(Please circle one)
Please select one of the following:
Clinical Nurse Consultant in Neonatology
Clinical Nurse Specialist (Advanced Neonatal Practice)
or Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
2012 - 2013
Serial NumberDate of CPU
Patient’s MRN & Addressograph
Patient’s relevant history and clinical findings
Indication for CPU
Findings of CPU
Supervised by
Supervisor’s Comments
Supervisor’s Signature & Date.
This is to certify that,………………………….,
hassatisfactorily completed the LOG BOOK requirements for theBasic CAHPUcourse in Neonatology with recommended duration of training.
He/she has completed the required scans under my direct supervision at ………………………Hospital.
Signed by:
This is to certify that,………………………….,
hassatisfactorily completed the LOG BOOK requirements for the Advanced CAHPU course in Neonatology with recommended duration of training.
He/she has completed the required scans under my direct supervision at ……………………… Hospital.
Signed by:
Learning Goals1. / Understand and appreciate the needs of an infant during scanning
2. / Understand and appreciate the infection risks of scanning
3. / Understand and appreciate the optimal choice of probes and settings for neonatal scanning
4. / Demonstrate an understanding of the normal anatomical structure of the heart as it relates to the standard echocardiographic windows
5. / Competently perform 2D imaging of the neonatal heart using the parasternal long axis, short axis, high parasternal ductal/arch view, apical and subcostal echocardiographic windows
6. / Use of M mode to measure the LA:Ao ratio and assess left ventricular contractility
7. / Use of pulsed wave Doppler and colour Doppler as to demonstrate normal blood velocities across heart valves and through the outflow tracts.
8. / Understand the common conventions of cardiac scanning and competently
record a series of images to clearly demonstrate normal cardiac anatomy
9. / Competently interpret the heart ultrasound findings in relation to the clinical
10. / Need to recognise whenreferral should be mandatory because of an incomplete scan or a possibleanatomical or functional abnormality
Signed by:
BasicCranial Ultrasound Scans
Learning Goals1. / Understand and appreciate the needs of an infant during scanning
1. / Understand and appreciate the infection risks of scanning
2. / Understand and appreciate the optimal choice of probes and settings for neonatal scanning
3. / Demonstrate an understanding of normal cranial anatomy
4. / Competently use coronal and sagittal cranial ultrasound windows via anterior fontanelle to demonstrate normal anatomical structures.
5. / Recognise intracranial bleeding with competent assessment of sub-ependymal, intraventricular and parenchymal bleeding
6. / Understand the common conventions of cranial scanning and competently record a series of images to clearly demonstrate normal cranial anatomy
7. / Need to recognise when referral should be mandatory because of an incomplete scan or a possible anatomical or functional abnormality
8. / Competently interpret the ultrasound findings in relation to the clinical scenario
Signed by:
Advanced Cardiac Ultrasound Scans
Learning Goals1. / Demonstrate an understanding of the normal anatomical structure of the heart
as it relates to the standard echocardiographic windows
4. / Assessment of size and shunt direction of the patent ductusarteriosus
5. / Measure right and left ventricular output
6. / Measure superior vena cava flow
7. / Assess myocardial function using M-mode and other means
8. / Assess significance and direction of interatrial shunting
9. / Measure or assess pulmonary artery pressure using tricuspid incompetence, ductal shunt velocities or pulmonary artery Doppler acceleration times
10. / Recognition of common Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)
11. / Need to recognise when referral should be mandatory because of an incomplete scan or a possible anatomical or functional abnormality
12. / Competently interpret the ultrasound findings in relation to the clinical scenario
Signed by:
AdvancedCranial Ultrasound Scans
Learning Goals1. / Demonstrate an understanding of normal cranial anatomy
2. / Competently use coronal and sagittal cranial ultrasound windows via anterior fontanelle to demonstrate normal anatomical structures.
3. / Recognise intracranial bleeding with competent assessment of sub-ependymal, intraventricular and parenchymal bleeding
4. / Recognise common structural abnormalities of cerebral development
5. / Be able to perform and interpret Doppler studies of the anterior and middle
cerebral artery
6. / Need to recognise when referral should be mandatory because of
an incomplete scan or a possible anatomical or functional abnormality
7. / Competently interpret the ultrasound findings in relation to the clinical scenario
Signed by:
Advanced Abdominal Ultrasound Scans
Learning Goals1. / Demonstrate an understanding of normal abdominal anatomy
2. / Demonstrate an understanding of anatomy and relationships of major organs
3. / Demonstrate an understanding of anatomy and relationships of IVC and abdominal aorta
4. / Attain proficiency in image optimisation in order to enable appropriate demonstration of the IVC and abdominal aorta including umbilical catheter and PIC tip location
5. / Attain proficiency in image optimisation in order to enable appropriate demonstration of ascites/pleural effusions
5. / Attain proficiency in image optimisation in order to enable appropriate demonstration of the location and identification of the kidneys
6. / Attain proficiency in image optimisation in order to enable appropriate demonstration of the Bladder location and assessment of relative volume
7. / Need to recognise when referral should be mandatory because of
an incomplete scan or a possible anatomical or functional abnormality
8. / Competently interpret the ultrasound findings in relation to the clinical scenario
Signed by: