Faculty Questionnaire for Undergraduate Program Review
Your program isundergoing undergraduate program review and we would like your input as part of this process.
Program Goals/Outcomes/Objectives. Given the goals and objectives of this undergraduate program, the program:
is timely/up to dateneeds helpgoodgreat
is rigorousneeds helpgoodgreat
utilizes professional standardsneeds helpgoodgreat
student grades accurately reflect student learningneeds helpgoodgreat
students come to your courses
w/adequate background knowledgeneeds helpgoodgreat
students are prepared to pass external licensure in this programneeds helpgoodgreat
foundation coursesineffectiveeffectivehighly effective
core coursesineffectiveeffectivehighly effective
sequencing of coursesineffectiveeffectivehighly effective
Program morale/atmosphere. Please provide feedback on the “working atmosphere” in the program.
Collegialityamong faculty needs helpgoodgreat
Morale in department needs helpgoodgreat
Faculty work together to get the program “work” doneneeds helpgoodgreat
Do you feel valued by your colleagues?
Do you feel your contributions are rewarded?
Support/resources. Please provide feedback on the support/resources you receive as they relate to your ability to provide a quality program
(if something is inadequate, tell us how)
“basic” resources (office, computer)inadequateadequategreat
Support for your scholarshipinadequateadequategreat
Support for your teachinginadequateadequategreat
Support for professional developmentinadequateadequategreat
Time for clinical practiceinadequateadequategreat
Secretarial supportinadequateadequategreat
Service load/assignmenttoo littlejust righttoo much
How satisfied are you with the process by which:
the teaching load is distributeddissatisfiedsatisfiedvery satisfied
courses are assigned to faculty dissatisfiedsatisfiedvery satisfied
the effectiveness of courses are evaluated dissatisfiedsatisfiedvery satisfied
Program Policy/Procedure. How effective are the policies and procedures with respect to:
Faculty recruitmentIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Faculty meritIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Faculty promotionIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Faculty tenureIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Faculty diversityIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Faculty collegialityIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Teaching evaluations
by studentsIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
by peers and colleaguesIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
by chairperson or program directorIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Faculty input/process of review/revision
of program goals/objectivesIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Student recruitmentIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Student admissionIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Student retentionIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Student advisementIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Transfer creditIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Advance placement and proficienciesIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Career counseling and placementIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Communication. How does the department inform YOU of its program goals, objectives, expectations, and standards for faculty and student performance? (check and rate how useful/informative for all that apply)
Handbook (web or paper based)Ineffectiveeffectivevery effective
Handouts or Fact/Policy SheetsIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Departmental faculty meetingsIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Informal discussions with colleaguesIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Individual discussion with chairIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Email/list-serve discussionsIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Other (please list):
How does the department gain information regarding the quality of YOUR teaching & their effectiveness:(rate all that apply)
End-of-semester written evaluations by studentsIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Chairperson classroom visits and observationsIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Faculty colleague classroom visits and observationsIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
External evaluatorsIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Faculty teaching portfoliosIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Individual interviewsIneffectiveeffectivevery effective
Other (list):
Program resources. How satisfied are you with program resources:
*if unsatisfactory, specifically identify the problem
the buildings, physical environment, and facilities
in which you teach unsatisfactorysatisfactorygreat
the equipment and supplies available unsatisfactorysatisfactorygreat
university computer technology:unsatisfactorysatisfactorygreat
“Smart classrooms” on campusunsatisfactorysatisfactorygreat
Computer lab accessibilityunsatisfactorysatisfactorygreat
Web access from on-campus terminalsunsatisfactorysatisfactorygreat
Web access from off campus computersunsatisfactorysatisfactorygreat
Technical assistanceunsatisfactorysatisfactorygreat
Faculty development/learning workshops for technologyunsatisfactorysatisfactorygreat
The Senior Assignment (SRA). Please provide feedback on your knowledge and participation with the Senior Assignment.
My knowledge of Senior Assignment is nonelowmoderatehigh
My participation with the SRAnonelowmoderatehigh
My participation in the evaluation and assessment of the SRAnonelowmoderatehigh
My participation in faculty discussions of the overall SRA resultsnonelowmoderatehigh
My participation in discussions of program changes
based on SRA resultsnonelowmoderatehigh
Is there something else the University should know in order to assist in the delivery of this program? For example: admission requirements, graduation requirements, general education, the curriculum in the major, specific course offerings, faculty development opportunities, assessment support, personnel policies, physical facilities, or the working environment?