·  Each player present must play a minimum of half of the game except in the case of injury or discipline.

·  All teams must have adult supervision. Players may not coach themselves under any circumstances.

·  All coaches must be registered with HYSA and have completed the MYSA mandatory background check.

·  No tobacco use allowed at fields, in surrounding areas, or parking areas during HYSA activities.

·  Parents are strongly encouraged to transport players in smoke-free vehicles. For more information and to take a smoke-free home and vehicle pledge see www.takeitoutside.org

·  The coach is responsible for controlling the behavior of his/her team's players and fans.

·  Five players on the field for each team as well as one player as goalkeeper (goalkeeper must have designated provided goalie shirt on over player’s jersey). Teams are coed.

·  Play two 22 minute halves. Coaches can adjust this by mutual agreement, but game must be complete at the start time of the next game (assuming there is another game on the field).

·  Restart from the center after goals are scored.

·  Technically, teams are supposed to switch ends at half time. Coaches can mutually agree not to do that.

Completed Games / Games are considered complete if cancelled after the first half of play has been completed.
Corner Kick / If the defending team (including the goalkeeper) touches the ball before it goes out of bounds then a corner kick is awarded to the offensive team. Your players should remember that goal kicks are always done by the team who has the goalkeeper on that side and corner kicks are always taken by the team that has the goalkeeper on the other side of the field. Any player on the offensive team can take the corner kick. Once the corner kick is taken, the player taking the kick cannot kick it again until another player has touched the ball.
Equipment / Both Home and Away teams should have a suitable size game ball available, as provided by HYSA. Home team should provide the game ball. U6 uses a size 3 ball.
Players cannot wear or use any equipment or clothing that would likely risk injury to others. No jewelry, even if ears were just pierced! All eyeglasses should be secured by an elastic band or strap. A player is allowed to wear a cast only if it is well padded and will not constitute a risk of injury to the player or others.
Field Safety / Coaches should check the field for playability prior to games and practices. This includes ensuring that goals are anchored.
Goal Kick / The ball is kicked from either outer corner within the goal area by a player of the defending team (can be goalkeeper if they so choose). To ensure safety of other players during goal kicks, all other players must remain at least 20 feet back from the goal kicker until the ball is in play. The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves forward. The kicker cannot play the ball again until it has been touched by another player.
Heat and Water Breaks / Coaches should impose water breaks, shorten, or suspend games due to dangerously high heat. Teams with an inadequate number of substitutes may request and receive a two-minute water break in each half of a game.
Kick Off / Players seem to think that a kick off must be a kick to the other team. The only requirements are that the ball move forward and that the kicker cannot kick the ball again without someone else touching the ball. The next player to touch the ball can be a member of your team. Two common strategies are either your player kicks it as far down the field as possible typically to one side or the other or a short pass forward towards one of your other players.
Lightning / Coaches should stop play if they see lightning. Coaches should also stop play if they hear threatening thunder. Players, coaches, and spectators should leave the field and move to their vehicles. Coaches can restart play if it appears that the lightning passed over the area, and if at least fifteen minutes has passed since the last appearance of lightning. Coaches should cancel the game if the weather is too hazardous for players and coaches to remain in vehicles at the site.
Out of Bounds / The ball is out of bounds when it totally crosses the line. Players should be taught to keep playing until the whistle is blown stopping the play and that as soon as the whistle is blown, players must stop immediately. If the ball goes out of bounds, a player needs to go and retrieve it. If the ball goes out of bounds on the sideline, then the throw-in is given to the team that did not touch the ball last. Any player on the offensive team can take the throw-in.
Penalty Kicks / There are NO penalty kicks at this level in HYSA.
Substitutions / At this age level, you can make substitutions at any throw-in, goal kick, injury, half time or after a goal is scored. Substitutions are not allowed on corner kicks or drop balls. You must inform the referee that you are changing goalkeepers. The reason for this is that it will allow the referee an opportunity to hold up play until the new goalkeeper is ready. Substitutes must enter the field after the referee has signaled permission to enter the game. It is permissible for a coach to yell out that he or she wishes to make a substitution.
Throw-Ins / A throw-in is awarded when the whole of the ball passes over the touchline, either on the ground or in the air. A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in. A proper throw-in includes keeping both feet on the ground and ensuring the ball is delivered from behind and over the head of the thrower. The thrower may not touch the ball again until it has been touched by another player. Although it is not encouraged that the thrower touches the ball first once it hits the ground, be aware that it may happen…if it does, continue play.