d use a range of vocab/structures
4b communicate in pairs etc.
4d make links with English
4g language for a range of purposes
On Part / I can say where I stay
I can say what I do
I can say where I went last year
I can say how I travelled
I can say where I
stayed / Listening and responding AT1/3,4
Understand someone giving details about going on holiday: where, how long, who with, how travel, activities
Speaking AT2/3,4
Ask and talk about going on holiday
Reading and responding AT3/4
Understand someone describing where he/she normally goes on holiday and what he/she does