Footprint Design Constitution

Footprint Design Constitution

Footprint Design Constitution

Created 2007


Footprint Design – Engineering Towards Sustainability

Mission Statement

Footprint Design is a student group based out of the College of Engineering that works to educate its members about the benefits of sustainable living and the application of green technology. Learning is facilitated through presentations, tours, and demonstration projects. Our goal is the creation of sustainable communities, economies, and environments.


Footprint Design is affiliated with the University of Saskatchewan and has been ratified as a valid student group under the Saskatoon Engineering Student Society (SESS).


Full membership in the organization will be granted to anyone interested in furthering the objectives of Footprint Design. This may involve organizing or taking part in events, activities, and projects that they group sponsors. Official membership is not required, but membership cards are available.

The full, carded membership fee is $5.00 and must be renewed at the start of every school year.

Executive (Roles)

Co-Chairs aka Grand Pubas

-Represent Footprint Design to members of Footprint and to those external to the organization

-Coordinating roles and responsibilities between the executives, arbitrating internal issues, as well as ensuring membership continuity and public profile

-Guiding the general direction of the organization and its events

-Acting as PR liason and spokesperson for external communications

-Acting as a facilitator for all general meetings

-Organizing the agenda for meetings

-Assuming the duties of any executive position in the interim if they are vacated

-Act as two of the three financial signing officers of the organization

Vice President Communications

-Record and distribute the minutes of all general and executive meetings

-Responsible for all communication between Footprint executive and members, and keeping all members informed of the activities of the group

-Acting as a liason to University Administration and other U of S student organizations

-Maintain a list of all active Footprint members and an e-mail list

-Responsible for writing and distributing weekly email updates and submitting weekly eco-tips to the Eng Info

Vice President Finance

-Managing the financial resources of Footprint Design

-Maintain financial records and be prepared to present a statement of financial activity to the members

-Monitoring fundraising applications and/or activities

-Coordinate fundraising

-Directing fundraising activities to prevent repetition

-Managing membership fees

-Collecting receipts for ‘out-of-pocket’ money spent and issuing reimbursements

-Act as one of the three financial signing officers of the organization

-Determine the expenditures on events, projects, and administration

-Provide support to VP Projects when applying for grants or other funding

  • Dean’s Office, Student Activities Fund, Department Funding, Saskatchewan Youth Project Awards, My Future is Here Scholarships…

Vice President(s) of Projects

-Distribute information regarding projects on a regular basis

-Ensure that projects remain focused and continue to progress

-Coordinate the project working group (times, locations, purpose)

-Ensuring that project accomplishments are correctly relayed to the significant parties involved

-Collaborate with VP Finance to seek out and apply for funding

-Establishing contact and encouraging collaboration with professors

-Maintaining relationships with past, present, and future project partners

-Maintaining a standardized reporting procedure for research of the group

-Maintain and update all aspects of a single project

-Ensure students working on project are provided with background material and context as required

-Provide whatever level of support is appropriate to the research

-Document activities related to the project throughout the year and submit an annual report

Vice President of Events

-Planning and coordinating events

-Coordinating the planning of symposiums, workshops, lectures, etc

-Booking space for the events and arranging for any payment required

-Coordinating the advertising for events

-Coordinate all aspects of an individual event

Vice President Website

-Maintain and update all aspects of the Footprint webpage


Executive meetings will take place a minimum of once a month, preferably twice a month. The first meeting will be held in September and it will:

-summarize activities of Footprint during the current year

-financial records presented

Additional meetings will be held periodically throughout the year to discuss upcoming events and initiatives.


Annual elections will be held at the end of the school year. Candidates are required to submit an application outlining their intentions in the group.