U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Whittier Flotilla
BP Building
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
5:32 PM
Adams, Buck
Bararick, Deanna
Barker, Claude
Bender, Doris
Bergman, Ross
Blaker, Ross
Bronfman, Dave
Browne, Vincent
Brubaker, Dave
Brubaker, Tommie
Bury, John
Cates, Jr. Paul
Chase, Jim
Chase, Yvonne
Combs, Kevin
Condy, Sylvia
Cooper, Ellen
Cooper, Mel
Cutting, Larry
De Ley, Rae
Denmark, Pete
Dygas, Joe
Ewing, Tim
Friesen, Sara C.
Frost, Will
Hallinan, John
Hallinan, Mary
Harris, Connie
Harris, Jack
Harvey, Nancy
Harvey, Bob
Hillegeist, Sheila
Hillegeist Tony
Holzheimer, Jean
Holzheimer, Bill
Ivey, Tj
Johnson, Amber
Jones, Charlotte
Jones, Lou
Jones, Steve
Kane, Tom
Kindricks, Bethany
Koliadko, Joe
Krebs, Paula
Lord, Rich
Love, Tom
Lyday, Kathy
Lyday, Russ
Mann, Aaron
Masterson, Ashey
Masterson, Tommy
Messick, Jennifer
Moore, Barry
Moore, Gale
Morris, Bill
Moyer, Tim
Mulcahy, Peter
Murphy, Mary
Murphy, Sig
Nelson, Wendell
O’banion. Lori
O’banion, Todd
Orella, John
Pallister, Chris
Parker, Judi
Parmelee, Katie
Parmelee, Mark
Price, Chuck
Reiter, William
Renke, Bob
Rivers, Bill
Sanders, Bob
Sanders, Barbara
Sands, Ron
Shogren, Linda
Shogren, Suanne
Sipes, Jimmy
Sipes, Mary
Smith, Glenn
Southard, Mary
Sparenga, Rick
Sterling, Cathey
Sterling, Stewart
Stoddard, Roy
Stoddard, Terry
Tileston, Jules
Tileston, Peg
Tovsen, Joan
Ward, Bob
Whitehurst, Kirk
Whitney, John
Whitney, Sue
Widtfeldt, Skip
Woodruff, Wood
Woolard, Craig
Warner, Dan
Wagner Kriss
Warner, Loren
Welsh, Lance
White, Sharon
Whitehurst, Kirk
Whitney, John
Whitney, Sue
Widtfeldt, Skip
Woodruff, Wood
Woolard, Craig
Woolard, Lisa
Wright, Larry
The meeting was called to order by Flotilla Commander Tom Kane, at 1732, in the BP cafeteria, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Guests:Carl Bud Gothann, Gil Kryschwitz, Kris Selman, Ensign Ali Ferco
Secretarial Report:The minutes of the May 13, 2009regular meeting were approved after corrections of adding Russ and Kathy Lyday to the Attendance Roster,Sig Murphy’s title of District Captain, and correct the spelling for the facility Balaena. A motion was made by Kathy Lyday and seconded by Russ Lyday and approvedunanimously.
FC – Tom Kane
Tom gave an update on Mary’s condition after her accident.
Looking for volunteers to do clerical work at DimondCenter for the RegionalExamCenter, 2nd floor. Trident credit hours apply.
Tom announced that Russ and Kathy Lyday would like to budget more money for the repairs of the caboose. Discussion followed and a motion was made to increase the budget up to a total of $2000.00 for repairs, money to come from education fund. A motion was made by Tom Kane and seconded by Dave Brubaker: it carried.
Tom Introduced Ensign Allison Ferko, Response Officer for Anchorage, she described some of her duties such as law enforcement and auxiliary liaison. She is looking for volunteers to help with poms.
FSO-FN – Terry Stoddard
We had very little activity and return quit a bit of items from caboose cookout back to Sam’s Club and received a gift card to be used on other expenses.
A motion was made by Sylvia Condy to accept the Financial Report, seconded byPaula Krebs: it carried.
Flotilla Staff Officers Reports: Flotilla Commander Tom Kane called for reports.
FSO- OP---Russ Lyday
June 5, 6, & 7 is our training weekend. Russ explained how the training weekend works to our new members, including the Social on Saturday evening. Russ needs to know who will participate. If you need a QE submit it (form on D17 webpage) to Tom so he can request for a QE. Are you bringing a boat? Do you need a ride? Can you provide transportation or room for sleeping? Focus is on Qualifications and QE’s.
FSO-IS---Bob Harvey
Announced that John Whitney’s father died this week and that John and Sue will not be here this week.
FSO-VE---Bob Renke
More Vessel Exam stickers should be here next week. VE’s need to send in reports of Ve’s performed.
FSO-AN---Paula Krebs
Needs us to check out Atons for missing parts or damaged. She asked for volunteers and assigned Atons to Auxiliarists to check these out. Fill out Coast Guard Auxiliary form only if there are Atons with issues to report.
FSO-PA – Sylvia Condy
PA Event ----Card board Regatta at Goose Lake July 24th, 12 to 5, needs volunteers
PA Event---- Kids fishing Derby on July 11, 8 to 12, needs volunteers to hand out whistles.
There is a shipwreck presentation at the museum tomorrow at 7:00pm given by James Del Gotto. This event is free.
Awards: Congratulationsto the following!!!!
Yvonne and Jim Chase received a 25 year member award
Bill Reiter--- Public AffairsCertificate of Achievement, Annual Service Operations 108 hour’sof surface operations
Bill Reiter –sworn in as FSO–CM Appointment
Pete Mulcahy—sworn in as a new member
Service Awards:
Jean Holzheimer - 5 years
Bill Holzheimer – 5 years
Kevin Combs – 5 years
Mary Southard – 5 years
Mary Murphy – 5 years
Division Commander – Dave Brubaker
Whittier Update:
Whittier has a new flag that will be displayed on 4th of July. It has an eagle on it.
There will be a 4th of July Parade in Whittier this year and we were asked to participate in it.
Safeboat 612 will go to Valdez on June 18th & 19th for STAN’sinspections.
Chief Barker with Bill Frost organized maintenance on the safe boat including oil change.
May 24, the CGAUX saved two lives, one heart attack victim on the Spirit of Columbia, and about 9:30pma person who was kayaking was in the water in WhittierHarbor.
EmeraldSea has a new skipper—Tom Kane!!!!
We need volunteers to stand watch in the caboose. The cruise ships are in Whittier on Saturdays and Mondays and bring many visitors that stop by the caboose.
DSO-Roy Stoddard
Cookout at caboose on July 10 and 11.
Pickup PPE’s at Roy’s car after meeting.
DCAPT--- Sig Murphy
Last summer Prince William Soundhad a fishing contest and Bill Reiter was the winner with the largest halibut. Congratulations to Bill!!!
Linda and Sig need speakers to volunteer for different public events.
Operations – we have a new OTO and DIraux.
Reminder the most important thing about operations is to “Be safe and have fun!”
New Business
I need to bring copies of minutes for new members and visitors.
Will Frost can donate a refrigerator for the caboose.
We cannot prop the door open while we are having a meeting at BP Building.
Larry Cutting was asked by BP if we could have a boat to be displayed at the BP summer picnic on June 26. Also Coastie was invited to this event. Tom will haul Coastie to this event. We need someone to operate Coastie.
The meeting was adjourned at 1856; by a motion from Larry Cutting, seconded by Sylvia Condy
and carried unanimously.
Fellowship to follow at Lone Star Steak House