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Contact:Nip Neidert
Neidert Associates
Today’s Missouri Farmers are Reading Today’s FarmerMagazine
(Columbia, MO, October24, 2005) Over 70 percent of Missouri’s farmers recall receiving Today’s Farmer, published by MFA Incorporated, according to the 2005 Ag Media Research Readership Study. That’s more than Successful Farming, Farm Journal or Missouri Ruralist, according to the study. Ron Claussen, Ag Media Research, says, “The high response number of producers indicates a very high actual readership level for Today’s Farmer magazine.” (todays-farmer-claussen) (:06)
Today’s Farmer is an award-winning magazine with over 37,000 subscribers - the largest circulationof any farm magazine in Missouri. What makes Today’s Farmerso attractive to farmers is that it’swritten in Missouriabout farming in this region. According to magazine editor, Chuck Lay, “It’s very important that our advertisers know that Today’s Farmer magazine subscribers are hand picked by our cooperative managers and they represent the largest and most active producers in our region.” (todays-farmer-lay) (:10)
“76% of those surveyed rate Today’s Farmer parent company, MFA Incorporated, as a progressive company working to meet the needs of our state’s farmers,” according to Nip Neidert, Neidert Associates. “The partnership between MFA and Today’s Farmer takes our sponsors’products direct from the pages of the magazine to the counter tops of co-ops throughout the region.” (todays-farmer-neidert) (:18)
Satisfied advertising customers of Today’s Farmer say it is a great way to reach the farmers and ranchers of Missouri and surrounding areas:
“Today’s Farmer magazine offers Bayer CropSciences more than the typical farm magazine…they know our growers.” Greg Young, Bayer CropSciences (todays-farmer-young) (:09)
“We have chosen the Today’s Farmer magazine to deliver our annual report because we are confident they are reaching our top growers and they know Missouri agriculture.” GaryMarshall, Missouri Corn Grower Association (todays-farmer-marshall) (:08)
“Today’s Farmer is more than a communications channel for us, it represents a valuable beef industry partnership.” Steve Taylor, Missouri Beef Industry Council (todays-farmer-taylor) (:06)
“We depend on Today’s Farmer magazine to help us reach Missouri’s top producers.” Amy Wieberg, Missouri Farm Credit Services (todays-farmer-wieberg) (:07)
If you’d like to find out the rest of the story on Today’s Farmer and what the latest research has to say please contact Nip Neidert at 573-230-3806 or email: .
Study sample provided by Farm Market ID.
View some recent magazine covers (jpeg files):
Today’s Farmer March Issue
Today’s Farmer June/July Issue
Today’s Farmer October Issue
Today’s Farmer is owned & published by MFA Incorporated, 201 Ray Young Dr., Columbia, MO65201, (573) 874-5111. Sales representation provided by Neidert Associates, 3701 Fairway Dr., Jefferson City, MO 65109, 573-230-3806.
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