For administration of any general anesthetics or performing surgical proceduresonanimals.
ANESTHESIA -List ALL anesthetics used for eachspecies.
DRUGNAME / SPECIES / Dose / Route / VolumeWho will perform and monitoranesthesia?
How will depth of anesthesia bemonitored?
Will animals be mechanicallyventilated?YESNO
SURGERY- Describe each surgical procedure, including details such as the location and sizeofincision, placement of implants or monitoring/recording devices, wound closure. (this answer sectionwillexpand)Isthisasurvivalsurgery(ie.animalsareexpectedtowakeupattheendoftheprocedure)?YES NO
If YES, please complete ATTACHMENT A - PART2
a.Who will be performing thesurgery?
b.Where will the surgery be performed? Note that CCAC requires all survival surgeries to beperformedwithin the animalfacility.
c.How will surgical instruments besterilized?
d.What antiseptic is used to disinfect the animal’sskin?
a.What is the maximum number of survival surgeries a single animal willundergo?
b.Ifmorethanonesurvivalsurgeryisplanned,whatisthelengthoftimebetweensurgeriesandwhyismore than one surgerynecessary?
c.How long will animals be maintained after the finalsurgery?
d.Describe the short-term (up to 48 hours) and long-term effects of thesurgery.
(Forexample,somesurgeriesmightbeexpectedtocauseadecreaseinappetitethatwouldresolvewithin a day or two. Other surgeries might produce permanent deficits such as hind limbparalysis.)(this answer section willexpand)
e.What unexpected complications could occur as a result of the surgicalprocedure(s)?
a.Describe the post-operative care, including provision of warmth, fluids, antibiotics,etc
b.Where will animals be held during recovery period, and for howlong?
c.If animals are held outside of the animal facility for more than 12 hours,pleasefully justify to theUCLA:
ANALGESIA - The use of analgesics is expected after all survival surgicalprocedures.
a.Will analgesics beadministered?YESNO
If NO, provide scientific justification for withholding analgesics. Include references ifapplicable.
(this answer section willexpand):
b.Who will administeranalgesics?
List allAnalgesics:
DrugName / Species / Dose / Route / FrequencyofAdministrationMONITORING - It is expected that all animals will be carefully monitored after surgery, andthatrecordswillbemaintainedforeachanimalorgroupofanimals.
a.How often and for how long are animals monitored aftersurgery?
b.Who will do themonitoring?
c.What critical signs will beassessed?
For MAJOR surgical procedures a recovery record must be prepared for each animaltodocumentprovisionofappropriatecare.Therecordmustbeavailableintheanimalhousingroomfor veterinary inspection. For most surgeries the record will be required only for the first24-48hours and can be a simple checklist attached to the cage card. In other cases, particularlywherethesurgeryproducespermanentdisability(eg.spinalcordinjury),arecordofcaremustbemaintained for the life of theanimal.
Pleasepreparearecoveryrecordsheetsuitableforyourspecificprojectandsubmititalongwithyour protocol application. (Attach as a separatesheet)