North London Waste Authority - Thursday, 7th December, 2017


At a meeting of the North London Waste Authority held on Thursday, 7th December, 2017 at 10.00 am in Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE


Councillors Loakes(Chair), Demirci (Vice Chair), Cohen (Vice Chair), Anderson, Harrison, Mitchell, Olszewski, Rennison, Strathern, Webbe and Zinkin


Councillors Ahmet, Greening and Lemonides

The minutes should be read in conjunction with the agenda for the meeting.

They are subject to approval and signature at the next meeting of theNorth London Waste Authority.



1. / Apologies

Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillors Ahmet, Greening and Lemonides.

Apologies for lateness were submitted by Councillor Webbe.



2. / Declarations by Members of Pecuniary, Non-Pecuniary and Any Other Interests in Respect of Items on this Agenda

Members acknowledged that there were long-standing interests held in relation to the business of the Authority, but there were no pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in respect of items on the agenda.



3. / Announcements

The Chair noted that Councillor Hull was attending the meeting as an observer. Councillor Hull was due to replace Councillor Greening on the Authority. The Chair thanked Councillor Greening for his work for the Authority over many years, providing significant knowledge and constructive lines of enquiry to his role.

The Chair also noted that there were new Members of the Authority present from London Boroughs of Camden and Hackney. It was noted that after many years of service to the Authority, Councillor Geoff Taylor would no longer be a Member. The Chair wanted to put on record his thanks to Councillor Taylor, as well as his best wishes for the future.

It was also noted that the new Managing Director of the Authority was present at the meeting and would be available for a ‘meet and greet’ session with Members once the meeting had ended.



4. / Deputations (If Any)

There were no deputations.



5. / Minutes


THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 28th September 2017 be signed and agreed as a correct record.



6. / Local Government Act 1972 - Access to Information


THAT the press and public be excluded from the proceedings of the North London Waste Authority on 7 December 2017 during consideration of the items on Part II of the agenda, on the basis that, were Members of the public to be present, there would be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.


Exempt Information Category 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person, including the authority holding that information, and not required to be registered under various statutes: the reasons why the public interest favours withholding the information are that the release of such information would prejudice the Authority’s conduct of a commercial operation OR because the disclosure of the information is likely to prejudice the commercial interests of the Authority and organisations engaged in commercial activities as the information related to commercial activities that are conducted in a competitive environment.



7. / Membership Update

Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Legal and Governance

The Chair proposed that in addition to the recommendations set out in the report, Councillor Andy Hull be appointed Chair of the Member Finance working Group once his appointment to the Authority was confirmed by LB Islington.


THAT the Authority:

  1. Notes the changes to Membership as outlined in the report;
  1. Appoints Councillor Rennison to the vacancy on the Member Finance Working Group;
  1. Appoints Councillor Hull to the position of Chair of the Member Finance Working Group and that this takes effect as soon as his membership of the Authority is confirmed.




Consideration was given to a report of the Financial Adviser

The Head of Finance introduced the report and invited Members to comment. The Head of Finance reported that in order to allow members greater opportunity to look at levy rates, it may be necessary to adjust Member Finance Working Group dates, or to add an extra meeting of the Group.

A Member commented that it was not clear what would cause the forecast increase in the levy, and that it would be helpful to understand how much was determined by price increases and how much by volume increases. Members also stated that it seemed increasingly difficult to plan for future changes, and requested that information be shared with key officers on a borough level as early as possible. The response was given that resource requirements for the next year were being looked at, and senior borough officers were consulted to ensure that they were aware of issues. The Chair added that figures were shared with Directors of Finance for comment prior to publication of the report.


THAT the Authority notes:

  1. The findings and recommendations of the 2016/17 Annual Audit letter;
  1. The third review of the 2017/18 revenue budget;
  1. The current assessment of the budget and resource requirements for 2018/19 and the factors that could impact on the level of the 2018/19 levy;
  1. The proposed levy apportionment arrangements for 2018/19;
  1. The issues that will need to be addressed in setting the budget and levy for 2018/19 at the Authority meeting on 8 February 2018



9. / Operations Update

Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Operations

The Head of Operations introduced the report and invited comments from Members.

A Member queried whether it was appropriate to be having prolonged Energy Centre maintenance outages. The response was given that there were 5five processing lines at the facility, and only one line was removed from operations at any time. The plant was ageing and periodical maintenance was therefore necessary. Members also queried whether authorities were likely to meet recycling targets set through the Joint Waste Strategy. The response was given that there was recognition that the targets were challenging, and a 50% target very difficult within the current legislative environment, and that the London Mayor’s Draft London Environment Strategy expected the maximum achievable London-wide household waste recycling rate to be 42-43%. However, iIt was also noted by a Member that London as a whole had increased its recycling rates by 1%, and compared well with other cities.


THAT the Authority notes the report and the publication of the 2016/17 Annual Monitoring Report of the North London Joint Waste Strategy.



10. / Consultations and Policy Update

Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Operations.

Councillors Cohen and Zinkin stated that due to a potential conflicts of interest arising from being Members of the London Borough of Barnet, they would abstain from voting on any business in relation to the Geron Way planning application.

The Head of Operations presented the report. In relation to the draft response to the Clean Growth Strategy (Appendix 2), he noted that the Government had now published its Industrial Strategy, and it was therefore appropriate to amend this draft response; her recommended this be done in consultation with the Chair.


THAT the Authority:

  1. Approves the draft response to the proposed amendments to the 2013 WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Regulations being consulted upon by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), enclosed as Appendix 1 to the report;
  1. Delegates authority to the Head of Operations to amend and submit the draft Authority comments about the Business Environment and Industrial Strategy Department’s (BEIS’s) draft Clean Growth Strategy enclosed as Appendix 2 to the report in consultation with the Chair;
  1. Delegates authority to the Head of Operations to submit a response to the LB Barnet’s planning application for a waste transfer station at Geron Way in Hendon that is expected to replace the Authority’s existing station in Hendon.
  1. Delegates authority to the Head of Operations, in consultation with the Chair, to approve a policy in relation to waste from charity shops;
  1. Notes responses to consultations made since the last Authority meeting to:

a)WEEE Compliance Fee calculation methodology consultation by DEFRA;

b)National colour scheme for waste and recycling containers consultation by WRAP;

c)Draft London Environment Strategy Consultation by the London Mayor;

d)Call for evidence on voluntary and economic incentives to reduce littering of drinks containers and promote recycling issues by DEFRA;

e)Amendments to a planning application for the redevelopment of Berol House in which NLWA’s offices are located.



11. / Waste Prevention Plan 2018-20

Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Legal and Governance


THAT the Authority notes:

  1. Progress on the 2016-18 Waste Prevention Work Programme
  1. That officers will develop a two-year waste prevention programme of activity for 2018-20 as an addendum to the Waste Prevention Plan 2016-18




Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Legal and Governance

The Chair thanked Councillors Demirci and Zinkin for providing assistance on the appointment process. Councillor Zinkin stated that there were some process issues which needed to be addressed, and if involving Members in similar tender evaluations in the future, they needed to be involved as early as possible.


THAT the Authority:

  1. Notes the report, including the confidential appendix
  1. Appoints bidder C as Architect for the Authority in accordance with this report
  1. Delegates authority to the Head of Legal and Governance to finalise contracts in accordance with the decision to appoint architects.




Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Legal and Governance

The Chair invited Members to express interest in assisting with the appointment of advisors, along with himself. Councillors Olszewski, Zinkin and Webbe stated that they would be willing to assist.

The Chair also requested that Cabinet Members from the constituent councils of Enfield, Haringey and Waltham Forest were involved in the Community Liaison Group work.


THAT the Authority:

  1. Notes the report and in particular the update on the Best Value Consultation exercise and that an ongoing programme of communication and engagement will be developed in 2018 in advance of the start of construction works;
  1. Delegates authority to the Managing Director to finalise the draft communications scope and procure communications advisers on the basis set out in section 3 of the report and to finalise and enter into the contract for such services.

14. / Forward plan of Decisions

Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Legal and Governance


THAT the report be noted.



15. / Private Minutes of Previous Meeting


THAT the private minutes of the meeting held on 28th September 2017 be signed and agreed as a correct record.




Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Operations


THAT the recommendations be agreed as set out in the report.



17. / North London Heat and Power Project – Update and procurement of works contracts

Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Legal and Governance


THAT the recommendations be agreed as set out in the report.



18. / Any Other Items the Chair Decides to Take as Urgent

There were no items of urgent business.



The meeting ended at 11:15


Contact Officer: / Richard Stratford
Telephone No: / 020 7974 6884
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