OCN Level 2 Forest School Assistant Course

Monday 3rd & Tuesday 4th, Monday 10th & Tuesday 11th November 2014

Green Light Trust, The Foundry, Lawshall, Suffolk

Application Form and Terms & Conditions

Please read Terms & Conditions before completing your application form.

We are required by OCN, our validating body, to obtain the information in the box below.

Job Title:
Home address:
Date of birth:
Full or part-time?
Organisation and postcode:
Ability status? - Candidate does/ does not consider they have a learning difficulty and /or disability

In the interests of the environment, we will mainly contact you by email or telephone:

Email address:
Daytime tel:
Evening tel/mobile:
Name and telephone numbers of who we should inform in case of emergency:
Name, organisation and postal address to whom invoice should be sent:

Please attach a passport sized photograph of yourself to this form – this is for the tutors’ use only.

Date application rec’d / Med form completed
Contact added to cohort on ACT / Photo received
INVOICE NUMBER / Registered as student with OCN
Deposit rec’d / Certificate sent
Joining Instructions
Confirmation of place emailed

Current experience and interest in course

Please state how you heard about this course:
Briefly outline the reasons why this course is of interest to you:
Please give details of any relevant experience and Qualifications:
The Level 2 course requires you to assist with the planning and delivery of three Forest School sessions run by a Level 3 qualified Forest School practitioner.
Do you have contact with a Level 3 qualified practitioner you can work with? YES/NO
Have they agreed for you to assist them in the planning and delivery of 3 sessions? YES/NO
If yes, please provide details:
If no, please indicate the preferred area(s) where you could practically make three visits to Forest School sessions. Please be as specific as possible, as at the start of the course we will attempt to put you in touch with a qualified practitioner:
Do you require any additional support to meet the necessary standards to achieve this qualification?

I give my consent to Green Light Trust using photographs and coursework for publicity purposes (including publication on the internet).

Name and Signature:

Confidential Health Check Form

Please write “yes” or “no” in the appropriate column / Yes / No / Please provide details
Do you have diabetes?
Do you have a back condition?
Do you have any joint or muscle conditions?
Do you have any mobility impairments?
Do you have any cardiovascular conditions?
Do you have any sight impairments?
Do you have any balance disorders?
Do you have epilepsy?
Are you currently on any medication?
Do you have any allergies?
Do you have any specific learning needs, eg dyslexia?
Do you have any other conditions we may need to know about in the event of an emergency?

Terms & Conditions

Forest School Courses with Green Light Trust

Booking your place on a Green Light Trust course
To apply for a place on one of our courses, please complete the application form for that course and return it to us by email () or post to the Green Light office, along with your deposit and signed terms and conditions form. Upon receipt of your application form, we aim to send you confirmation or otherwise of your place on that course within two weeks. We will also send an invoice for the course fee in the event of a successful application. Applications for courses will close two weeks prior to their start date.

You may substitute or be replaced by a student on a course upon prior notification, at no additional charge, subject to the new student meeting the prerequisite requirements.
If you decide not to come on the course, you must let us know one month prior to its start in order for us to attempt to seek to fill your place. If you let us know later than two weeks before the start of the course the full invoice amount will still be payable.
We reserve the right to cancel or change a scheduled course and undertake to use reasonable endeavors to give notice of any such cancellation or change. We will not be liable for any losses direct or otherwise if we have to cancel a booking. We will offer alternative date(s) subject to availability or refund the full charge of the cancelled booking.

Attendance & coursework completion

You must attend the first day of the course. Any subsequent day missed of the course must be attended on the next available GLT course, and should be booked within one month of the day missed. Assignments must be completed and handed in by the relevant deadline. Extensions can only be accepted if approved in writing by a GLT tutor. Continued referral of coursework may result in our consideration of a student’s continuation on a course after discussion. If the final assignment is not handed in by the agreed deadline or extension date approved by the tutor, you will be de-registered for the qualification. In order to be re-registered on the course, any outstanding coursework will need to be submitted and passed. You will need to apply to GLT within two years of the start date of your original course. Re-registration can only take place on two occasions.

Photographs & Course work
GLT keeps a digital photographic archive for recording and publicity purposes. It is also required to keep samples of work on file. Unless you indicate otherwise, by signing your application form you give consent to Green Light Trust using photographs and coursework for publicity purposes (including publication on the internet).

A non-refundable deposit of £50 must be made in full with all training applications, along with signed terms and conditions. The invoice issued for your course must be paid in full prior to the start of the course. If you have booked on the course within the two weeks of its start date (for instance to fill in a cancelled booking) we must still receive your payment prior to the start date. Where payment is not received prior to the start of the course the booking will be cancelled, however, payment will still need to be made in full.

By prior agreement, following payment of the deposit, the remaining balance can be paid in monthly instalments but must be paid in full within four months of the course commencing. Certification will not be issued until full payment has been received.

How to Pay
Payments can be made by cheque, payable to ‘Green Light Trust’ or by BACS using the following details:

Bank Name: - Co-Operative Bank

A/C Name: Green Light Trust

A/C Number: 65489226

Sort Code: 08-92-99

Course requirements

This course involves a degree of manual handling and physical activity. Please ensure you provide full details of your requirements on the application form.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss any concerns you might have.

If you have any queries regarding these terms and conditions, please refer to the Academic Appeals Policy for students taking OCN validated courses with Green Light Trust.


I confirm I have read and agree with the terms and conditions set out above.

NAME: ......

SIGNED: ......

DATE: ......

Please return to:

Lindsay Limmer – Forest School Administrator

Green Light Trust, The Foundry, Bury Road, Lawshall, Suffolk, IP29 4PJ.

Tel: 01284 830829


Green Light Trust, The Foundry, Bury Road, Lawshall, Suffolk. IP29 4PJ

Registered Charity Number 1000977 Registered Company Number 02550866
