Amnesty International European Institutions Office
Please read carefully about our applicationprocess on pages 7-8, before filling in the form.
WHICH TRAINEESHIP POSITION are you applying for?---CFSP and External RelationsJustice and Home AffairsPublic Relations and MediaHuman Rights in the EU
Title: Mr/Mrs/Ms / Address
Dateof Birth / Telephone
Nationality / E-mail
Do you have the right to work in Belgium ? YES/NO
General education (Secondary school/s)
Name and address of school / From/to / Qualifications and grades obtainedFurther/higher education
Title of your thesis (if applicable):
Name and addressof college/university / From/to / Full/
part-time / Qualifications and grades obtained / Courses attended that are relevant to the job
2. Present and previous occupations/internships
Do you have work experience (traineeship/employment) with the EU institutions? YES/NO
Employer's name and address (please start with current/most recent employer) / From/to(month/year) / Position held. Pleaseinclude a brief description of your duties
3. Other relevant experience and skills
Name of organisation, project etc. / Knowledge, skills, experiences acquired / From/to4. Languages
Please specify your skills in a range of 1 to 4 (4 is the highest = excellent fluency).
Language / Speaking / Understanding / WritingEnglish
We must receive satisfactory references before we can offer you a trainee position. Please givethe names, addresses and telephone numbers of two referees, one of whom should be your present or most recent supervisor.
a)...... Name
Telephone number
Whatisyour connection with this referee?
b) ...... Name
Telephone number
What is your connection with this referee?
6. Why do you want to work with us?
Please explain below how your experience qualifies you for working with Amnesty International in the area you have chosen and what you expect to gain from the traineeship.
Your answer should be no longer than this page.
Information on application process
Please read the information on this application formcarefully and ensure that your repliesfocus on the position you’re applying for.
We shortlist candidates solely on the basis of the information you supply here. So it is in your interest to provide all the information relevant to the position in a clear and easily understood format. Please complete the form and return it to us by e-mail, to.
The selection process
Owing to the large number of candidates who contact us, we unfortunately cannot respond to individual enquiries or provide individual confirmations of receipt. However, you will receive an automatic response to confirm that your e-mail has been received.
We consider only applications on the form provided which are submitted on or before the deadline specified in the advertisement. When you fill in the form, be as clear and as concise as possible. Our first step is to screen all applications to create a long list. Our executive officers will decide on the short list. At this point we shall consider your reasons for wanting to work with us. We shall then tell you if you have been chosen for interview. Candidates who have been chosen for interview will be notified on April 3. We regret that we cannot respond individually to applicants who have not been shortlisted.
Please provide your contact details for the period running up to the interviews. If you are shortlisted, you will be interviewed either by a panel or the individual executive officer. We may ask successful candidates to complete a pre-interview task. The interview may also be followed by a short written exercise.
Interviews with Belgium-based candidates will be held in our Brussels office. If you live outside Belgium we will interview you by phone. We do not reimburse travel costs associated with attending an interview.
We shall treat all information you provide on the application form in confidence.
- We can only consider applicants who are entitled to work in Belgium. Should you be interviewed, it is expected that you can demonstrate your right to work in Belgium.
- If you are among the final candidates considered we may contact your referees. Please ensure you seek their consent at the latest when you are invited for interview
- We want to ensure ourrecruitment process is accessible to applicants with disabilities, so if you would like us to make any arrangements please let us know
- Amnesty International is an equal opportunity employer. We select staff strictly on candidates’ suitability for the job, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or national origin, disability, religious beliefs, age, sexual orientation or gender identity
- To ensure our selection process is fair, we only consider application forms. Please do not attach a CV
- Please answer all the questions
- Extend the tables if you don’t have enough room for your answers but please keep to the word limit indicated
- Our working language is English. You should complete the application in English. Interviews will be heldin English. Other European languages are an important asset.While we insist on an excellent level of English, your nationality and native speaker status willnot influence our decision.
Once completed, please return this form by e-mail to:
We do not accept applications sent by fax or CVs.
Good luck!