Department of Transportation

Environmental Office

700 E Broadway Avenue

Pierre, South Dakota57501-2586


Month ##, 20##

David Williams(email letter & attachments)

Archaeological Research Center

P. O. Box 1257

Rapid City, SD 57709-1257

RE:Project #, PCN ####, _____ County


Work Description

Dear Mr. Williams:

Please conduct a cultural resources survey on the above project. Information on the project is attached.

A geotechnical investigation is required for establishing the gradeline. In order for the project to meet this geotechnical requirement I request that the ARC record search be submitted back to SDDOT prior to ##/##/#### (enter the Primavera 3013 GEO [Drilling Clearance] Planned Finish Date).

To aid in the project securing its planned finish date for environmental clearance please submit the cultural survey report back to SDDOT prior ##/##/#### (Month/Day/Year ~ enter the Primavera 3047 [Environmental Field Investigation] Planned Finish Date). Please utilize these date(s) in prioritizing your response.

Please call if you have any questions.






Department of Transportation

Environmental Office

700 E Broadway Avenue

Pierre, South Dakota57501-2586


Month ##, 20##

Patrick Snyder(email letter & attachments, Cc: Loraine Waller)

SD Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources


Pierre, SD57501-3181

RE:Project #, PCN####, _____County


Work Description

Dear Mr. Snyder:

Attached is information on the above project. Please comment on any of the following topics that pertain to your agency:

1. Wetland Locations / 8. Section 404 Permits
2. Threatened or Endangered Species / 9. Section 10 Permits
3. Refuges / 10. Air Quality
4. SDGF&P Game Production Areas / 11. Hazardous Waste
5. SDGF&P Recreation Areas / 12. Land & Water Conservation Funds
6. Parks / 13. Underground Storage Tanks
7. Water Quality Standards / 14. Contaminated Soils

Please submit your comments as soon as possible,so that the project’s environmental documentation can be completed, and the project can be let and constructed in a timely manner.






Cc: Doug Miller[Cc: to Doug should be included withprojects involving Grading workand Cc: means that another letter needs printed]

Department of Transportation

Environmental Office

700 E Broadway Avenue

Pierre, South Dakota57501-2586


Month ##, 20##

Leslie Murphy

SD Dept. of Game, Fish & Parks


Pierre, SD57501

RE:Project #, PCN####, _____County


Work Description

Dear Ms. Murphy:

Attached is information on the above project. Please comment on any of the following topics that pertain to your agency:

1. Wetland Locations / 9. Section 10 Permits
2. Threatened or Endangered Species / 10. Air Quality
3. Refuges / 11. Hazardous Waste
4. SDGF&P Game Production Areas / 12. Land & Water Conservation Funds
5. SDGF&P Recreation Areas / 13. Underground Storage Tanks
6. Parks / 14. Northern Long-eared Bat Hibernacula Sites
7. Water Quality Standards / 15. Northern Long-eared Bat Maternity Roost Sites
8. Section 404 Permits

Please submit your comments as soon as possible,so that the project’s environmental documentation can be completed, and the project can be let and constructed in a timely manner.






Cc: Casey Heimerl [Cc: to Casey for projects in Custer, Lawrence, Meade, and Pennington counties. Include items 14 and 15 in table and change color]

Cc: Randy Kittle[Cc: to Randy if there is potential for 6(f) property being present and Cc: means another letter needs printed]