Spotlight on an Author
Name Author
Jamie Lee CurtisMarc Brown
Leo Leonni
Tomie DePaola
Margaret Wise Brown
Eric Carle
Rosemary Wells
Jeremy London
Dr. Seuss
Laura Numeroff
Norman Bridwell
Doreen Cronin
Mercer Mayer
Vera B. Williams
Ezra Jack Keats
Don Freeman
Pat Hutchins
Tedd Arnold
Marcus Pfister
Wanda G’ag
Frank Asch
Spotlight on an Author
Project: research a children’s author and complete a guided lessonfor five of the author’s books. You must prepare powerpoint or Prezi.
- Research the author’s biography: full name, age, birth date, are they still alive, upbringing, where did they attend college, what type(s) of degree(s) do they hold, how did they get interested in writing children’s books, do they have another career and if so, what is it? Is this author best known for something?
- Choose 5 books from this author to share with the class
- Complete a guided lesson sheet for each book you select. You must borrow the books from the library and/or me and present them with your project.
- This project counts as a test grade.
- The guided literature sheets are posted on NHHS under forms so you can copy and paste it for your five literature choices.
Guidelines for Guided Literature Annotated Bibliography
Name:______Date: ______
Grade Level:
Title and author of literature selection:
Summary of literature selection:
Inquiry question:
(What you want your audience to explore as you read the story)
Theme concepts:
(What you want students to understand by the time you finish the theme you are working on)
Rubric for Spotlight on an Author
Thorough research of the selected author: 10 15 25
5 annotated bibliographies completed: 10 15 25
5 books presented in class 5 10 15
Typed bibliographies 5 10
Power point or poster board complete 5 10 15
Presention: prepared, had materials, dressed appropriately 5 10
Total grade: /100
Self assessment Rubric for Spotlight on an Author
Thorough research of the selected author: 10 15 25
5 annotated bibliographies completed: 10 15 25
5 books presented in class 5 10 15
Typed bibliographies 5 10
Power point original and thorough 5 10 15
Presention: prepared, had materials, dressed appropriately 5 10
Total grade: /100
Child Development 2 2013
This project completes Learning Expectation #6
National Standards: 4.2:Analyze developmentally appropriate practices to plan for early childhood, education, and services
4.3.1 Demonstrate integration of curriculum and instruction to meet children’s developmental needs and interests
CCSS: WHST.11-12.5.Develop and strengthen writing as needed byplanning, revising, editing, rewriting, or tryinga new approach, focusing on addressing whatis most significant for a specific purpose andaudience.
WHST.11-12.6.Use technology, including the Internet, to produce,publish, and update individual or shared writingproducts in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information.