27th February17:00
Cholera Outbreak Emergency Response /
Logistics Cluster
Participants: UNICEF, WHO Zimbabwe, WHO Geneva, IFRC, SAVE THE CHILDREN, MSF Holland, GOAL Ireland, WFP.
For contact details of participants, refer to attached participant list.
Meeting points:
- Introduction to the Cluster
- Presentation of Lucien Jaggi, dedicated logistics Cluster Officer. Lucien will be the main focal point for cluster coordination, Cargo Movement and Storage requests, as well as information management.
- The WFP Special Operation and the role of the Cluster were briefly presented as all participants were already aware of the cluster concept.
- Roundtable on current operations and logistics needs
Summary: Participants indicated that in general transport was not an issue but some were facing warehousing constraints both in Harare and at delivery points where some NGOS have to keep NFIs in the trucks for some day.
UNICEF is sourcing the majority of the emergency relief supply and is using part of WFP warehousing space. With the upcoming rent of a 4’000 Mt warehouse UNICEF is planning to free WFP Harare warehouse in the coming days.
In view of imminent arrival of additional supplies, UNICEF is urging implementing partners to pick up their allotment as to free some warehouse space.
As part of the UNICEF incoming NFIs, 60 trucks of school kits will be received shortly and will be kitted before distribution. Note that UNICEF operations are both WASH and Education oriented with distribution of both disease control items (bucket, soap, rehydratation salt, Aqua-tabs, etc) and educational material (school kits)
WHO is finalising their distribution plan and will be requesting support from the Logistics Cluster for part of the transport. Details will be discussed directly with WFP.
IFRC reports that their current operations are covered in terms of transport and warehousing, but might request Logistics Cluster support in the future.
GOAL expressed their need for warehousing space. The participants provided suggestions and offers. It was mentioned that WV and IFRC might some have space, and that UNICEF could provided containers for short term storage.
Save the Children noted that while current operations do not suffer any logistical constraint, there might be some pressure on their transport capacity end of March since they will be distributing both UNICEF supply and WFP regular food distributions. They will inform the Cluster if additional support is requested.
MSF requested the Cluster to provide support with a 10Mt capacity truck for the next day to deliver NFI to the district of Buna. This was then arranged through the use of WFP contracted trucks. MSF indicated that their stock level of Oral Rehydratation Salt was very low and UNICEF offers to supply MSF with ORS. MSF will inform the Cluster is they need additional storage space and if logistics gabs are identified.
WFP informed that a 12-15 truck was on sale by the British Embassy, contact person is
- Current / future needs for logs support by LWG/Cluster
Participants informed that they will place CMRs as needed. WHO expressed need for transportation and will meet bilaterally with WFP to present their operational needs.
- Update on the expected pipeline
It was not possible to establish each agency pipeline during the meeting but UNICEF and IFRC informed that they will soon share their pipeline with the Logistics Cluster member.
- Global Logistics Cell Support & products
The Logistics Cluster website where all logistics related information will be posted was presented. A list was elaborate in view of the creation of the mailing list.
Participants felt that biweekly meetings was sufficient, accordingly next meeting is schedule on:
WEDNESDAY 11 MARCH at 11am, in WFP Office