
Nowthatyouhavepurchasedthevolunteer medicalinsurancepolicycard, youareguaranteedtobegivenpropermedical care.

If any of the insured events occur,

1. Please call one of the numbers on the back of your plastic card (Registrationdesk) tomakeanappointmentwithan outpatient clinic doctor. Please find the addresses of outpatient clinics in this guide and on the plastic insurance policy card. When at the clinic, you will need the card and any ID available (a passport or a student ID).

Fordoctorhomevisits, please call +7925772 40 68 from 8am till 2pm, or +7 925741 16 27

2. Forambulance, callVNESHEKONOMSTRAKHofficer24/7: +7925772 40 68. Bereadytotellthedoctoryourinsurancepolicynumber, your first and last name, and explain where you are and what happened. Traumacareisavailable 24/7 at: 10 LetOktyabrya 2 , Moscow (close to Sportivnaya metro station) and LeninskyProspekt 8, Moscow (Leninsky Prospekt metro station).

Those who study outside Moscow need to contact the 24/7 VNESHEKONOMSTRAKH insurance operations center: +7800200 16 27 (calls are toll-free from inside Russia).

3. Incaseyouneedhospitaladmission, pleasecallthe 24/7 operationscenter oftheVNESHEKONOMSTRAKH Insurance Company: +7925772 40 68. Bereadytotellthedoctoryourinsurancepolicynumber, your first and last name, and explain where you are and what happened.

4. Incaseofanaccident,youneedtocontactVNESHEKONOMSTRAKH 24/7 operationscenter: +7800200 16 27 (calls are toll-free from inside Russia) or+7 (925)772-40-68 ; +7(925)741-16-27

Allclaimsregardingyourmedicaltreatment, as well asqualityfailures or denial of service, should be settled through the students’ operational service of VNESHEKONOMSTRAKH:

+7800200 16 27 (calls are toll-free from inside Russia) or8(925)772-40-68 ; 8 (925)741-16-27 TWENTY-FOUR-SEVEN

Our call center specialists are ready to answer all your questions.