Attachment 19

LHD CDC Public Health Emergency Response (PHER) Phases I and II

Work Plan

Instructions for Completing the LHD CDC PHER Phases I and II Work Plan

Please follow these instructions carefully. The LHD CDC PHER Phases I and II 2009-10 Work Plan will be used to complete the LHD Work Plan, Mid-Year Progress Report, and the Year-End Progress Report.

I. Form Functions

1. One form will be used by the LHD for the CDC PHER Phases I and II, Mid-Year Progress report, and Year-End Progress report.

2. The form is initially named Attachment 21 – 2009-10 PHER Phase I and II Work Plan and is password protected. The report narrative rows/cells are color-coded to match the type of narrative (Work Plan, Mid-Year Progress, and Year-End Progress) as depicted in the legend in the page header. The form will only allow the LHDs to enter information in the LHD Name cell, Work Plan narrative and projected completion MO/YR (blue shaded row/cells), Mid-Year Progress narrative and completion code (green shaded row/cells), and Year-End Progress narrative and completion code (orange shaded row/cells).

3. The shaded area that appears in the cells is where to place the cursor to enter text. Cells that do not contain the shaded area are locked and text cannot be entered.

4. Use the tab key to navigate from cell to cell; the cursor will only move to those cells that allow text entry.

II. Completing and Submitting the 2009-10 Work Plan Form

1. Before you begin to enter the Work Plan narrative, rename or copy Attachment 21 – 2009-10 PHER Work plan to [LHD name] CDC PHER Phases I and II 2009-10 Work Plan. Open the form and enter the required information below.

2. LHD NAME: Enter the name of the public health department (county name only, Contra Costa, for example). The LHD Name need only be entered on the first page as it repeats automatically on each subsequent page.

3. BLUE SHADED ROW: Enter the Work Plan narrative in the first cell and the MO/YR (00/00) in which the LHD projects that the activity will be completed in right hand cell.

4. When the Work Plan narrative is complete, email the file to and cc your Regional Project Officer by the due date.

III. CDPH/EPO Work Plan Review Process

1. CDPH/EPO will review the Work Plan narrative and enter the CDPH/EPO comments in the GRAY SHADED ROW.

2. If CDPH/EPO requires additional information after the first review is complete, CDPH/EPO will email a file named [LHD] CDC PHER Phases I and II 2009-10 Work Plan Not Approved to the LHD with other documentation (not approved letter, etc.)

3. After the LHD receives [LHD] CDC PHER Phases I and II 2009-10 Work Plan Not Approved, copy or rename the file to [LHD] PHER Phases I and II 2009-10 Work Plan Resubmitted. Enter the date and the requested information in the Work Plan narrative cell, below the original Work Plan narrative.

4. When all the additional information requested is entered, the LHD will email the file [LHD] PHER Phases I and II 2009-10 Work Plan Resubmitted to and cc the Regional Project Officer by the due date.

5. If CDPH/EPO does not require additional information after the first and/or second reviews are complete, CDPH/EPO will send a file named [LHD] PHER Phases I and II 2009-10 Work Plan Approved and email it to the LHD with other documentation (approval letter, etc).

IV. Mid-Year and Year-End Progress Reports

1. Entering Mid-Year Progress Narrative

a. When the LHD receives the file [LHD] CDC PHER Phases I and II Work Plan Approved, rename or copy the file to [LHD] /CDC PHER Phases I and II 2009-10 Mid-Year Progress. During the Mid-Year Progress period (7/31/09-2/28/10) the LHD can enter the mid-year progress narrative as work progresses on the activities.

b. GREEN SHADED ROW: Enter the Mid-Year Progress narrative in the first cell and the progress code in the right hand cell: Enter [N] for Not Started, [P] for Partial Progress and [C] for Complete. If the Capability was already completed in the previous grant year, the LHD need only enter a [C] in the progress code in the green shaded cell and the mid-year narrative is not necessary.

2. Mid-Year Progress Submittal Process

a. When CDPH/EPO requests submission of the Mid-Year Progress Report, email the file to and cc the Regional Project Officer by the due date.

3. Entering Year-End Progress Narrative

a. After the Mid-Year Progress report is submitted to CDPH/EPO, rename or copy the [LHD] CDC PHER Phases I and II 2009-10 Mid-Year Progress file to [LHD] CDC PHER Phases I and II 2009-10 Year-End Progress. During the Year-End Progress period (3/1/10-8/9/10) the LHD can enter the year end narrative as work progresses on the activities.

b. ORANGE SHADED ROW: Enter the Year-End progress narrative in the first cell and progress code in the right hand cell: Enter [N] for Not Started, [P] for Partial Progress and [C] for Complete. If the activity was complete in the Mid-Year Progress submission, the LHD need only enter a [C] in the progress code in the orange shaded cell and the year end narrative is not necessary.

4. Year-End Progress Submittal Process

a. When CDPH/EPO requests submission of the Year-End Progress Report, email the file to and cc the Regional Project Officer by the due date.


Attachment 19

LHD CDC Public Health Emergency Response (PHER) Phases I and II

Work Plan

Requirement / Work Plan Narrative / Mid-Year Progress
Local Approach / CDPH/EPO Comments / Year-End Progress
YR / Prog
Code /
FOCUS AREA 1: Vaccine Campaign, Antiviral Distribution and Community Mitigation
Activities 1 and 2 – Overarching Issues
1 / What are the gaps in LHD preparedness for H1N1 planning and response?
2 / How is the LHD planning for staff absenteeism?
Activity 3 – Vaccine Campaign
3a / Describe current LHD vaccine campaign strategy.
3b / Describe activities to Identify, recruit and prepare vaccinators.
3c / Describe activities related to the administration of vaccine to maximize the number of residents in the jurisdiction who are vaccinated and identify how the LHD will target populations for vaccination.
3d / Describe activities related to the tracking of administered vaccine.
3e / Describe activities related to communications with internal and external partners.
3f / What is the role of schools, providers, and others in the vaccine program?
Activity 4: Antiviral Distribution/Dispensing
4 / Describe activities related to enhancing antiviral distribution/dispensing within the jurisdiction. Activities should supplement activities budgeted under the base CDC funds and should address gaps identified in the CDC SNS Technical Assessment Review (TAR) tool.
Activity 5: Community Mitigation
5a / Describe community mitigation strategies and activities in monitoring implementation of community mitigation efforts.
5b / Describe activities in preparing the community for social distancing, isolation and quarantine and explain how you will work with businesses and community groups to accomplish LHD community mitigation strategy.
5c / Describe activities related to preparing student school dismissal guidance.
5d / Describe activities related to restricting movement and cancellation of mass gatherings.
5e / Describe activities related to social networking and communications with internal and external partners.
FOCUS AREA II: Laboratory Surge, Epidemiology and Surveillance
Activity 6 – Laboratory Surge
6a / Describe activities to maintain or start participation in the Respiratory Laboratory Network (RLN). (If an LHD does not intend to participate as an RLN laboratory, leave this item blank).
6b / Describe activities to enhance RLN support for ICU surveillance for respiratory viruses, additional sentinel physician specimens, and startup funds for labs not currently participating in RLN testing and adoption of H1N1 testing.
Activity 7 – Epidemiology and Surveillance
7a / Describe activities to maintain surveillance for pandemic H1N1, including a focus on hospitalized, severely ill and fatal cases.
7b / Describe activities to investigate clusters/outbreaks of suspected pandemic H1N, particularly in school and institutional settings, and implement appropriate control measures.
7c / Describe activities designed to assess the community (outpatient) burden of pandemic H1N1 disease in your jurisdiction; examples may include:
o  School-based ILI surveillance
o  Emergency Room and/or clinic-based (e.g. urgent care settings) surveillance
o  Neighborhood phone- or web-based surveillance for self-reported ILI
o  Recruit additional sentinel providers