8th grade Spanish: Unidad 5 Lección 2

Step One: Identify the Desired Result
Standards: ACTFC National Standards 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, Communication 2.1, 2.2 Cultures 3.1, 3.2 Connections 4.1, 4.2 Comparisons
Essential Learning: “The student will understandSpanish language in order to communicate, exchange and present information.”
Essential Questions
What items are required to plan a party? What chores to you have to do? How do you tell someone what to do (commands)? How do you say what you just did?
Learning Targets (MN Benchmarks) / Skills
Target 2: I will learn to plan a party.
Target 3: I will talk about chores and responsibilities.
Target 4: I will tell someone what to do using affirmative tú commands.
Target 5: I will say what someone just did by conjugating the verb acabar.
Target 6: I will use irregular verbs. / Students will be able to speak, read, write and listen through description and comparisons in Spanish.
Step Two: Determine Evidence of Growth
Method of Assessment / Skills Assessment
1) Summative Unidad 5 Lección 2 test (35 points) / 1) Students will read, write, and listen individually.
Other Evidence
1)Formative: irregular verb quiz
2)Formative: affirmative tú command quiz
Step Three: Design Instructional Plan
Textbook, ¡Avancemos!
Vocabulary and grammar packet
¡Avancemos! Listening CD and DVD
Learning Activities:
A listing of specific activities and learning experiences necessary for mastery of the content as determined by a students’ performance on the assessments listed above.
Day 1 (out of 11)
Introduction to Unidad 5 Lección 2
Go over 5.2 vocabulary
Watch vocabulary video p. 272-273
Text page 271 Activities 1-2
Homework: choose your own Moodle vocabulary worksheet
Day 2 (out of 11)
Correct homework
Flashcard practice
Workbook page 220 in class
Chores dice game
Chores triangle puzzle
Book activities 1 and 2 on page 274
Read/Watch/Discuss Telehistoria #1
Activities 3 and 4 page 276 (comprehension)
Twiddla (guess a chore by drawing)
Homework: workbook page 221
Day 3 (out of 11)
Check homework, workbook page 221 (Do workbook page 222 in class)
What are you doing game with chores!
Introduction to irregular verbs: dar, decir, venir, salir, poner and traer
Activities in grammar packet
Homework: workbook page 223
Day 4 (out of 11)
Check homework, workbook page 223 (Do workbook page 224 in class)
Finish grammar packet
Practice irregular verbs (Quia concentration)
(choose only our 6 verbs we’re learning)
Pablo y Pili
Activity #6, page 278 in textbook
Activity #7, page 279 culture
Homework: workbook page 225
Day 5 (out of 11)
Flashcard practice
Check homework, workbook page 225
Dice game
More practice with irregular verbs-Slap it
(word order, good!)
Read/Watch/Discuss Telehistoria #2
Follow-up activity #9, page 280 of textbook (comprehension)
Homework: Irregular verb questions worksheet (p. 281 from book)
Day 6 (out of 11)
Check and correct homework, answer part 2 questions with a partner
(go in yo tank game, also flea game, but don’t get it)
Dice game
Formative irregular verb quiz
Introduce: affirmative tú commands PowerPoint
Text page 282
Pablo y Pili
Homework: 10commands worksheet (6 others tell you and 4 to tell an parent/guardian)
Day 7 (out of 11)
Flashcard practice
Commands YOUTUBE
(commands with direct object pronouns attached to end HANGMAN)
Check and correct commands homework
Finish activities in grammar packet for commands
Watch Pablo y Pili
Youtube video clips
Activity #12 on page 283 of textbook
Columns worksheet #1-#4 practice
Homework: workbook page 226, parts 1 and 2 only
Day 8 (out of 11)
(choose a few verbs, click positive only, and time for 5 minutes to see how many correct!)
Correct homework page 226 Acts 1-2 (Do workbook page 227 Activity 1 in class)
Listening activity #14 on page 284 of textbook
Charade Commands
Read culture on page 284
Ball toss
Formative assessment of tú commands
Homework: Workbook page 228
Day 9 (out of 11)
Go over how to ask and answer final exam questions
Read/discuss/watch Telehistoria #3
Follow-up activities 16 and 17 page 286 of textbook
Discuss grammar concept: Acabar +de+Infinitive (Simple past)
Homework: Chapter 5.2 review packet with parent signature
Day 10 (out of 11)
Correct review packet in class
Activities on chapter review pages 292 – 293 of textbook
Skit? Floorplan? Commands?
Homework: do 30 minutes classzone.com
Day 11 (out of 11)
Chapter 5.2 exam (35 points)
Homework: Unit 6-1 vocabulary