Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P.

Under Graduate Semester wise Syllabus

as recommended by Central Board of Studies and approved by the Governor of M.P.

mPp f'k{kk foHkkx] e-iz- 'kklu

Lukrd d{kkvksa ds fy;s lsesLVj vuqlkj ikB~;dze

dsanzh; v/;;u e.My }kjk vuq'kaflr rFkk e- iz- ds jkT;iky }kjk vuqeksfnr

Session 2010-2011

dsUnzh; v/;;u e.My }kjk vuq’kaflr Lukrd ikB~;Øe dh ijh{kk ;kstuk

V Semester

d{kk & B.Sc. fo"k; & Home Science

iz’ui= iz’ui= dk 'khZ"kd@izk;ksfxd vf/kdre vad dqy ;ksx

I Fundamentals of Biochemistry. 50/25 50/25

II Household Equipments. 50/25 50/25

III Adolescence and Adulthood. 50/25 50/25

IV Apparel Designing. 50/25 50/25

V Extension and Communication 50/25 50/25

VI Job Oriented Paper (Any One) 50/25 50/25


1. Food & Nutrition-

A. Advanced Bakery.

B. Dietetic Practice and Planning.

2. Resource Management.

C. Interior Designing.

3. Human-development

D. Guidance & Counseling.

4. Clothing & Textile

E. Garment designing and fashion.

Project work (Internship) 100 100

ifj;kstuk % dk;Z LFky ij izf’k{k.kA

·  • dk;Z LFky ij izf’k{k.k dh vof/k 2 ekg gksxhA

·  • fo|kFkhZ dks ifj;kstuk dk izfrosnu tek djuk gksxkA lkFk gh ftl laLFkku esa dk;Z LFky izf’k{k.k izkIr fd;k x;k gS] mldk izek.k i= Hkh izfrosnu esa layXu djuk gksxkA

·  bl l= esa ifj;kstuk dk ewY;kadu dk;Z LFky izf’k{kd] ckg; ifj{kd ,oa vkUrfjd ijh{kd }kjk fd;k tk;sxkA

ifj;kstuk&dk;Z esa ewY;kadu dk vk/kkj fuEu fcanqokj gksxk %

¼v½ dk;Z LFky ij izf’k{k.k 50 vad

¼c½ ifj;kstuk dk;Z dk izfrosnu 25 vad

¼l½ izLrqfrdj.k ¼Presentation½ 15 vad

¼n½ vkUrfjd ijh{kd 10 vad

dqy 100 vad

Class / d{kk % B.Sc. (Home Sc.)

Semester / lsesLVj % V

Subject / fo"k; % Home Science

Title of Subject Group % Fundamentals of Biochemistry

fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd %

Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad % I

Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Compulsory

Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % (35 + 15) 50

Particulars / fooj.k

Unit-1 / Surface tension, Hydrogen ion concentration, Acid Base balance, Viscosity, Colloids.
bdkbZ 1 / lrgh ruko] gkbMªkstu vkW;u lkUnz.k, vEy {kkj larqyu foLdksflVh] dksykbM~lA
Unit-2 / Enzymes: - Chemistry, Occurrence, Characteristics of enzyme, mode of enzyme action, classification, factors affecting enzyme activity.
bdkbZ 2 / ,atkbe & jlk;u] L=ksr] ,atkbe dh fØ;kfof/k oxhZdj.k] fØ;k’khyrk dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdA
Unit-3 / Endocrine Glands-Location, Structure, secretion and functions of endocrine glands. Hypo and Hyper activity of Hormones.
bdkbZ 3 / ufydkfoghu xzafFk;ka&mifLFkfr] jpuk] L=o.k ,oa dk;Z gkjeksUl dh vf/kdrk ,oa deh
Unit-4 / Vitamin – Chemistry, sources, Biochemical functions of vitamins.
bdkbZ 4 / foVkfeu&jlk;u] L=ksr] tSo jklk;fud dk;Z
Unit-5 / Macro and Micro minerals.-calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium iron, Iodine, Zinc Selenium, Cobalt and Chromium.
bdkbZ 5 / lw{e ,oa c`gn [kfut yo.k&dSfY’k;e] QkWLQksjl] lksfM;e] iksVSf’k;e eSaxuhf’k;e ykSg rRo] vk;ksMhu ftad] lsysfu;e] dksckWYV ,oa Øksfe;e


M.M -25

Study of Collides.

Study of instruments used for measuring pH.

Enzymatic Hydrolysis of starch.

Identification of Ca, pH and Fe.

Study of glucose in urine (using Benedict’s Quantitative Reagent)

Case study of Hypo and Hyper Thyroidisum.


d{kk Class : B.H.Sc.

lsesLVj Semester : V

fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd Title of Subject/ Group : Household Equipment

iz'u i= daz- Paper No. : II

vfuok;Z@oSdfYid Compulsory/ Optional : Compulsory

Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % (35 + 15) 50

Unit-1 / Home Appliances-Definition of Home appliances.
Importance of appliances in daily life.
bdkbZ&1 / ?kjsyw midj.kksa dh ifjHkk"kkA
nSfud thou essa ?kjsyw midj.kksa dk egRoA
Unit-2 / Classification of Household equipment.
Study of equipment with reference to construction, working, principle, use, care and safety of Kitchen equipments- Refrigerator
bdkbZ&2 / ?kjsyw midj.kksa dk oxhZdj.kA
?kjsyw midj.kksa dk v/;;u& dk;Z fl)kar] ns[kHkky] mi;ksx] lqj{kkA
jlksbZ?kj ds midj.k& jsQzhtjsVjA
Unit-3 / Study of Kitchen equipment – Mixer, oven, Microwave.
bdkbZ3 / jlksbZ?kj ds midj.k dk v/;;u & feDlj] vksou] ekbdzksoso vksouA
Unit-4 / Study of cleaning equipment – Washing machine, Vaccume cleaner
bdkbZ4 / lQkbZ ds midj.k dk v/;;u & okf'kax e'khu] oSD;we DyhujA
Unit-5 / Study of materials used in construction of household equipment.
Base material- Aluminium, Brass, Steel, Copper, Glass etc.
bdkbZ5 / ?kjsyw midj.kksa esa iz;qDr inkFkksaZ dk v/;;uA
vk/kkjh; inkFkZ&,Y;wehfu;e] ihry] LVhy] rakck] dkaWpA

M.M:25 marks


1.  Classification of Household Equipment

2.  Survey of use of time and energy saving device of household.

3.  Survey of availability of branced kitchen equipment in the market.

4. Resource collection.

Reference :

1. Management for modern families

By – Gross, Crandall & Knoll

1.  Management in family Living. Nickle and Dorsey.

2.  Home Furnishing by Anna Hog Rutt.

3.  Family Resource Management by R.E. Deacan, F.M. Firebaugh.

4.  Household Equipment by Pect, Picket and Arnold.

5.  Art in Everyday Life, H. Goldstein.

6.  Foundation of Art & design. By Pranav Bhatt, Shanita Goenka, Lakhani Book Depot. Bombay.

7.  Modern Ideal Homes for India by: R.S. Deshpande.

8.  Building your own house. By : R.S.Deshpande.

9.  The house its plan and use. Tessi sgan.

10. Household equipment manual by M.A. Varghese.

Class / d{kk % B.Sc. (H.Sc.)

Semester / lsesLVj % V

Subject / fo"k; % Home Science

Title of Subject Group % Adolescence and Adulthood

fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd %

Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad % III

Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Compulsory

Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % (35 + 15) 50

Particulars / fooj.k


1. To educate the students about adolescent growth and development.

2. To bring the awareness about role of human development in

Modern time.

3. To teach the students about the importance of development as a

Compulsory Science.

Unit-1 / Characteristics and developmental tasks of adolescence, Problems of Adolescence.
bdkbZ 1 / fd’kksjkoLFkk dh fo’ks"krk;sa ,oa fodklkRed dk;Z] fd’kksjkoLFkk dh leL;k;sa
Unit-2 / Physical changes during puberty and adolescence. Emotionality during adolescences.
bdkbZ 2 / iwoZ fd’kksjkoLFkk ,oa fd’kksjkoLFkk esa gksus okys 'kkjhfjd ifjorZu fd’kksjkoLRkk esa laosxkRedrk
Unit-3 / Stanley Halls views elaborating “Storm and stress” during adolescence. Adjustments during adolescence
bdkbZ 3 / fd’kksjkoLFkk esa LVsuys gkWy dk LVªkWe ,oa LVªsl dk n`f"Vdks.kA fd’kksjkoLFkk dk lek;kstuA
Unit-4 / Psychoanalytical and Social learning theories of sex role development Sex education.
bdkbZ 4 / ;kSu tfur Hkwfedk ds fodkl dh euksfo’ys".kkRed ,oa lkekftd f’k{kk ds fl)kar
Unit-5 / Interest Emotionality during adolescence. Hazards of adolescence.
bdkbZ 5 / :fp;ka] fd’kksjkoLFkk ds n`"izHkkoA

Practical: MM : 25

1. Observation of effects of physical changes on attitudes and behavior of adolescents.

2. Case studies of emotionally unstable. Adolescent – by testing method.

3. Plan for imparting sex education to adolescents.

4. Prepare resource file on Juvenile delinquency.

Suggested Readings :

Class / d{kk % B.Sc. (H.Sc.)

Semester / lsesLVj % V

Subject / fo"k; % Home Science

Title of Subject Group % Apparel Designing

fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd %

Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad % IV

Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Compulsory

Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % (35 + 15) 50

Particulars / fooj.k

Unit-1 / Element of art:
1. Lines: Meaning, types, effects.
2. Shape: Meaning, Classification and effects.
3. Forms: Types
4. Space: Meaning and importance
bdkbZ 1 / dyk ds rRo%
1-  js[kk&vFkZ] izdkj] izHkko
2-  vkdkj &vFkZ oxhZdj.k ,oa izHkko
3-  Lo:i&izdkj
4-  LFkku&izHkko ,oa egRo
Unit-2 / Element of art:
1. Colour: Dimension of colour, theories of colour, colour schemes.
2. Textures: Meaning, texture technology, texture combination, and factors affecting texture in textiles.
bdkbZ 2 / dyk ds rRo%
1-  jax&jaxksa ds eki jax ds fl)kUr] jax&;kstuk;sa
2-  iksr&vFkZ] iskr dh 'kCnkoyh iksr la;kstu] oL=ksa ds iksr dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjd
Unit-3 / Principles of design:
1. Proportion: Meaning, golden mean proportion, importance.
2. Balance: Meaning, their importance.
bdkbZ 3 / dyk ds fl)kar
1-  vuqikr% vFkZ] Lo.kZ vkSlr vuqikr egRo
2-  larqyu&vFkZ ,oa egRo
Unit-4 / Principles of design:
1. Rhythm: meaning, method of creating, importance.
2. Emphasis: Meaning, Method of its Creation, importance.
3. Harmony: Meaning and importance.
bdkbZ 4 / dyk ds fl)kar
1-  y;&vFkZ] mRiUu djus dh fof/k;ka] egRo
2-  cy&vFkZ] mRiUUk djus dh fof/k;ka egRo
3-  ,d :irk&vFkZ ,oa egRo
Unit-5 / Fashion
Clothing care and storage.
Evaluation and comparison of Readymade and tailormade garments.
bdkbZ & 5 / QS’ku
1-  ifj/kkuksa dh ns[kHkky ,oa laj{k.k
2-  flysflyk;sa oL=ksa ,oa nthZ }kjk flys oL=ksa dk ewY;kadu ,oa rqyukA


MM : 25

1. Creating Textures.

3. Colour Schemes used in Apparel designing.

Class / d{kk % B.Sc. (H.Sc.)

Semester / lsesLVj % V

Subject / fo"k; % Home Science

Title of Subject Group % Extension and Communication

fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd %

Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad % V

Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Compulsory

Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % (35 + 15) 50

Particulars / fooj.k


(1) Understand the role of women as partner in development.

(2) To understand extension education.

Unit-1 / (1) Extension Education - Meaning, Definition, Philosophy, classification,
Characteristics, principles and scope.
bdkbZ & 1 / izlkj f’k{kk&vFkZ] ifjHkk"kk] n’kZu oxhZdj.k] fo’ks"krk;sa] fl)kUr ,oa {ks=
Unit-2 / (1) Rural leadership - Meaning characteristics of leadership.
(2) Extension work and leadership.
bdkbZ & 2 / 1- xzkeh.k usr`Ro&vFkZ] usr`Ro dh fo’ks"krk;sa
2- izlkj dk;Z ,oa usr`Ro
Unit-3 / (1) National Policy on Women.
(2) Changing status and role of women in family and society.
bdkbZ & 3 / 1-  efgykvksa ds fy;s jk"Vªh; uhfr
2-  ifjokj ,oa lekt esa efgykvksa dk cnyrk Lrj ,oa Hkwfedk
Unit-4 / (1) Role of school in the village community and urban community.
bdkbZ & 4 / xkzeh.k leqnk; ,oa 'kgjh leqnk; esa fo|ky;ksa dh HkwfedkA
Unit-5 / (1) Objectives of Community development programme.
(2) Scope and importance of Community development programme.
bdkbZ & 5 / lkeqnkf;d fodkl dk;ZØekas dk egro ,oa {ks=A

Practical: MM 50

(1) To collect information & articles from news papers & magazine related to women


(2) Study of any one community organization engaged in development and its analysis.

Class / d{kk % B.Sc. (H.Sc.)

Semester / lsesLVj % V

Subject / fo"k; % Home Science

Title of Subject Group % Job Oriented Course

(Advanced Bakery)

fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd %

Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad % VI

Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Optional (A)

Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % (35 + 15) 50

Particulars / fooj.k

Unit-1 / Yeast – A Biological leavener, types of yeast, their characteristics,
bdkbZ 1 / ;hLV&tSfod Qqykus okys inkFkZ] ;hLV ds izdkj] mudh fo’ks"krk,saA
Unit-2 / Functions of yeast in bakery, precautions in their use and packaging.
bdkbZ 2 / csdjh esa ;hLV ds dk;Z] muds iz;ksx o iSdsftax esa lko/kkfu;kaA
Unit-3 / Yeast goods : types of yeast goods.
bdkbZ 3 / ;hLV inkFkZ&[kehj inkFkksZa ds izdkj
Unit-4 / Bread and Buns method of preparation, ingredients used, their role, bread stailing, faults / failure and remedies in bread making, shelf life.
bdkbZ 4 / czsM ,oa cu cukus dh fof/k] lkexzh] muds ;ksxnku] czsM dk [kjkc gksukA nks"k vlQyrk ,oa czsM cukus ds mik;] 'kSYQ ykbQA
Unit-5 / Pizza base, Soup Sticks – Method of preparation faults / failure and remedies, shelf life.
bdkbZ 5 / fitk csl] lwi fLVd&cukus dh fof/k] nks"k@vlQyrk ,oa 'kSYQ ykbQ

PRACTICAL Total Marks 25

1. Bread – Refined flour bread, whole wheat bread.

2. Buns – Sweet buns, plain buns, dinner roll..

Note uksV / Costing, Packaging and sensory evaluation of each product prepared.

Class / d{kk % B.Sc. (H.Sc.)

Semester / lsesLVj % V

Subject / fo"k; % Home Science

Title of Subject Group % Job Oriented Course

(Dietetic Practice and Planning)

fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd %

Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad % VI

Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Optional (B)

Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % (35 + 15) 50

Particulars / fooj.k

Unit-1 / Basic concepts of diet therapy – Therapeutic adaptation of normal diet, principles and classification of therapeutic diets.
bdkbZ 1 / mipkjh; vkgkj dh vk/kkjh; vo/kkj.kk&lkekU; vkgkj dk mipkjh; vuqdwyu mipkjh; vkgkj ds fl)kUr ,oa oxhZdj.kA
Unit-2 / Routine hospital diets, Regular, Light, Soft, Fluid.
bdkbZ 2 / fu;fer fpfdRlky; vkgkj&fu;fer] gYdk eqyk;e ,oa rjy vkgkj
Unit-3 / Low and high fat and cholesterol. Parenteral and enteral feeding
bdkbZ 3 / de ,oa vf/kd olk ,oa dksysLVªkWyA vkaesrj ,oa vkgkj uky }kjk iks"k.k
Unit-4 / 1. High protein
2. Low Protein
bdkbZ 4 / 1-  vf/kd izksVhu vkgkj
2-  de izksVhu vkgkj
Unit-5 / 1. Energy modification for weight management.
2. Low sodium diet.
bdkbZ 5 / 1- otu izca/ku gsrq mtkZ ek=k esa ifjorZu
2- de lksfM;e vkgkj

Practical Total Marks 25

1. Preparation of Routine Hospital diets.

2. Preparation of modified diets (At least five)

Class / d{kk % B.Sc. (H.Sc.)

Semester / lsesLVj % V

Subject / fo"k; % Home Science

Title of Subject Group % Job Oriented Course

(Interior Decoration)

fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd %

Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad % VI

Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Optional (C)

Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % (35 + 15) 50

Particulars / fooj.k

Unit-1 / Concept of Interior Decoration.
1. Introduction to Interior decoration.
2. Objective of Interior decoration
3. Personality expressed through choice of decoration.
bdkbZ 1 / vkarfjd lTtk dh vo/kkj.kk
1-  vkarfjd lTtk dk ifjp;
2-  vkarfjd lTtk ds mn~ns’;
3-  ltkoV ds p;u ds }kjk O;fDrRo dh vfHkO;fDRk
Unit-2 / 1. Introduction of vastu, impact and importance
2. Application in planning of interiors.
bdkbZ 2 / 1-  okLrq dk ifjp;] izHkko ,oa vkurjfd lTtk egRo
2-  vkarfjd lTtk dh ;kstuk esa bldk mi;ksx
Unit-3 / Furniture.
1. Type of furniture
2. Design of furniture
3. Selection of furniture
bdkbZ 3 / QuhZpj
1-  QuhZpj ds izdkj
2-  QuhZpj dk fMtkbu
3-  QuhZpj dk p;u
Unit-4 / Window treatment
bdkbZ 4 / 1-  okrk;u mipkj
2-  Hkw&n`’; fuekZ.k
Unit-5 / 1. Layout of front garden.
2. Terrace garden.
bdkbZ 5 / 1-  lkeus dh okfVdk dk ;kstuk izk:i
2-  osfndk okfVdk


Total Marks 25

1. Draw a plan of room and show different types of furniture arrangement and colour schemes.