Excel Assignment 8 Retirement Eligibility

Create the spreadsheet that has the following characteristics:

1.  Begin your spreadsheet in the column corresponding to the first letter in your last name. If your last name is Wang, begin your spreadsheet in column W. Columns A through V should be empty. If your last name begins with an A, use as your starting column the first letter of your first name.

2.  Have a header with your name, assignment 8, date and time and change the properties to include your name as the author, assignment #8 as the title and Retirement Eligibility as the subject.

3.  Use the Create from Selection utility to name the Age, Years and salary requirements and Age, Years and Salary columns. Use those named cells and columns in the eligibility formula. To be eligible, one must satisfy the minimum age requirement OR the minimum years worked requirement OR [the executive minimum age requirement AND the executive minimum years worked requirement AND the executive minimum salary requirement.]

4.  Use ‘Cell Styles’ to improve the appearance of the heading row.

5.  Use Conditional Formatting to show all eligible employees in bold and italics and underline.

6.  Use the ‘countif’ function to show the number of people that are eligible and not eligible.

7.  Make up the employee names and print the worksheet and the formulas. When you add columns to help with the determination of eligibility, show them and their formulas. Make sure the complete formulas are shown. Use landscape mode to show the formula sheet. Submit this assignment on two pages.

Minimum Age / 65
Minimum Years / 30
Executive Age / 60
Executive Years / 20
Executive Salary / 85,000
Name / Age / Years / Salary / Eligible
Patricia / 66 / 12 / 55,000 / YES
Phyllis / 50 / 30 / 48,000 / YES
Scott / 40 / 11 / 35,000 / NO
Krista / 61 / 20 / 86,000 / YES
Joe / 59 / 26 / 125,000 / NO

Number eligible 3 Number not eligible 2
