Prestwich Marauders

Football Club


SEASON 2013-14

Prestwich Marauders FC




On behalf of everyone at Prestwich Marauders FC (Hereafter PMFC or The Club) we’d like to wish you a warm welcome to The Club. This handbook will hopefully give you an insight into The Club, introduce you to our Executive Committee & let you know our targets for this season & the future. The Executive Committee give their time free of charge to help keep the club running smoothly. In return we ask you to abide by the rules of the club & support us where possible.

The club was formed in 1972 & now have approx 260 players in 19 teams. Players from our 5yr olds in St. Mary’s Park now have the chance to progress with the club right through to U18 level. We aim to develop our own facility at Clifton Road, Prestwich for our ‘Older Teams’ playing in local leagues. We not only want to develop a venue for ourselves, but also to build a local community facility, open to all, a facility which can host events as well as be our home.

We also use facilities at Sandgate Lane, Heaton Park, Castlebrook High School and Parrenthorn High School

Although we currently have a few girls playing in some teams we are hoping to set up girls only teams over the next three years.

Our club badge is the coat of arms of Prestwich and reflects our roots, our history and our future. We are a locally based organisation and the majority of our teams play in the Prestwich area. The club has its roots in Prestwich and a developed Clifton Road site demonstrates our commitment to Prestwich and the people, who live, work and play here.

At the club we take development seriously & encourage our members to progress. We run subsidised FA Level 1 coaching courses for parents who wish to help with the coaching of teams & now have close on 40 qualified level 1 coaches. We want to offer

coaches the chance to progress to the FA level 2 qualification so that our older teams

get the very best in training and player development. Congratulations to those parents who have just passed their Level 1 this summer. If you’re interested in taking part in one of these courses please speak to your team managers or check on the web site for dates of the next course.

Player progression is also important and the club has in the past produced players who have gone on to play professionally. Andy Goram (Rangers & Scotland goalkeeper), Paul Tierney (Stockport County), Ian Scott (Man City & Bury) are examples. Ian, now retired from Football now helps coach some of our teams. In addition, we have many young players at Academies and Schools of Excellence

The club has held FA Charter Development Club Charter Status since February 2010. We have two child welfare officers who has made sure that all our Managers, Coaches & anyone working with your Children have been CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) checked, & that all our teams have at least 1 qualified coach & first aider. We also have adults linked to every team that have completed relevant child centred courses such as safeguarding children. We understand that safeguarding children is everyone’s business and we take our responsibilities seriously. Our aim now is to progress to the next level, making sure we continue to improve our standards & achieve Community Club Status within the next 3 years.

For progression to continue we must also look at development & improvements of our sites. Currently we self manage on 3 main sites. Our small sided teams play at St Mary’s Park. This venue now boasts toilets and hot food (Sunday morning only). Sandgate, where Development U10 small sided and younger 11-a-side teams play and Clifton Road, where older 11 a-side teams play.

We also want everyone to remember that our highest priorities are the young people who play for PMFC.

Good Luck for the season from the Marauders Executive Committee.

Fees for 2013-14

Fees for every season are agreed at our AGM which is held in June every year or at an SGM called within club rules & are as follows: -

All teams

1st Child Membership £35 due by 31st August followed by subscriptions £15 per month Sept to Nov, Jan to Apr [Players who only train with teams are liable to pay only subs]

2nd Child Membership £17.50 due by 31st August followed by subscriptions £15 per month Sep, Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, Mar. [Players who only train with teams are liable to pay only subs]

3rd Child Membership £0 due by 31st August followed by subscriptions £15 per month Sep, Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, Mar. [Players who only train with teams are liable to pay only subs]

PMFC will take individual circumstances in to account considering cases of hardship on a case by case basis.

Any member who falls two months behind shall be suspended until such time as fees are brought up to date. The league will be informed and the player will no longer be eligible to play until subs are brought up to date. If a team falls two months behind then that team will be withdrawn from their league & the team folded.

The Constitution for Prestwich Marauders FC.

(Proposed March 2012)

1. Name

1.1 The name shall be “Prestwich Marauders FC” (hereinafter referred to as “PMFC”).

1.2 The address of PMFC is that of the Club Secretary of the time, currently c/o 3 Clough Drive. Prestwich. Manchester. M25 3JS

1.3 The premises of the Club are situated at St Marys Park, Prestwich, Clifton Road, Prestwich & Sandgate Road, Whitefield,

2. Objective

2.1 The objectives of PMFC are: -

a)  To promote sporting and leisure activities for children of both sexes in the Prestwich and Whitefield area.

b)  To provide facilities, equipment and the opportunity for the Club Members to participate in a wide range of activities.

c)  To improve the abilities and fitness of Club Members and educate them in the value of health and sportsmanship.

d)  To ensure all the above are in a safe environment.

e)  To develop the abilities of young people in the area and realise their potential

f)  To include all regardless of ability.

3. Rules and Regulations

3.1 PMFC shall have status of Affiliated Member Club of The Football Association by virtue of its affiliation to/membership of The Lancashire County Football Association & the Manchester County Football Association. The Rules and Regulations of the Football Association Limited and parent County Association and any League or Competition, which PMFC is affiliated for at the time, shall be deemed to be incorporated into the Club Rules unless they contradict the club rules.

3.2 PMFC will abide by The Football Association’s Child Protection stated good practice as well as our own Policies and Procedures, Codes of Conduct and the Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Policy. In addition, PMFC will produce its own Code of Conduct for players, parents, spectators and managers and our own Child Protection Policy.

3.3 Failure to adhere to any of the Clubs Rules, by any Member, may result in disciplinary action by the Executive Committee as set out in the codes of conduct and may lead to censure, suspension or expulsion of that member by the Executive Committee.

3.4 Any Member who fails to comply with the Rules or Bye-Laws or issued Code of Conduct or whose conduct whether inside or outside PMFC or its premises shall in the opinion of the Executive Committee make it desirable that the Member should be censured, suspended or expelled, may be censured, suspended or expelled by a majority of the Executive Committee.

3.5 In the case of a breach of the Rules or Byelaws or other misconduct by a Member or Members (whether inside or outside PMFC premises) any Officer or Member of the Executive Committee may

order the immediate suspension of the offending Member or Members pending submission of a full report to the Executive Committee.

3.6 A Member whose conduct is under consideration at any Executive or General Meeting shall be invited to attend at that meeting to explain their conduct.

3.7 Any member who feels they have suffered discrimination in any way or that Club Rules have been broken should follow the issued Complaints procedure.

4. Membership

4.1 PMFC shall comprise Members of the following categories: -

a)  Parent/ Guardian Member – any parent or guardian or a person having parental responsibility for a child who becomes a Junior Member but only for so long as such child remains a junior member. These members have voting rights.

b)  Junior Member – any boy or girl who resides in the Prestwich or Whitefield area who may wish to take part in the athletic, sporting and other recreational facilities offered by PMFC and is who is under 18 years of age.

c)  Adult Member – Any person over the age of 18 years who plays for or is involved in the running of open age teams, or any person over the age of 18 who wishes to pursue the objectives of the club.

4.2. Junior Members shall not be entitled to hold any office, nor be members of any Executive Committee. But they shall be represented through a forum to be established by the Executive Committee.

4.3. Junior Members shall not enjoy voting rights at any General Meeting of PMFC.

4.4. Any candidate for Parent/ Guardian membership, Junior Membership or adult membership shall deliver to the Secretary of the Executive Committee an application form signed by him or her and in the case of an application for Junior Membership countersigned by his or her parent guardian or person having parental responsibility. This shall be known as the ‘signing on form’.

4.5 After receipt of the duly completed signing on form and fee, the Secretary of the Executive Committee may elect a candidate to membership although such election shall be subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee at its next available meeting and the decision of the Executive Committee shall be final.

5. Executive Committee

5.1 The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the overall management and financial control of the affairs of PMFC in all matters not in these Rules reserved for PMFC in General Meetings and shall comprise not less than six Parent/ Guardian or Adult Members and shall elect from within it’s numbers the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of PMFC. Other posts shall be established as required by the Executive Committee and roles and responsibilities shall be distributed accordingly.

5.2 The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every three months and four Members of the Executive Committee shall form a quorum.

5.3 At all Executive Committee meetings voting shall be decided by simple majority of those present and attending the meeting. The Chairman or his nominated representative at a meeting shall have a second and casting vote in the event of equality of votes.

5.4 The Treasurer will be responsible for PMFC finances.

5.5 The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio Member of all sub-committees of PMFC and shall be entitled to attend at the meetings but not to vote thereat.

5.6  The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint any Full Members to fill the remainder of the term of Office any vacancy, which shall arise on the Executive Committee.

5.7  Any property of PMFC shall be vested upon trust for the Parent/ Guardian or Adult Members of PMFC in the names of not more than four nor less than two Trustees who may be appointed from time to time by the Chairman pursuant to a resolution of the Executive Committee. The Trustees shall deal with such property in accordance with the directions of the Executive Committee.

5.8  PMFC may purchase or otherwise acquire and hold property of any nature and may sell lease mortgage or otherwise deal with the same in accordance with a resolution of the Executive Committee.

5.9  All kit & equipment purchased from PMFC funds, sponsorship or donations will remain PMFC property at all times.

5.10 Reasonable expenses incurred by officers and Members of the Club may be reimbursed by the Treasurer in accordance with directions from the Executive Committee as long as such expenses were incurred in pursuance of the club business. Such expenses must be approved before they are incurred by the Executive Committee.

5.11 All officers of PMFC, Trustees and Members shall be effectively indemnified by PMFC from PMFC funds from and against any liability costs expenses and payments whatsoever which may be properly incurred or made by them in relation to any matters arising directly or indirectly from the proper performance of their duties and obligations hereunder. PMFC will seek suitable Public Liability Insurance in respect of this matter.

5.12 No Officer of PMFC, Trustee or Member shall be personally liable to any Member of the Club or to any third party for any matter arising directly or indirectly from the proper performance of their duties and obligations hereunder.

5.13 The Executive Committee shall have power to form a sub-committee and make by-laws as it thinks necessary for the proper running and management of the Club.

5.14 The Club Chair and in his/her absence the Club Secretary, is responsible for ensuring that Executive Committee members adhere to their designated areas of responsibility. The Club Chair is responsible for allocating additional areas of responsibility to Executive Committee members as and when required. The Club Secretary is responsible for issuing revised Executive Committee roles and responsibilities annually along with the Club handbook at the beginning of each season.