With your Inner Divinity
offered by Ortrun Franklin
at the Coptic Center
starting May 6th, 2009, 7:00pm
runs for 4 consecutive weeks, $15.00 a session

There is a voice within that does not speak word—listen.”--- Rumi

In Ortrun’s second Meditation series, emphasis will be placed on the Lower and Higher Self; their difference; and that you must first become At-one with the Lower self (subconscious) before tapping into Higher Self (super-conscious). Spiritual Ascension becomes a reality once this remembering occurs.
+ Become aware of how to connect with the Lower and Higher Self
+ Discover outer and inner techniques to achieve Balance + Learn various Meditative techniques to attain Inner Harmony
-Chakra -Chanting -Drumming -Singing Bowls, -Crystals,
-Group Meditation, -etc.
+ Begin Living from the Heart
+ Be At-one with the Creator Within, your I AM Presence
+ Experience Love, Peace and Joy in your Life

Register and make payment on the Contact page of or at the door the evening of the class. Questions, call 616-363-6773 or 616-610-0061.

Ortrun Franklin was ordained as a minister of Coptic Fellowship International in 1978. She is multi talented. Her love of Meditation has guided her to lead opening meditations at numerous conferences in North America and Canada; facilitate, teach and lead workshops. She has recorded numerous meditation/visualization CD’s. Her melodic voice brings about a sense of total Oneness. In addition, she is an Intuitive Divination Reader where intuition lends itself to receiving guidance from the Spirit Realm and divination aids in additional clarity. Her knowledge of Spiritual Counseling, Healing, Numerology, Flower and Oil Essences, plus her numerous years of Metaphysical studies brings new insight and awareness to the participants.

Join us for this enlightening, experiential Workshop Series!!!