A. General Information
a) Name - Dr. Chaitra T. R.
b) Date of birth – 26/03/1982
c) Address (Residential) – Campus, Kothiwal Dental College and Research Centre,Moradabad
d) Ph.No. – 09634453045
e) Designation - Reader
f) Department – Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry
g) Area of Specialisation – Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry
h) Date of Appointment
(i) In the Present institution-08/06/2009
(ii) In the present post-08/06/2013
Academic Qualifications: BDS-2000-05 batch RGUHS,Bangalore Karnataka
MDS-2006-09 batch RGUHS,Bangalore Karnataka
i) Honors Conferred: 8th Rank in 4th BDS university examination, RGUHS
1st Rank in MDS(Pedo) university examination, RGUHS
Reviewer for BMJ Casereports, Journal of dental and Allied Sciences, International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry
B. Teaching
a) Classes taught
Class / PeriodsAssigned per week
**L T/P
(1) / Taught in the year
(2) / Steps taken for the teaching of periods missed during absence or leave
j) U.G.
(B.D.S., etc.) / 3 / 8 / Alternative arrangements done
ii) PG
(M.D.S. etc.) / 3 / Clinics / Alternative arrangements done
*(To be filled at the end of every academic year)
**L = Lecture T = Tutorial P = Practical
b) Regularity and Punctuality - Regular and Punctual
c) Details of course teaching plan, synopses of lectures and reading list supplied to students – list attached (Annexure 1)Academic Schedule, (Annexure 2)Lesson Plan, Lecture PPTs in CD
d) Details of participation in the following:
(i) University education – NA
(ii) Internal evaluation – End posting viva of 3rd year BDS , Sessionals
(iii) Paper setting –
(iv) Assessment of home assignments- NA
(v) Conduct of examinations-Invigilation Duties in Sessionals, University examination of UG and PG
(vi) Evaluation of dissertation- NA
C. Details of Innovations / Contribution in teaching during the year:
(i) Design of curriculum: classes, demonstrations and clinical cases/year
(ii) Teaching methods – Lectures using ppt and C&T, Demonstrations, Chair side discussion, Problem Based Learning , Case based learning.
(iii) Evaluation methods – Internal assessment, Viva & Voce ,student’s feed back, Assessment of progress reports of the students
(iv) Preparation of resource material including books, reading materials, laboratory manual, etc. - Laboratory manual has been designed, CDs of the tutorials
(v) Remedial Teaching / Student Counselling (academic): Tutorials and clinical postings for detained students, Mentor for 3rd and 4th year BDS students
D. Improvement of Professional Competence
(a) Details regarding refresher course / orientation attended, workshops, seminars, symposia, etc. including open university courses – Participation in teachers training programme, workshops, CDE programme and Hands On course (Annexure 4)
E. Research Contributions:
a) Number of students (M.D.S.)
At the beginning of the year / Registered during the year / Completed during the yearNA / NA / NA
b) Number of Research Papers Published (please enclose list) – List attached (Annexure 5)
c) Research Projects:
Title of the project / Name of the funding agency / DurationEruption dates of permanent teeth among children of Moradabad, India / Self / 1 year
d) Details of Seminars, Conferences, Symposia organized
e) Patents taken, if any, give a brief description
f) Membership of Professional Bodies, Editorship of Journals, etc.
· Life Member in ISPPD
F. Extension Work / Community Service
a) Please give a short account of your contribution to:
(i) Community work such as values of National integration, secularism, democracy, socialism, humanism, peace, scientific temper, flood or drought relief, small family norms, etc.- Regularly participate in free dental camps
(ii) National Literacy Mission
b) Positions held / Leadership role played in organizations linked with extension work and national Service Scheme (NSS), or NCC or any other similar activity
G. Participation in Corporate Life:
Please give a short account of your contribution to:
a) College/University/Institution- Incharge Scientific Session “Sanchetana”
b) Co-curricular activities / Enrichment of campus life
(hostels, sports, games, cultural activities): Conducting Sports competition for the students
c) Students Welfare and Discipline: Mentor for 3rd and 4th year BDS students
d) Membership/Participation in Bodies/Committees on
Education and National Development:
e. Professional Organizations of Teachers: Life Member in ISPPD No 635
H. Assessment
a) Steps taken by you for the evaluation of the course programme taught: Analysing the feedback from the students
I. General Data
State brief assessment of your performance indicating
(a) Achievements:
· Best poster in ISPPD National Conference Rohtak 2006
· Papers published in international journals
(b) Difficulties faced and
(c) Suggestions for improvement.
(Signature of the teacher)
J. *Verification of actual data
a. General Information
b. Teaching
c. Details of Innovations/ Contribution in Teaching, during the year
d. Improvement of professional competence
e. Research contributions
f. Extension work/ community service
g. Participation in corporate life
(Signature of the Person Authorized*)
*By a person to be nominated by Principal / Vice Chancellor
Annexure 1
Lecture Schedule BDS IIIRD YR 2012-2013
S.NO. / DATE / TOPIC OF LECTURE / TEACHERS NAME / SIGN OF TEACHER / SIGN OF HOD1.. / 20.09.12 / Introduction to Pediatric Dentistry / Dr. Ashish Sinha
2. / 27.09.12 / Difference between primary and permanent teeth / Dr. Ashish Sinha
3. / 04.10.12 / Development of Occlusion / Dr. Ashish Sinha
4. / 11.10.12 / Development of Occlusion / Dr. Ashish Sinha
5. / 18.10.12 / Development of Occlusion / Dr. Ashish Sinha
6. / 25.10.12 / Case based learning / Dr. Ashish Sinha
7. / 01.11.12 / Early Childhood Caries / Dr. Ashish Sinha
8. / 08.11.12 / Early Childhood Caries / Dr. Ashish Sinha
9. / 15.11.12 / Early Childhood Caries / Dr. Ashish Sinha
10. / 22.11.12 / Problem based learning / Dr. Ashish Sinha
11. / 29.11.12 / Pit and Fissure Sealants / Dr. Chaitra TR
12. / 06.12.12 / Development of Dentition / Dr. Chaitra TR
13. / 13.12.12 / Fluorides (History, classification and sources) / Dr. Chaitra TR
14. / 20.12.12 / Fluorides (Mechanism of action) / Dr. Chaitra TR
15. / 03.01.13 / Fluorides (Prenatal Fluorides,Goals of Fluoride administration,WaterFluoridation / Dr. Chaitra TR
16. / 10.01.13 / Problem based learning / Dr. Chaitra TR
17. / 17.01.13 / Fluorides (Mechanism of action, NaF) / Dr. Ashish Sinha
18. / 24.01.13 / Fluorides (SnF2, APF gel) / Dr. Ashish Sinha
19. / 31.01.13 / Fluorides (Varnishes, Dentifrices etc) / Dr. Ashish Sinha
20. / 07.02.13 / Fluorides (Fluoride toxicity) / Dr. Chaitra TR
21. / 14.02.13 / Fluorides(Defluoridation ) / Dr. Chaitra TR
22. / 21.02.13 / Diet Counselling / Dr. Ashish Sinha
23. / 28.02.13 / Infant Oral Health / Dr. Ashish Sinha
Annexure 2
Submitted to Department Library
Annexure 4
Teachers training programme/workshop/CDE programme/ Hands on course
· ISPPD National Conference Rohtak-2006
· ISPPD National Conference Bangalore-2007
· 4th P.G. National Convention- I.S.P.P.D -Chandigarh-2007
· ISPPD National Conference Hyderabad-2008
· ISPPD National Conference Ghaziabad-2009
· ISPPD National Conference Bangkok-2012
· C.D.E on Forensic Odontology- Lucknow 2013
· C.D.E on Recent Advances in Endodontics 2013
Annexure 4
Paper Published
Publications in international journals
1. Prevalence of traumatic dental injuries to permanent incisors among 12 –yrs old school Children in Davangere, South India. The Chinese J Dent Res. 2010:13(1); 57-60
2. Micro leakage and SEM analysis of flowable resin used as sealant following three fissurepreparation techniques- An in vitro study. J ClinPaedr Dent. Spring 2011; 35(3): 277-282.
3. Self-Etching Adhesive on Intact Enamel, With and Without Pre-Etching.Microscopy Research and Technique 2012;75:650-54
4. Effect of consuming different dairy products on calcium, phosphorus and pH levels of human dental plaque: a comparative study. Euro Arch Paediatr Dent. 2012 Jun;13(3):144-8.
5. Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma: Dilemma in Diagnosis. BMJ Case Reports 2012; doi:10.1136/bcr.12.2011.5452
6. Idiopathic Proliferative VerrucousLeukoplakia: Report of A Clinical Rarity. BMJ Case Reports 2012; doi:10.1136/bcr-2012-006194
7. Comparative evaluation of effects of chemo-mechanical and conventional caries removal on dentinal morphology and its bonding characteristics – An SEM study, EurArchsPaediatr Dent 2012;13(4):179-184
8. Mandibular talon’s cusp. BMJ Case Reports 2012;10.1136/bcr-2012-006437
9. “Hormonal Effect on Gingiva: Pubertal Gingivitis" BMJ Case Reports 2012;doi:10.1136/bcr.2012.006193
10. "Initial Expression of the Papillon-Lefèvre Syndrome in Consanguine Family" BMJ Case Reports2012;doi:10.1136/bcr-2012-006313
11. "Congenitally missing primary mandibular lateral incisors: A Case of rare occurrence" BMJ Case Reports 2012;doi:10.1136/bcr-2012-006472
12. Anodontia of permanent teeth – A case report. Pakistan Oral And Dental Journal. Vol30, No 1 (June 2010)Pg No.115-118.
13. Juvenile oral Lichen Planus: A clinical Rarity.BMJ Case Reports 2012. doi:10.1136/bcr-2012-006192
14. Oral squamous papilloma: report of a clinical rarity.BMJ Case Reports 2013. doi:10.1136/bcr-2012-007708
15. Sequelae of dental trauma: the malformed tooth. BMJ Case Reports 2013. doi:10.1136/bcr-2012-007845
16. Angioneuroticedema: report of two cases. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences.2012;11(4):505-08
17. In vivo dental plaque pH after consumption of dairy products. General Dentistry. may/june 2013:vol 61:No 3,56-60.
18. Attitudes of s………………….. Smoking cessation
Publications in national journal
1. Effect of saliva contamination and different decontamination modes on enamel bond strength during bonding with single bottle adhesive. U.P.State Dental Journal, January 2010:.vol 28; 39-43.
2. Dentistry in News: An Analysis Of Newspapers And Magazines In Uttar Pradesh. Journal Of The Indian Association Of Public Health Dentistry Vol: 2011 issue 18 SupplIII . 925-927
3. Surgical Management of Mucocele: A Case Report Chronicles of Dental Research 2012;vol1(1):31-3
4. Flowable resin used as a sealant in molars using conventional, enameloplasty and fissurotomy techniques: An invitro study. J Indian SocPedodPrev Dent 2010:28(3); 145-150
5. Mother’s knowledge about pre-school child’s oral health. J Indian socPedodPrev Dent.2010;28(4):282-87
6. Strategies for periodontal ligament cell viability: An Overview. Jol of Conservative Dent 2011(4):215-220
7. Platelet rich plasma and bone graft for rehabilitation of luxation injuries to permanent incisors. Journal of Advanced Dental Research 2011;2(2):41-4
8. Latest Developments in Non-Fluoridated Remineralizing Technologies. J Indian SocPedodPrev Dent 2012;30:2-6
9. Self-etch adhesive on intact enamel. J Indian SocPedodPrev Dent 2012;30(2):133-38
10. Supplemental Primary tooth: An Early Assessment and Management. Chronicles of Dental Research 2012/ volume 1/ Issue 02