Autumn 2Half Term Overview

Title / Theme/ Topic / Learning challenge(s) / Assessment Questions / Hook
Geography-led topic
‘Where do the leaves go to in Winter?’ / LC1: Why are there so many leaves on the ground?
(Geography/Science) / Can children answer some questions using different resources such as books, the internet, and atlases?
Can children answer questions about the weather?
Can children explain what they might wear if they lived in a very hot or cold place?
Can children point out where the equator, North Pole and South Pole are on a globe or atlas?
Can children begin to explain why they would wear different clothes at different times of the year?
Can children answer questions using a weather chart?
Can children make plausible predictions about what the weather may be like later in the day or tomorrow? / Dress up as Mrs Autumn! Children prepare questions to ask me.
LC2: What changes do we see in our countryside with each season?
LC3: How can you create patterns using leaves in the style of William Morris?
LC4: What would you need to do to become the next weather presenter? Reflection: In small groups create a typical weather forecast summary which will be filmed
LC5: Why are so many of the things you enjoy doing dependent on the time of year and weather?
2 / Geography-led topic / Art
/ Music / Computing / PE / SCIENCE / RE
Wk 1 / L.C 1 / Trip to Dunham Massey / Interrelated dimensions of music- pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo / Research different kinds of leaves and which trees they come from / Dynamic balance and agility / Seasonal Changes- Why does it get darker earlier in Winter? Collect different ideas from the class / Learning about why Christians celebrate Christmas- Consider how many people celebrate their birthdays
Wk 2 / L.C 2 / Create a collage with leaves from our trip / Interrelated dimensions of music- pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo / Research William Morris. Who is he and what is he famous for? / Dynamic balance and agility / Choose a favourite season and give reasons why / Talk about why Jesus is so important to Christians
Wk 3 / L.C 3 / Clay tiles with autumn imprints / Listen to Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ and answer questions / Use an art program to create a repeating pattern / Dynamic balance and agility / Dress up in clothes for favourite season / What is celebration seen as in other parts of the world?
Wk 4 / L.C 4 / Clay tiles with autumn imprints / Listen to rhythmical patterns in music. Clap short patterns / Film one another as ‘weather presenters’ / Dynamic balance and agility / Make a mobile: Sun Moon Earth Planets / Sing a Christmas Carol also playing instruments
Wk 5 / L.C 5 / Use different resources to make patterns in the style of William Morris / Use percussion instruments to make warm/cold sounds / Film one another as ‘weather presenters’ / Static balance / Make a mobile: Sun Moon Earth Planets / Find out why Christians send cards and decorate a tree at Christmas
Wk 6 / L. C 6 / Use different resources to make patterns in the style of William Morris / Learn songs to performance level for Christmas play / Edit film and show class / Static balance / Northern and Southern Hemisphere / Revisit -What is celebration seen as in other parts of the world? How do we do things differently and why?
Wk 7 / L.C 7 / Use different resources to make patterns in the style of William Morris / Learn songs to performance level for Christmas play / Edit film and show class / Static balance / Northern and Southern Hemisphere / Retell the story of the Nativity