Participation and presentations in CONFERENCES

1. XVIth UICC International Cancer Congress in New Delhi, India, 1994. Paper presented – “Mastectomy with Immediate Breast Reconstruction – A Pilot Study of 25 Cases”.

2. MASICON 95 Thane,Bombay,India– Maharashtra State Association of Surgeons. Paper presented – “Primary Reconstruction in Carcinoma Breast – An Indian Experience”.

3. ASICON – 96’ Bombay – December 26-30, 1996.

4. International workshop on Medical Application of Lasers in Head and Neck Surgery at TATA Memorial, Bombay, February 1-3, 1997.

5. Fourth International Conference on Palliative Care at Cancer Hospital and Research Institute, Gwalior, India, February 10-12, 1997.

6. CME update on Breast disease at Medical College, Kottayam, India – Chaired a session on Breast Conservation in Carcinoma Breast, April 6, 1997 (Association of Surgeons of India Kerala Chapter).

7. 1st International Conference on Hepato biliary Surgery held at TATA Memorial Hospital, Bombay, October 1997.

8. Advanced Symposium on Medical Ethics in Health Care at calicut, India, November 1997.

9. 1st Asia Pacific Head & Neck Cancer Congress in Bombay,India under the auspices of the Federation of Head & Neck Oncology Societies. Paper presented – “Median Mxillectomy with Craniofacial Excision- Intitial Experience, December 1997.

10. Annual Conference, Associations of Surgeons of India, Kerala Chapter at Medical College Kottayam, India, February 7-9, 1998. Paper presented – “Current Concepts in Cancer Therapy, Role of Primary Breast Reconstruction in Breast Cancer”.

11. 2nd International Hospice Conference and 5th International Conference of the IAPC, Bombay, India February 20-22, 1998. Paper presented – “Beyond 2000 AD Palliation vs. Prevention”.

12. 3rd International Seminar on Psycho-Oncology at TATA Memorial Hospital, Bombay,India February 18-19, 1998. Paper presented – “Organ Preservation and Reconstructive Surgery”. Key to Patient Satisfaction”.

13. Annual Conference of the A.P.S.I. (Association of Plastic Surgeons of India) Kerala Chapter held at Medical College, Thrissur,India on Aptil 24, 1998. Paper presented – “Aesthetic Aspects in Primary Breast Reconstruction in Cancer Breast”.

14. XVIIth UICC International Cancer Congress held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 23-28 August 1998. Paper presented – “Medial Maxillectomy with Craniofacial Resection – Intitial Experience”.

15. CME programme on Breast Cancer at Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum ,India on February 27th 1999 under the auspices of Indian College of Radiation Oncology.

16. Annual Conference Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI) Kerala Chapter held at Tiruvalla,India on 25th April 1999 – Paper presented “Head and Neck Reconstruction in Cancer Surgery”.

17 45th Annual conference of Indian section of International College of Surgeons. Mysore,India 22nd-26th September 1999. Paper presented Anterior Craniofacial Resection - Innovative techniques. Received Best paper Award.

18-XV ASIA PACIFIC CANCER CONFERENCE, Chennai, India Dec.12th –15th, 1999

Paper presented Surgery of the anterior cranial base-Conservative approaches

19- Indian Society of Gastrology- Kerala Chapter,Cochin India 15th –16th January2000

Paper presented –Quality of life and cancer surgery-Role of Pyloric Sphincter Saving Whipples

20-IV th Annual Conference Of Breast Cancer Foundation of India Bangalore.India 8th-10th March 2000.Paper presented -“ Quality of life and Cancer Surgery, Role of Breast Reconstruction”

21- 4th International Hepato-Pancreatico Biliary Conference at Brisbane Queensland, Australia from 28th May-1st June 2000.Paper presented “Quality of life and cancer surgery-Role of Pyloric Sphincter saving Whipples”.

22- 46th Annual conference of Indian Section of International college of Surgeons –Chennai,India 28th September –1st October –2000.Paper presented-“In pursuit of better quality of life.-Role of pyloric sphincter saving Whipples’

23-Ixth Biennial National Conference of Indian Society of Oncology held on 9-12th Nov.2000.Hyderabad India. Paper presented.”Quality of life and cancer Surgery,role of Breast Reconstruction.

24-ASI-Annual Conference-New Delhi- Dec.2000, Participated as panelist ”SOFT TISSUE SARCOMAS. -Current management”

25- Participated as delegate-1st national Thorasic Oncology workshop-Tata memorial Cancer Hospital, Mumbai,India

26- 2nd State CME of Kerala Medical Oncology Association CME programme, COCHIN, Kerala,India. On 29th April 2001. Paper presented “Changing concepts in the management of breast cancer”

27- 3rd State CME. Kerala Medical Oncology Association. CME programme, Amala Cancer hospital,Trichur, Kerala,India. Paper presented ”modern concepts in the management of breast cancer”

28- Participated in the workshop as delegate. Limb salvage surgery in orthopedic malignancies.Amala Cancer Hospital,Trichur,Kerala,India

29-11 th world congress of the International Association of surgeons and Gastroenterologists-Crete,Greece.Nov 1-4,2001.Paper presented. ”Carcinoma of the Cardio Esophageal junction-A poor prognostic variant”

30-4 th state CME of Medical oncologist’s association of Kerala. “Medical Oncology CME –2002. Thiruvananthapuram ,India 20th January 2002.Participated in the panel discussion on “ONCOLOGIC EMERGENCIES “ as Chairperson.

31- 2nd National IHPBA conference. – Pancreatic Disease Problems and Solutions. Sept 1-3 2002 Kochi, Kerala-Participated as office bearer.

32- Participated in 88th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, held in San Francisco, California, 6 to 11 October 2002.

34. Oncology Regional Medical Conference,Bangkok-Thailand.


33.6th International Conference of the Asian Clinical Oncology Society (ACOS) – Nov 16th-19th ,2003 Seoul, S.Korea.

34. National Conference Of Radiotherapists of India. Cochin,Kerala,India.

,20-23rd Nov 2003

35. Organizing Secretary Of International Conference of cancer of Esophagus Lakeshore Hospital, Cochin, Kerala, India - March 2004

36. World Gastro Intestinal Cancer Congress, Barcelona, Spain. June 2004

37. IASO national conference. Jaipur, India. Sept 24th -26th 2004

38. Indian association of surgical gastroenterology, IASG 2004 Sept 2004, Kochi.India

39. Oncolgy 2004. X1.Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Oncology.Oct 8-10, 2004 Bangalore

39. National Breast Cancer Congress, Tata Memorial cancer Hospital Mumbai, India, Dec 2004

40. International congress on Gynecological malignancies. Tata memorial cancer hospital, Mumbai, India, Dec 2004

41. Cancer awareness programme in Sharjah, Dubai and Ajman, Dec 2004

42. Expanding Borders In Oncology-3rd conference of the federation of oncologists from SAARC countries.8-10th April.2005

Paper presented-“Oncoplastic surgery”, the ideal surgical approach in breast cancer. Initial experience.

43, Onco-update2005 Trivandrum August20th& 21st.Organised by radiation Oncology department Medical College Trivandrum in association with Indian Society of Oncology.Paper presented on Oncoplastic surgery.

44. National Conference of Indian Association of surgical oncology and International Symposium on advances in Oncology. Delivered Guest Lecture on Quality of life beyond cure, role of Oncoplastic surgery..IASO-NATCON-2005 Kodaikanal23rd-25th September2005

45. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, an Antonio Texas, USA.

Dec 2005.Participated as delegate

46. 49th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Jan 5-9th 2006. Kochi. Paper presented:-Role of Total peritoniectomy in stage 111 Ovarian Cancer, following neo adjuvant chemotherapy. A novel concept

48. 35th World Congress of the International College of Surgeons Pattaya, Thailand. Oct 25th-29th 2006 .Paper presented. ”Oncoplastic surgery and quality of life”

49. Conducted Symposium in ASI National Conference, Varanasi in Dec 2006 under the aegis of IASO

Symposium. “Organ preservation in Solid tumors”

50. Association of Otolaryngolist’s of India Kerala Chapter, Feb 2007 .Paper presented,” Recent advances in the management of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer”.

51. Asian Society of Gastroenterology Oncology .Beijing, China

19-22. Oct, 2007.

52. European Society of Clinical Oncology,(ECHO) Barcelona, Spain. 2007 September

53. 27th annual conference of northern chapter of ASI, PGIMS Rohtak,Haryana ,3rd to 6th April 2008

Live surgery demonstration of Total parotidectomy, and Thyroidectomy. Symposia on Recent advances in Breast Cancer surgery.

53. World Federation of Surgical Oncology International Congress, 27th May -1st June 2008.Krasnodar, Russia. Paper presented.” Bidding good bye to drains can be a boon to women undergoing BCT and Oncoplastic surgery. Unique and pioneering study done for the first time in the world.”

Received the best scientific paper award

54. NATCON IASO&BASO, Hyderabad 19-21 September 2008.

Invited guest lecture “Bidding good bye to drains can be a boon to women undergoing BCT and Oncoplastic surgery. Unique and pioneering study done for the first time in the world.”

55. San Antonio Breast Cancer Congress, San Antonio, Texas, USA

Dec 2008. participation

56.27th Annual Conference of KSC ASICON/ASI South Zone.20th-22nd Feb 2009 Bangalore,India.

Invited Guest Lecture.”Say No to drains in BCT and Oncoplastic Surgery”

57. Invited as a Discussant for the Kyoto breast cancer consensus conference International convention2009, April 16-18. Theme “algorithm forms of breast cancer treatment –fore sight of local management”.

58. BIT life sciences International Cancer congress, Beijing, CHINA, June 21st-26th-2009

Invited guest lecture “Bidding good bye to drains can be a boon to women undergoing BCT and Oncoplastic surgery. Unique and pioneering study done for the first time in the world.”

59. EACHNO- July 16-19 2009, Belaraus, Russia.(Eurasian Society of Head and Neck Oncology)

Invited Guest Lecture:

Combination of “Triplet Therapy” with Cetuximab (Erbitux) could be the “light at the end of the tunnel” for Advanced Head and Neck Cancers, A novel Concept described for the first time – Preliminary data.

60. Participated as delegate in the premiere LIVESTRONG Global Cancer Summit Aug. 24-26, 2009 in Dublin, Ireland.

70. NATCON-IASO, 2009 Calcutta. Sept 18th, 19th, 20th

Invited guest Lecture- “Diet, Nutrition, Physical Exercise and Cancer, Changing Paradigms”

71. Participated as delegate in the International Congress on Diet and Cancer .Nov 2009.Washington DC

72. Participated as delegate in the Association of Surgeons of India National Congress .Coimbatore. Dec 26-31.2009.Elected as the Governing council Member from State of Kerala to the National body ASI

73. European Breast Cancer Congress Barcelona. March 2010.Participated as delegate.

74. Chairperson, Live surgery programme, CME, ASI Bihar Chapter 25th Sunday July 2010

75. U.A.E International CANCER CONGRESS, October 28-30, 2010, Dubai Festival City. Best paper award for the drain less breast oncoplastic surgery described for the first time in the world.

76. INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, International Conference, Manila. November,2010.

. Invited guest lecture

Paper presented:- Thomas’ Technique- Horizontal lateral Thyroidectomy-based on e- anatomy

78.IMA Kerala State Conference.Dec 2010.Paper presented”What is new in Breast cancer Management”

79. Association of surgeons of India,National Conference ,New Delhi,

Dec. 2010

Invited Guest Lecture. Horizontal Lateral Thyroidectomy- “Thomas’ Technique"-

Pioneering, novel ,scarless surgical approach for Thyroid neoplasms.Initial experience in 300 consecutive patients.

Described for the first time in World Literature.Re defining Kocher's principles of Thyroid Surgery which stood the test of time for over 100 years.

80. 44th State annual conference of Kerala Government Medical Officers’Association- Ananthapurifest-2011 held on 29th/30th Jan2011.

Invited Guest Lecture. Horizontal Lateral Thyroidectomy- “Thomas’ Technique"-

Pioneering, novel ,scarless surgical approach for Thyroid neoplasms.Initial experience in 300 consecutive patients.

Described for the first time in World Literature.Re defining Kocher's principles of Thyroid Surgery which stood the test of time for over 100 years.

81. Invited guest lecture. “Tripplet regime with Erbitux a novel concept in advanced head and neck cancers”

south zone CME of IASO 2011 held at Regional Cancer Center On 9th and 10th April 2011.

82. Invited guest lecture. “What is new in breast cancer?”KASICON.2011.May 6th, 7th, 8th (Association of Surgeons of India .Kerala Chapter) Medical College Trivandrum

83. ASCO American Society of Clinical Oncology-June 3rd-7th ,2011

Chicago. Participated as delegate.

84. IMA -Cochin Clinical Society- What is there in a retro sternal goiter?

Presented paper-Philosophical change in approach to retro sternal goiters

85. European Multi disciplinary cancer congress-Stockholm Sweden October 2011 participated as delegate.

86.Advanced Breast Cancer First Consensus Conference-ABC1 organised by the European School of Oncology in Lisbon,Portugal,

Nov 3-5,2011.

Paper presented (poster) “Advanced breast cancer with oligometastasis.Quality of life in long term survivors following aggressive treatments.Single clinicians’ experience”

89.ASICON Cochin 2012-National Conference of Association of Surgeons of India.

Chaired several sessions,Chairman for posters.

Delivered Invited guest lecture,”Role of Horizontal lateral thyroidectomy in retrosternal goiters”.

Video presentation”Compartment Excision for soft tissue sarcomas”

90.ASI Peripheral meet-Kannur. Participated as Faculty.

91.IMA meeting –Pandalam.20th March 2012

Invited faculty lecture “What is New in Breast Cancer”

92.IMA Meeting Thiruvalla 29th March 2012-“Challenges in Breast Cancer management

93. . EAFO –Moscow. 2012 May 4-6th.Participated as invited faculty.

Paper presented

1) Feasibility of Horizontal Lateral Thyroidectomy(Thomas Technique) based on 3-D volumetric digital interactive anatomy, for Thyroid neoplasms.

2) Long term results of novel drain less oncoplastic breast cancer surgery (Thomas Technique

94.ABSICON Hyderabad-May18th-19th,2012 Faculty. Chaired session on “Hormone management in breast cancer”

95. Rotary Club of Chengannoor.25th May.2012 “Cancer prevention starts in the Kitchen-Dietary interventions and cancer prevention.

96.IMA Kottayam.June 2012

Presented paper.Challenges in breast cancer management.

Thomas’Technique of drain less oncoplastic surgery

97. Received Best Doctor/Innovative surgery award from Dr.MGR Medical University ,Chennai.July 1st 2012 for Innovative Thyroid surgery-Horizontal Lateral Thyroidectomy-Thomas’Technique,based on 3 D volumetric Interactive Anatomy described for the first time in the world.

98. Received Gold Medal - CRISIL Medicall Health Care Innovation Award function held at Chennai on August 3rd 2012 at Chennai from Consul General Japan Mr.Masanori Nakano.

99. Annual CME Association of Surgeons on India –Kerala State. Held from 7-9th September 2012 at Lourde Hospital,Cochin.

Participated as faculty.

100.UICC International Cancer Congress ,Montreal Canada.

2012 August 26th-30th.

Papers presented

1) Feasibility of Horizontal Lateral Thyroidectomy(Thomas Technique) based on 3-D volumetric digital interactive anatomy, for Thyroid neoplasms.

2) Long term results of novel drain less oncoplastic breast cancer surgery (Thomas Technique)

Oral presentation.

101. 32nd European Cancer Congress. Valencia, Spain.19-21st September 2012. Papers presented. (Poster presentations)

1) Feasibility of Horizontal Lateral Thyroidectomy(Thomas Technique) based on 3-D volumetric digital interactive anatomy, for Thyroid neoplasms.

2) Long term results of novel drain less oncoplastic breast cancer surgery (Thomas Technique.)

102-NATCON IASO 2012 Goa-Paper presented “Advancements in anti HER2 blockade in Breast Cancer.”

Video- “Horizontal Lateral Thyroidectomy based on 3D Digital Interactive Anatomy”-Thomas Technique.

103-International College of Surgeons’ (Indian section), National meeting-Dec.14-16th, 2012, Ahmadabad.

1) Awarded Gold Medal –Innovation in Surgery- Feasibility of Horizontal Lateral Thyroidectomy(Thomas Technique) based on 3-D volumetric digital interactive anatomy, for Thyroid neoplasms.