Spring 2016
SysEng 6105Complex Engineering Systems Project Management
Dr. Lou Pape
Cell Phone: (636)734-6789
The course defines a holistic approach to project management for the development of new complex systems. The emphasis is on the relationships and interconnections between project management processes and systems engineering processes for complex engineered systems. Specific topics include strategy, project organization, team development, leadership styles, setting priorities, task development, scheduling, cost estimation, performance monitoring, constraint management, and project audits. Students apply these concepts on a project. Mastery of these key tools is important for career development, as projects are a major approach for organizations to achieve their strategic goals.
Tuesday 7:00-9:30 PM US Central Time
On Campus: Library G-14 VCC Studio Classroom
Lectures are webcast through WebEx for distance students
Grading(500 Points)
Participation 5%
Homework10%5 HW’s due before class sessions; 2% each
Final Exam20%
Project45%Team grade.
“Essentials of Project and Systems Engineering Management,” 3rd Edition,
Howard Eisner,Wiley Interscience, 2008. ISBN0470129336
“System Engineering Management,” 3rd Edition, Benjamin S. Blanchard, Wiley, 2004. ISBN 0471291765.
“Introduction to Systems Engineering,” Andrew P. Sage and James E. Armstrong Jr., Wiley-Interscience, 2000. ISBN 9780471027669
“Project Management: A Systems Approach To Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling,” 9th Edition, Harold Kerzner, Wiley,2005. ISBN 0471225770.
Sys Eng 6105Schedule – Spring 2016
Date / Lecture / Topic / Reading Assignment / Homework Due / ProjectActivity
January 19, 2016 / 1 / Introduction &
Complex Systems Engr. /
Chapter 7 / Email Bios before class
(suggested format in lecture material)
January 26, 2016 / 2 / Modern Project
Management /
Chapter1,12 / ProjectSelection
February 2, 2016 / 3 / Project Selection
& Strategy /
Chapter 1 / HW #1
(Chapters 7,1 & 12)
February 9, 2016 / 4 / Project Organization /
Chapter 2
/ Project Charter and Plan Highlights
February 16, 2016 / 5 / Project Plan
Chapter 3 / HW #2
(Chapters 1 & 2)
February 23, 2016 / 6 / Cost Estimating /
Chapter 4 / Tech Approach and Organization
(II & III)
March 1, 2016 / 7 / Scheduling
Chapter 4 / HW #3
(Chapters 3 & 4)
March 8, 2016 / 8 / Midterm Exam
<No Class>
/ Midterm Exam
March 15, 2016 / 9 / Performance
Monitoring /
March 22, 2016 / 10 / Project Leadership
Chapter 5 / Project WBS and Staffing (IVV)
March 29, 2016 / Spring Break
April 5, 2016 / 11 / Project Teams
Chapter 6 / HW #4
(Chapters 4 & 5)
April 12, 2016 / 12 / Project Audit
and Closure / (Supplemental) / Project Schedule and Budget
(VI & VII)
April 19, 2016 / 13 / Systems Architecting
/ Chapter 9 & Appendix / HW #5
(Chapter 6)
April 26, 2016 / 14 / Student Projects
/ Project Summary Presentation
(I – X)
May 3, 2016 / 15 / Final Exam
<No Class> / Final Exam / Project Report
The class will be divided up into teams of minimum two. Each team will select a complex SE Project and develop a detailed Project Proposal. You can choose the project that you have donefor SysEng 368 and468. Periodic reviews will be held with the customer (instructor) and peers. The instructor and peers will ask questions and provide comments which may be incorporated into the final Project Proposal. Progress will be monitored based on the following review schedule. Each team will have up to 15 minutes at each review, except for the final presentation which will have up to 30 minutes.
Project Aspect / GradeProject Formation / 0%
Project Charter and Highlights Review / 5%
Tech Approach and Organization Review / 5%
Project WBS and Staffing Review / 5%
Project Schedule and Budget Review / 5%
Final Project Presentation / 5%
Final Project Report / 20%
Original Contributions for Extra Credit
- Class Presentations – 15-minute independent presentations on the topics of Complexity, Project Management, Systems Engineering, or other topics related to project management of complex systems development are highly encouraged and very appreciated by the class. Original presentations will earn up to 2% of the final course grade (equivalent to one homework grade).
- Conference Paper – Research papers for extra credit require publication-quality writing. Self-development through original scholarly research and writing will be rewarded with up to 10% of the final course grade.
Reference Sources for Research:
Systems Journal (IEEE)
Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
Systems Research Forum
International Journal of General Systems
Conference Proceedings:
IEEE International Systems Conference
INCOSE International Symposium
CSER (Conference on Systems Engineering Research)
NDIA (National Defense Industry Association)
CAS (Complex Adaptive Systems)
Submission Requirements
- Submit to Blackboard documents labeled “SE_6105_JoeMiner_Hw1.doc” or similar.
- For analytical exercises on homework and exams, please show your work and highlight your final answer.
- For open-ended response questions, please demonstrate understanding by offering interpretations as well as recitation of facts.
- Homework assignments, lecture notes, solutions, and grades will be posted in Blackboard
- Assignments must be submitted prior to the start of class on the due date.
- Presentations must be submittedat least 1 hour prior to the start of class.
- Audio connection is by teleconference or VOIP. Put unit on mute when not speaking. *6=mute, *7=unmute
- Contact the VideoConferenceCenter if you have problems:
- Archived lectures will be available for viewing at:
- Classroom participation is encouraged! Engage, think critically, and try to enjoy learning new things in the class!