Forestry: Question & Answer
Question / AnswerThe temporary or permanent removal of large expanses of forest?
A logging practice in which all trees in a stand of forests are cut, leaving just the stumps?
The removal of mature trees in a series of partial cuttings to allow regeneration of a new stand under the shade/shelter of older trees which are later removed?
Choosing and harvesting only mature trees of certain species/size; using more expensive but less disruptive for wildlife and better for forest regeneration?
A strip of trees is clear-cut, with the corridor narrow enough to allow natural regeneration?
A method of felling and burning stands of trees, the ash is left in place to add nutrients to the soil so crops can be grown?
Almost all trees are harvested from an area, but a few select trees are left behind to provide seeds for the regeneration of the forest?
An uncut primary forest that has not been seriously disturbed by human activities or natural disasters for 200+ years, has very high biodiversity?
Top four countries with the largest forested areas?
People suggest stream-protection areas should be created where no logging is allowed to protect forest watershed in what zones?
A forest managed in such a way that it can be harvested at a rate that does not decrease the ability of the forest ecosystem to continue to provide the same rate of harvesting indefinitely?
Branches/soil decay rapidly in open areas, soil easily eroded, greater runoff, and increased nitrate concentrations in streams?
Commercial plantations planted and grown for timber production are examples of?
Typically only burn the forest’s underbrush and small trees, doesn’t hurt mature trees, stimulates germination for some plants, protect forests from more harmful fires by removing dead materials that would burn quickly at high temperatures?
Occur in forests that have not had surface fires for a very long time, extremely hot, leaps between trees, kills wildlife and increases soil erosion?
Fire that burns decayed leaves deep below the ground surface, difficult to extinguish?
Characterized by complex structure with lots of species interactions, narrow niches and high species diversity?
Characterized by few species interactions, broad niches, and low species diversity?
Progression and formation of a stable community?
Colonization of a region where there is no pre-existing community, begins with lichens?
A new community develops from pre-existing soil left by a community that was cleared by a disturbance?
Examples of causes of secondary succession?
An example of secondary succession where smaller trees are able to grow when a taller tree is felled?
Practice of burning areas of forest under carefully controlled conditions to improve ecosystem health and help prevent uncontrolled, more dangerous fires?
Pioneer species, a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and plants responsible for breaking down rock and creating soil?
Undeveloped, minimally managed areas that contain grasses, grass-like plants and low shrubs and are used for grazing livestock?
Can happen on land used for grazing livestock because those areas receive low rainfall and grasses do not regenerate quickly?
The theme of the “Tragedy of the Commons” written by Garrett Hardin?
A management plan used for rangelands by reducing grazing times and rotating grazing areas?
The tendency of a shared, limited resource to become depleted because people act from self-interest for short-term gain?
Review Questions:
1. Identify TWO characteristics of forests that develop when fires are suppressed, and explain why the practice of fire suppression does not reduce, but actually increases, the risk of intense and extensive forest fires.
2. Describe TWO ecosystem services provided for humans by forests. Explain how clear-cutting would affect each ecosystem service you describe.