Internal Course Review 2013
Area C
University General Education Internal Course Review 2013 Exercise
Self-assessment of Course Design and Delivery
(to be completed by course teacher of each section of the last course offering)
Course CodeTitle:Offering Dept/ Unit:
Offering Term:
Part 1: Adherence to approved design(Please the circle that corresponds to your opinion.)
1.1The course syllabus I/we used in the course delivery adheres well to the original course design as approved by the SCGE. / Strongly disagree / / Stronglyagree
If your feedback is (3) or below, please specify.
□I am/We are not aware of the existence of an approved course design.
□I/Weare informed of the approved course design but have given significant change to the syllabus.
(please give reasons for the changes)
1.2The teaching and learning activities (lectures, tutorial, fieldtrip etc.) I/we adopted in the course adheres well to the original course design as approved by the SCGE. / Strongly
disagree / / Strongly
If your feedback is(3) or below, please specify:
□I am/We are not aware of the existence of an approved course design.
□I/Weare informed of the approved course design but have given significant change to the teaching and learning activities. (please give reasons for the changes)
Part 2: Intended learning outcomes
2.1Specification of intended learning outcomes- The learning outcomes of my class are stated in terms of what students will be able to do after taking the course (e.g. to explain, to analyse, to apply, to evaluate).
disagree / / Strongly
- Students are informed of the expected learning outcomes.
If your feedback to 2.1a is(3) or below, you may specify the major barrier(s) to the adoption of outcomes-based approach:
2.2 Alignment of learning outcomes
a. Learning outcomes of the course are well aligned with theGeneral Education objectives. / Strongly
disagree / / Strongly
If your feedback is (4) or above, please specifywhich objectives your course aims at.
The course is designed to (please whichever appropriate)
□enhance students’ ability to understand the context of contemporary issues from a complex and disciplinary perspective;
□introduce students to basic concepts and methodology of the discipline;
□heighten students’ awareness of how the discipline contribute to knowledge;
□help students understand how the discipline address problems faced by the modern world and/or human life;
□develop in students attitudes and skills that are conducive to critical thinking;
□enhance students’ ability in self-expression and communication with the others;
□serve as a platform where students can extend their curiosity and read widely beyond their chosen discipline;
□develop attitudes and competence as independent learners;
□develop attitudes and competence as team players.
If your feedback is (3) or below, you may specify the major barrier(s) to the alignment of the course learning outcomes with General Education objectives:
b.Learning outcomes of the course are well aligned with the Area Learning Outcomes. / Strongly
disagree / / Strongly
If your feedback is (4) or above, you may specify which of the following area outcomes are applicable to your course.
(please whichever appropriate)
After studying in this area, students of my class will be able to:
□understand better the ways in which human society and culture are formed;
□appreciate the diversity of different cultures, values and belief;
□apply methods studied to analyze related issues;
□apply theories studied to explain related issues.
If your feedback is (3) or below, you may specify the major barriers to the alignment of the course learning outcomes with the Area Learning Outcomes.
Part 3: Design of Teaching and Learning
3.1Readings materialsAn adequate and relevant list of required readings has been assignedto students. / Strongly
disagree / / Strongly
If your feedback is (3) or below, you may specify the major barrier(s) for you to give adequate readings for students to read.
3.2Mechanism to monitor student learning
a.Theassignments and/or exam questions I designed could assure that therequired readingsare actually read. / Strongly
disagree / / Strongly
If your feedback is (3) or below, you may specify the major barrier(s) to assuring if the required readings are read.
b.Feedback has been given to students’ work whenever it seemed beneficial to students learning. / Strongly
disagree / / Strongly
If your feedback is (3) or below, you may specify the major barrier(s) to giving feedback to students work.
3.3Course assessment
a.The assignments (problem sets, projects, term papers etc.) were set to measure the expected learning outcomes. / Strongly
disagree / / Strongly
You may specify, if your wish to, which assignment was set to measure which outcomes.
b. The exam questions are set to measure the expected learning outcomes. / Strongly
disagree / / Strongly
You may specify, if your wish to, which question was set to measure which outcomes.
Part 4: Teacher’s Evaluation of students’ attainment of learningoutcomes
4.1The students’ attainment in the knowledge domain is satisfactory. (e.g. acquisition of factual knowledge, understanding of major theories and methodology, application of concepts to analyze.) / Stronglydisagree / / Strongly
Remarks if any:
4.2The students demonstrate adequate generic skills. (e.g. critical and analytical skill, effective communication, ability to relate the subject matter to real world issues.) / Strongly
disagree / / Strongly
Remarks if any:
4.3The students demonstrate desirable learning attitude.(e.g. open-minded, work independently, work collaboratively, show interest in the course work.) / Strongly
disagree / / Strongly
Remarks if any:
Part 5: Other Feedback and Comments
5.1Do you think the CTE results reflect appropriately your performance in the course?
□No. The reason(s) is (are):
5.2Are there any efforts you have put in the course that you want to draw the reviewers’ attention?
5.3Do you have any plan to improve the delivery of the course? If yes, please give a brief description of your plan.
5.4Other comments or suggestions
(class coordinator in case of team-taught course)
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