Developing Guiding Funding

for Districts, Divisions and Counties

2018 Fund Criteria

What is the Developing Guiding Fund?

The Developing Guiding Fund has been created to provide financial support for projects that will extend, develop and enhance the quality of guiding opportunities available to girls and women throughout Scotland. Funding is available for new projects and will not be available to cover retrospective costs.

Who can apply?

All districts, divisions and counties are eligible to apply for this funding. Each district, division or county can apply once between 2016 and 2018.

Please note:

·  Districts or divisions within counties that have already received funding within this period can still apply for a grant of up to £1000

·  Counties within regions that have received a Regional Developing Guiding Grant within this period can still apply for a grant of up to £1000

·  This funding is not available to individual units

How much money can I apply for?

Each district, division or county can apply for a grant of up to £1000. Each application must be signed by the appropriate County Commissioner and must be sent alongside a copy of the most recent accounts for the relevant level (i.e. the district, division or county applying for the grant).

Please note:

·  If accounts are not submitted in support of an application ahead of the deadline, the application will not be considered until the next funding round.

·  Wherever possible, applications should be accompanied by quotes so that the panel can understand how your budget has been constructed

·  Applications must be received at least 2 months prior to the project taking place. For example, if your project begins on 1 June 2018, it would need to be received in time for the 14 February round.

·  Please detail all expenditure associated with your project – not just that which you are hoping that this funding will cover – to enable the panel to understand the total cost of your project and whether you are asking for the funding to cover some or all of that cost

What kind of projects will the Developing Guiding Fund support?

Projects must clearly support at least one of the following strands of Girlguiding Scotland’s Growing Guiding strategy:

·  Supporting local guiding to deliver guiding of a consistently high quality, facilitating growth and retention of members of all ages.

·  Strategic mapping and targeted growth, to enable informed planning of membership growth at all levels

·  Welcome and Induction, to welcome, induct and place new volunteers in appropriate roles, ensuring that expectations are clear, that volunteers are linked into effective local support networks and that we are able to maximise use of individual skills

·  Adult volunteer recruitment, so we have enough adult support to provide high-quality guiding to all girls who wish to be a member.

·  Recruitment of girls and young women as members, so we can offer every girl the opportunity to be a member of Girlguiding.

In 2018, we are particularly keen to support projects which improve the recruitment, welcome and induction of new volunteers and/or projects which encourage girls and young women to stay in guiding for longer.

This funding is intended to support new activities and should not be used to fund projects and activities which already form part of the district, division or county’s annual calendar (e.g. annual training weekends).

Examples of projects which might be supported by this fund include (but are not limited to):

·  A district or division camp which will give girls their first residential experience

·  A shared district or division activity or trip for girls from different sections

·  District or division events which will include girls who are currently waiting to join guiding

·  An initial set of district or division parents evenings which explain the benefits guiding offers girls and encourages parents of older Brownies to support girls to move to Guides when the time comes

·  A series of recruitment activities that will lead to units opening or re-opening in areas of high demand or where there is currently no provision

·  Fast track training weekends for new volunteers which will result in more girls being offered a wider range of experiences

Applicants are asked to consider Girlguiding Scotland’s Netherurd First Policy when planning their projects.


This funding cannot be used for the following:

·  Buildings (Construction and Maintenance)

·  Modular Trainings for Individuals

·  International Camps/Expeditions

·  Annual training activities

·  Events that have already taken place or resources that have been purchased

·  Activities happening within 2 months of the application deadline

When to apply?

There will be four funding deadlines in 2018 as follows:

·  14 February 2018

·  14 May 2018

·  14 September 2018

·  14 November 2018

Remember, you must apply for funding at least 2 months ahead of your project start date.

How do I apply?

Support to complete the application form is available from Louise Henderson, Membership Development Manager, at Scottish Headquarters. Please contact Louise by telephone (0131 226 4511) or email () as far in advance of the funding deadline as possible.

Once you have completed 2018 application form, please forward it with your most recent certified accounts and any relevant quotations to Louise at Scottish Headquarters by email () or post (Girlguiding Scotland, 16 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AH).

What happens after I apply?

Applications (and associated accounts and quotes) will be sent to our volunteer panel following each funding deadline. The panel will review each application against the criteria outlined above. The panel will either:

·  Approve your application and grant the full amount requested

·  Approve your application and grant a proportion of the amount requested

·  Request that you revise and resubmit your application, providing feedback regarding the changes needed to ensure your application is successful in future

·  Reject your application, providing feedback as to why it has not been possible to support your project

The Membership Development Manager will be in touch to convey the panel’s decision after they have reached their decisions. Successful applicants will be provided with a copy of any conditions attached to their grant and copies of the monitoring and evaluation forms that are required to enable us to report to The Gannochy Trust. Applicants will be asked to confirm that they are happy to accept these conditions after which, they will receive their funding.

Please be aware that any applications which are incomplete (missing accounts or with blank sections) or which relate to projects taking place within 2 months of the deadline will be returned to the applicant.