GDSE 620 Fall 2017
Inclusive Education
Instructor: Pamela CameronE-mail:
Class Schedule: September 9 – October 28, 2017
Modules: Accessibility Dates / Module Assignments Due*Module 1: September 9 / September 18
Module 2: September 16 / September 25
Module 3: September 23 / October 2
Module 4: September 30 / October 9
Module 5: October 7 / October 16
Final Assignment Due date: on or before / October 28
*Although weekly assignments and the final assignment may be submitted before the due dates listed, the instructor will typically be marking on the Tuesday and Wednesday of each week.
An exploration of issues related to teaching students with diverse needs. Topics include the learning needs of students in the low- and high- incidence ranges, the roles and responsibilities of the special education teacher, provincial policies and procedures, and models to support students in inclusive classrooms.
This course provides the opportunity to develop the following outcomes through readings and participation in-class activities.
Students will…
1. Become familiar with current policies related to inclusive education for exceptional students in Canada, and with legal rights and responsibilities relevant to the work of teachers as specified in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
2. Develop an understanding of the incidence and prevalence of exceptional and special needs children in Canada and the implications for provision of effective instruction for all children in the classroom.
3. Understand the designations for students with special needs and the procedures for accessing resources to support those students.
4. Become familiar with Ministry of Education standards and procedures for the development of Individual Educational Plans and services for students with special needs.
5. Describe the role of the special education teacher in the development of Individual Educational Plans for students with special needs as he/she participates in the work of school-based teams developing appropriate classroom assessment and teaching strategies.
6. Become familiar with various types of assessment tools that are available and specifically used to assess students with exceptional and special needs and the use of those tools to guide planning for effective teaching and learning.
7. Identify learning characteristics of students with special needs.
8. Develop Individual Educational Plans for students with special needs that will foster success through classroom adaptations, modifications and extensions.
9. Develop a repertoire of strategies designed to support the learning needs of students with special needs.
11. Identify strategies to foster self-wellness for teachers working with frustrating, frustrated students.
12. Discuss the importance of working together with parents in order to best support students.
- Various readings on the website
- Reithaug, D. (1998)Orchestrating Academic Success by Adapting and Modifying Programs. Stirling Head Enterprises, North Vancouver. ISBN 0-9694974-2-3 (This book will be available for purchase by contacting the author, Dawn Reithaug at (604)926-4714 or email ) It is also available in many school district resource centres.
- Florian, L.(Ed)(2007) The Sage Handbook of Special Education, Sage Publications Ltd., London, ISBN 10-1-4129-0728-4.
- Garner B.K. (2007) Getting to Got it! Helping Struggling Students Learn How to Learn, Corwin Press, Alexandria, VA ISBN 978-1-4166-0608-6
- Pierangelo, Roger (2003) The Special Educator’s Book of Lists, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., San Francisco, CA ISBN 0-7879-6593-6
- Brownlie, F., Feniak, C. & Schnellert, L. (2006) Student Diversity: Classroom Strategies to meet the learning needs of all students, Pembroke Publishers, Toronto. ISBN 1-55138-198-2
Description of Course
This class will present an overview of Ministry of Education policies and procedures and guidelines. It will include information presented by the instructor and by participants, videos, activities and online discussionson how to support students with special needs in the inclusive classroom.
Course Evaluation
25% - Completion of assigned readings and required submissions and participation in class activities **
25% - Exceptionality Reviews: Individual overviews of high and low incidence categories of designated students with special needs according to Ministry of Education guidelines (requirements included in each module)
50% - Assessment and Intervention Plan - Due on or before October 28.
**This course will involve a variety of activities designed to invite participants into the subject of special education. Students are expected to participate in assigned activities and online class discussions. Although all comments / discussions will be read by the instructor, they will not necessarily be commented on by the instructor. Individual questions or comments may be sent to the instructor via email at .
Final Written Assignment: Assessment and Intervention Plan: 6 pages maximum
Due: On or before October 28, 2017
I. Identify a student that you are currently working with, or a fictional character with an exceptionality and develop an assessment/intervention plan.
II. Identify exceptionality: Provide a brief description of the key components/identifiers of this particular condition
III. Provide some background information about the student - include information such as family background, any medical conditions, any information that you feel is relevant
IV. Assessment: Provide an overview of the strengths and challenges faced by the student
V. Current Effective Strategies: Identify what is currently working well in regards to interventions
VI. Intervention Planning: Identify 3 goals and a maximum of3 measurableobjectivesfor each goal.
VII. Strategies: identify strategies that you will need to meet the objective (identify modifications/adaptations as well as direct teaching strategies), list who will be responsible for teaching strategies and how student progress will be evaluated
VIII. Identify the members of the team that will work with the students
IX. Provide a brief reflection of the process –What did you learn? How did it help you to see the student differently? What challenges did you encounter?
Minimum criteria for evaluation:
evidence of, and understanding of relevant background information is included,
learning strengths and challenges are comprehensive,
current effective interventions are identified,
appropriate environmental changes described,
(3) goal areas and3 objectives for each goal& strategiesthat support each objective are clearly stated and relevant (related to the assessment part) and method of evaluation for each goal,
Identification of personnel involved,
Personal reflection of the process
Overall organization and presentation.
Late assignments: Module submissions are due by the listed dates. The Assessment and Intervention Plan is due by October 28, 2017. NO assignments will be accepted after these dates!Intervention Plans will be marked as quickly as possible after receiving them. CREDITS will be forwarded to Registration when all modules and Intervention Plans are marked.
Plagiarism: Students are expected to present their own work, and when using the ideas and work of others, they are expected to give credit to these. Work presented without acknowledging sources will not be accepted as a complete assignment, thus receiving a failing mark.
Passing assignments: Students must PASS every assignment in order to receive CREDIT for this course. (B+ is the minimal required level in order to pass this course).
Outline, EDTE 620 Introduction to Special Education.
Teacher Post Degree Diploma in Special Education, Vancouver Island University