Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada

2013 Dare Foods Limited National Scholarship

For registered Members of Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada

The National Scholarship Program is one of the ways that Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada (GGC) recognizes Members who embody the Mission and Values of the organization. This program supports Members to remain in Guiding while they pursue their education/training at a recognized post-secondary institution.


  1. Applicants must be currently registered Members.
  1. This scholarship is conditional on acceptance or continuation in a full-time program at a recognized post-secondary institution.
  2. Recognized post-secondary institutions include universities, colleges and vocational schools where high school completion is the normal entrance requirement (unless entering as an adult student).
  1. Scholarship recipients are expected to make reasonable efforts to continue their involvement in Guiding.
  1. Due to the number of applicants, materials submitted as part of the application process (e.g. essays, transcripts, etc.) cannot be returned.
  1. Scholarship recipients will be informed in June and unsuccessful applicants will be notified in July.
  1. Successful scholarship recipients must agree to be profiled in GGC and GGC donor related promotional materials, such as news releases, Canadian Guider articles, and on in order to help promote Guiding and our scholarship program. All applicant submissions will be retained by GGC for use in promotional materials.
  1. While Members can apply for more than one GGC scholarship (e.g. Dr. Roberta Bondar Scholarship, Col. Karen Ritchie Scholarship, etc.), they will only be awarded one scholarship. In addition, while former recipients will not be awarded another scholarship, unsuccessful applicants can apply every year, until they receive a scholarship.

NOTE: Faxed and e-mailed applications will not be accepted
Application forms are available online at
Review the 2013 Scholarship Application Guide
Contact the Scholarship Administrator at

Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada

2013 Dare Foods Limited National Scholarship


  • Type your application using an Arial size 12 font (please do not hand write).
  • Do not attach additional pages. They will not be read.
  • Take your time. Complete ALL sections.
  • Provide specific examples. Screeners can only give you points for the information you include in your application. Use your space wisely. Limit your answers to the space provided.
  • Remember that the screeners are from across Canada and may not be familiar with local and regional activities, camps and events in which you participated. You may need to provide a short explanation and/or define acronyms.
  • What are we looking for in your Personal Guiding Impact Statements?
  • This is where you can let us know what being a Member has meant to you. We are looking for honesty and your personal connection to Guiding.
  • Elaborate on or describe (points are awarded for each of these):
  • The role that Guiding has played in your life.
  • How Guiding has assisted with your personal growth.
  • What Guiding has offered that you couldn’t find anywhere else.
  • How others have positively benefited from your Guiding knowledge and experiences.
  • What receiving this scholarship will mean to you.
  • Note: Please provide examples wherever you can.
  • Make a draft of your Personal Guiding Impact Statements early and keep on editing it until you are satisfied.
  • Before mailing in your application package, ensure that you have done the following:
  • Used the current year’s application form.
  • Proofread your application including spelling and grammar. Points can be deducted for poor presentation.
  • Have someone else proofread your application and offer feedback.
  • Signed your application form.
  • Included your transcript(s).
  • Applicants will be evaluated in five areas, for a total of 60 points, as follows:

Grades/Marks / 5pts
Activities Outside Guiding / 5pts
Guiding Participation/History (marks will be given for Guiding accomplishments and or level of engagement in Guiding) / 25pts
Personal Guiding Impact Statements / 20pts
Overall Application (marks will be given for proper spelling/grammar and the ability to follow instructions) / 5pts

The application form follows on the next four pages

We protect and respect your privacy. Your personal information is used only for the purposes stated on or indicated by the form. For complete details, see our Privacy Statement at or contact your provincial or national office.

Revised September 2012 (replaces form dated August 2011)

Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada

2013 Dare Foods Limited National Scholarship

Application Form

Only the current 2013 Application Form will be accepted.

Scholarship Administrator
Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada
50 Merton St, Toronto, ON M4S 1A3 Canada
Frist Name: / Last Name:
Membership (iMIS)# : / E-mail Address:
Home Tel #: / Tel # (Alternative):
Birth date (Month/Day/Year i.e. March / 25/1980 ):
Month: Day: Year:
Mailing Address (Street, City. Province and Postal Code):
  1. Please list the name of the post-secondary school and program that you are enrolled in/enrolling in:
a. School Name:
b. Program Name:
  1. Please select the year that you are entering/enrolling in:
1st Year Undergrad (college/university)
2nd Year Undergrad (college/university)
3rd Year Undergrad (college/university)
4th Year Undergrad (college/university)
5th Year Undergrad (college/university)
Post Grad
  1. If you are enrolling for the first time in this program, please note your enrolment date.
Month: Day: Year:
  1. Please list all diplomas/degrees that you have already achieved.

C) GRADES/MARKS: (Total Points: 5)
Note: Please limit your answers to the space provided.
  1. Please note your most recent program average here (obtained prior to April 1, 2013).

  1. If you are a student returning to school after an extended absence please note that here.

  1. Please attach your most recent school transcript (obtained prior to April 1, 2013) to this application form. Note: If you are applying for more than one scholarship, please make photocopies of your original transcript, and attach a photocopy to each additional scholarship application form.

Note: Please limit your answers to the space provided. Also, to answer questions in this section, you can use either a sentence or bulleted format.
  1. Please list your current employment position/s, indicating employment duration and average hours worked per week. If you are not employed, please explain why. (0 points)

  1. Please list any hobbies or interests that you do or participate in outside of Guiding. Explain how these hobbies or interests positively impact or shape your life. (2 points)

  1. Please list any school or community service/volunteer activities that you do or participate in outside of Guiding. Explain how these activities positively impact or shape your life or the life of those you come in contact with. (3 points)

Note: Please limit your answers to the space provided. Also, to answer questions in this section, you can use either a sentence or bulleted format.
  1. Please select all the Guiding Branches that you have completed or participated in. (5 Points)
Jr Leader
I did not complete any Guiding branches, I joined as an adult Member
  1. Please select all the Guiding Member Groups that you have joined or participated in. (5 Points)
Trefoil Guild
  1. Please list any past or current Guiding Positions that you have held (Unit Guider, Area Commissioner etc.), listing the dates you held them and the hours served per year for each position. (5 Points)

  1. Please list any Guiding event/service/volunteer activities (beyond your normal/required Guiding involvement) that you have helped to plan or support (listing dates and hours served per year). (5 Points)

  1. Please list any notable Guiding recognition or awards achieved (beyond the normal recognition or awards given for completing each branch level). (5 Points)

Note: Please limit your answers to the space provided. Also, to answer questions in this section, please DO NOT use a bulleted format. The following are short essay questions, as such please answer each question using paragraphs and complete sentences.
  1. Please explain what you have personally taken away from being in Guiding and in what way this has impacted your life or those around you. Please review the instructions section of this application for tips on how to complete this question. (10 Points)

  1. Please explain why you deserve this scholarship and what getting this scholarship will mean to you. Please review the instructions section of this application for tips on how to complete this question.(10 points)

I learned about and/or received information about this scholarship from:
School Previous scholarship recipient A Guider Facebook Twitter
Google search GGC e-mail GGC e-newsletter GGC website
Provincial website Provincial newsletter Canadian Guider Other:

By signing below, I attest that I have read, understand and agree with the application criteria and that the information that I have provided above is both accurate and true. Unsigned applications will not be considered.

Applicant’s signature: Date:

We protect and respect your privacy. Your personal information is used only for the purposes stated on or indicated by the form. For complete details, see our Privacy Statement at or contact your provincial or national office.

Revised September 2012 (replaces form dated August 2011)