Food for Thought
For the week of January 3, 2010
(Questions and Scriptures for further study)
1. The theme of being blessed to be a blessing found in Genesis 12 is repeated several times in Genesis. Read the following passages and note the part God wanted His people to play in seeing others blessed.
Genesis 22:15-18
Genesis 26:2-5
Genesis 28:13-15
2. In the New Testament, we learn that the ultimate blessing we can experience is a relationship with Jesus. If the ultimate blessing is to know Jesus, then the best way we can bless others is to help them know Him also. How do you see this reflected in the following verses?
Matthew 28:18-20
Acts 1:8
2 Timothy 2:24-26
3. Chris talked this weekend about developing a spirit of generosity in our care for others. In Leviticus 23:22, God sets out a simple way for the people of Israel to put this spirit into practice. Now read Ruth 2 to see an example of this principle in action. Since most of us don’t have any fields to harvest, what are some simple and inexpensive ways to apply this principle?
4. Spend some time reviewing your sermon notes and thinking about the stories you heard this past weekend. In light of the great privilege of participating in what God is doing in the world, what are some ways you could be more involved in helping people either locally or globally?
Pastor Chris Brown
North Coast Church
Happy New Year January 2-3, 2010
Investing Wisely in a New Decade
Jesus’ stories:
Luke 10:25-37
Luke 12:13-21
Luke 21:1-4
my stories:
our stories:
Community Service:
your story?
Lack of fill-in-the-blanks on this outline is due to time spent with family over the Holidays
Available as a podcast at & Video-cast at
North Coast Missionaries:
Other Organizations or Missions: Manna Mission
Barret, Steve & Yumi Japan E-3 partners
Sorrow Underfoot, Russian Orphanages
Bellon,Emmanuel&Leticia Campus Crusade for Christ Kenya In Deed and Truth (Medical clinic in Sudan)
Boer, Kevin & Cindy National Network of Youth Ministry CA Lifeway Orphanage Project (mattresses for Nigeria)
Bring Me Hope (China)
Bourcier, Joyce EFCA Reach Global England Walking on Water
A-team trip to Brazil with Evangecubes
Carpenters, (withhold names) Pioneers South East Asia Missions to Kenya, Rwanda, Czech Republic, S. Africa
Hands Across the Water
Christman, David & Lily Campus Crusade for Christ CA Marilyn Laszlo
Dynamic Church Planting
Cloyes, Nicky Operation Mobilization Talking Bibles
Cafe 1040-N. Africa
DeMeo,Janey Orphans First Worldwide Monte Christo Ministries
Evans, Jae & Debra Outside the Bowl Bridging the World Missions
Kid's Clubs in Peru
Gaccione,Vicky Serbia
Coast Kids Ministry: Supports Gospel for Asia, and Samaritan's Purse
Hickey, Katie Campus Crusade for Christ France
Jr. High Ministry: "Starving to Serve" to raise money for Outside the Bowl
Johnson, Ron & Rachel Sammy Tippit Ministries
High School Ministry: Traveled to San Bernardino for an extreme house
Jones, Greg R Julie Wycliffe Bible Translators Solomon Islands makeover, worked at a homeless shelter and a special needs school, and went
to a park to provide a B-B-Q for foster kids; Locally, worked with people from all
Menig, Kyle & Wendy Campus Crusade for Christ CA walks of life including children, those with special needs, adults battling AIDS,
Naylor, Sam Peter's Work Russia and the elderly.
Sales, Carlos Faithquest Malawi College Ministry-The Jordan: Mission trip with Campus Crusade to Australia; House-building trips with Amor Ministries in Mexico; World Vision; Annual trips
Seapy, Chet & JoAnn Church Resource Ministries Worldwide to LA Union and San Diego Rescue Missions
Sebastian, Shane & Laura Campus Crusade for Christ Pacific South West
Shlemon, Alan Stand to Reason CA
Sivulka, Greg & Jelena Calvary Chapel EEM Serbia
Skarnas, Tom &Valerie Youth With A Mission NY
Slottje, Dave & Maureen East West Ministries India
Wood, Jeff &Robin Campus Crusade for Christ
Wyatt, Jim & Juanita The Jesus Film S. Africa