MS 2170 (2)
[Upon learning of an individual, who is required to be on the KTAP case but is not included, inform the parent or caretaker relative of the need to add the individual.
A. If the parent or caretaker relative reports to add an individual:
1. Enter the information for the new member on KAMES through Function C, Case Change, off the Main Menu, Function B, Add Member, if KAMES is available.]
a. If all information and verification is provided at the time of the report, process the change. Use the date the change was reported as the member add effective date unless the date of the report was in a month prior to entry on KAMES. If the report was in a prior month, use the first day of the month of entry on KAMES.
Example: The member add was reported on May 25th. The change was entered on KAMES June 6. Enter the effective date as June 1 and issue a supplement from May 25th.
b. If verification is needed, issue a request for information (RFI). Once the verification is provided, process the member add using the date the change was reported as the effective date unless the date of the report was in a month prior to entry on KAMES. If the report was in a prior month, use the first day of the month of entry on KAMES.
2. [Complete form PAFS-126, Change Report Form, if KAMES is unavailable at the time of the report. On form PAFS-126, include information about the new member’s age, enumeration, relationship, deprivation, KWP status, etc. Use the date the change was reported as the effective date of the member add. Enter the change on KAMES when it becomes available. Send an RFI if more information or an appointment is needed.
a. If the parent or caretaker relative provides the necessary information and verification, complete the member add. Use the date the change was reported as the member add effective date unless the date of the report was in a month prior to entry on KAMES. If the report was in a prior month, use the first day of the month of entry on KAMES.
b. If the parent or caretaker relative fails to comply with the request to provide needed information, take action to discontinue the case based on failure to provide sufficient information to determine eligibility. KAMES processes the member add denial automatically.]
B. Redetermine KTAP technical and financial eligibility retroactive to the date the individual was required to be included in the case (date individual entered the home or date of birth for a newborn), consider the new individual as a family member, and use the individual's income and resources to determine if eligibility is met or claim is appropriate. DO NOT issue supplemental KTAP benefits prior to the date the member add was reported.
C. For requests to add a member currently included in an active KTAP or Kinship Care case, the effective date is the first day of the first month the individual is removed from the other case.
D. To complete a member add on KAMES:
1. Select "C", Case Change, from the Main Menu;
2. Enter "Case Number" and select Function "B", Add Member;
3. Enter "IC" or other appropriate code in "Reason" and:
4. Enter the new member's name, SSN, date of birth, sex, status, ID codes and the date the member-add is reported.
5. If the new member has no SSN enter all nines. KAMES assigns the member a pseudo number.
6. Enter the household size verification source, if provided. Otherwise, leave blank. Then, F3 and End Session, function “I”.
7. Review the disposition screen to determine if KAMES is issuing supplements for the appropriate months. Authorize supplements for any appropriate months for which supplements will not be system-issued.
a. Use function “S”, Restoration/Supplement, on the Case Change Menu.
b. Select “S” for the Change – Restoration/Supplement Menu. Enter
“Y” to the question “Do you wish to add a restoration/supplement not listed above?”; “S”, and the month/year of the supplement in “period of error”.
c. On the Supplementals Screen, enter the discovery/report date, the reason for the supplement, and the amount of the supplement.
d. The supplement will pend for supervisory approval.
Only one supplement per day can be issued for a specific month.