In compliance with the Privacy Act, we require your consent for your treating doctor/s to us the information provided on this form. This and additional information may be provided to other doctors and/or specialists when requesting x-rays, pathology tests, referrals etc. Patient information will not be released to family members without the patient’s signed/written consent. Due to Medico-Legal reasons, doctors in this practice will notdiscuss test results over the phone. It is your responsibility to arrange a follow-up appointment for discussion of your results.

You must present your Medicare Card/Medicare Receipt and any health care/Centrelink concession cards to reception prior to all of your appointments. Failure to produce a current Medicare Card may result in a fee for your consultation.

Patients will be seen in the following order: (1) Those with an emergency (as determined by Top Health staff/doctors), (2) those with an appointment, (3) and those without an appointment. Given the unpredictable nature of emergencies and patient consultations, appointments are not guaranteed to run on time.

Should you decide to seek treatment elsewhere, you may request copies of your notes to be transferred. Please note, there is a $25.00 (+GST) transfer fee in order to cover costs for photocopying and postage and handling (registered mail only).


Title: ______Given Name:______Surname: ______

Preferred AKA:______D.O.B. _____/_____/______Gender: Male  Female

Address: ______Suburb:______Postcode: ______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______Mobile:______

Email Address: ______

Occupation: ______Marital Status: ______

Country of Birth: ______Ethnic Background: ______

Are you aboriginal? Yes No Are you Torres Strait Islander? Yes No Registered for Closing the Gap Program? Yes No

Medicare No: ______Reference No(the number before your name):___ Expiry Date: __ __ / ______

Healthcare/Concession Card(Please circle): ______Expiry Date: __ __ /__ __ / ______

DVA No: ______Colour : Gold  White 

Next of Kin Contact: Given name: ______Surname: ______

Next of Kin Contact No: Home:______Mobile: ______Relationship: ______

Emergency Contact: Given Name: ______Surname: ______

Emergency Contact No: Home:______Mobile): ______Relationship:______

Do you drink alcohol? Yes  No  How Much ______daily/weekly/monthly/socially

Do you smoke? Yes No How Many ______daily/weekly/ monthly/socially

What are you allergic to (including reactions): ______

Please list any current medications (including over the counter medicine and vitamins): ______


Social History: (including any sports, hobbies and other interests): ______

How did you hear about this practice?

Google / Instagram / Chemist / Yellow Pages
Yahoo / Passing by / Street Signage / White Pages
Facebook / Word of Mouth / Other Medical Centre: / Others:

Patient Medical History: Please list any current or past medical conditions or operations

Condition / Yes / No / Condition / Yes / No / Operation / Yes / No / Others
Asthma / Heart Disease / Skin Cancer
Diabetes / Heart Attack / Appendix
Blood Pressure / Stroke / Gallbladder
Cancer (Type) / Bleeding Disorder / Orthopaedic

Family Medical History: Please list any of the following conditions in your family

Condition / Yes / No / Who / Condition / Yes / No / Who / Others
Heart Disease/Attack / Bleeding Disorder
Stroke / Cancer (Type)
Diabetes / Psychiatric
Breathing Problems / Genetic Disorde:(Type)

This practice has a recall & reminder system, we also participate in the National & State reminder systems eg: pap smear & Australian Childhood Immunisation Register.

Do you want to participate? Yes  No

Do you wish to participate on communication via SMS? Yes  No 

Do you wish to participate in the E Health (electronic health record) Scheme? Yes  No 

All appointments at this practice require 1.5 hours notice of cancellation. Otherwise there will be a $50 non-attendance fee payable. Cancelling appointments that you cannot make allows time for other patients who need to see a Doctor. We thank you for your cooperation.

I acknowledge I have agreethe policy regarding appointment cancellations. Yes  No 

Signature of Patient or Guardian: ______Date: __ __ / __ __ / ______


Patient Privacy Information: To provide a high standard of medical care, we need to collect personal information from our patients. This information is usually collected from the patient, but may be collected from family and other health care providers with the patient’s consent. At times, some of this information needs to be shared with other health care providers or we may be legally bound to disclose personal information. From time to time, your consult may include the presence of a medical student or GP registrar as our doctors are actively engaged in teaching training doctors. All persons accessing your personal health information, are bound by confidentiality. Please do not hesitate to discuss any concerns, questions or complaints about any issues related to your privacy of your personal information with your doctor.

Thank you for your time taken to complete the Patient Form.

Please bring it with you to your appointment.
