Sunday, January 24

Food For The Poor, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, is the largest international relief organization in the United States. Since its founding in 1982, Food For The Poor has provided more than $10 billion in aid and has built more than 90,000 housing units for destitute people in need of adequate shelter. More than 95% of all donations go directly to programs that help the poor.Sunday, January 24, Pastor John Roth, a Lutheran (ELCA) Pastor who has served for 40 years in the ministry of the church including the rebuilding of St. Thomas by the Bay in Miami following the devastation inflicted by Hurricane Andrew in 1992, will share with us the story of the story of the ministry and mission of Food for the Poor. You will be invited to participate in this ministry through a special offering.

This is our every other year visit of a representative from “Food for the Poor.” Your support throughout the years of this ministry is appreciated. And, as with our past years, we will bring out the aquarium during the season of Lent for our “Starfish – change collection – Campaign!” Watch for it in February!

Altar Flower Notice

The 2016 altar flower calendar has been posted in the greeting area of the church. The cost of flowers is $23 per piece. If you are planning to dedicate flowers in 2016, please place your donation in the envelopes and fill out the information forms that are provided. . Eternal candle donations will remain $10 for the month.

Offering Envelopes

Church offering envelopes are now available in the greeting area. If you do not see your name and would like envelopes, please contact the church office.





HERE WE GO AGAIN as we celebrate Souper Bowl Sunday on the day of the Super Bowl. On Sunday, February 7, we will celebrate our 14th year of our participation in this event sponsored by the Confirmation class and young people of Trinity. For this Sunday we hold one worship service at 10:00 am where we will focus on the need to support the hungry and less fortunate in our communities. Following worship we will host a soup luncheon with King Cake, where we offer a variety of soup offerings made by the confirmation class and members of the church. Take out is always available!

Every penny of your donations to this event will go to the Shepherd’s Food Pantry. Last year we raised over $1,400. In the thirteen years we have hosted this event we have raised over $14,000. Invite your family and friends. Come to worship and come for soup. Bring a hearty appetite and, also, cans of soup to give to the pantry. And, if you wish to know more about the history and scope of the Souper Bowl of Caring, visit their website at KING CAKE people step up and let Pastor know you were one of those who received a ‘baby’ last year!.



(Listings may be extended 3-12 months via the parish office)

Caleb Sawant (10/16)Nate Bouley (8/16)

Zachary Hollister (7/16)Debbie Kackley (7/16)

Jeanie Golden (7/16)Rick Schlak (7/16)

Helen Matson (7/16)Fred Belanger (6/16)

Jenna Mae (4/16)George Jennings (4/16)

Kathy Fitzgerald (4/16)Joseph Gaudiello (4/16)

Jaclyn(4/16)Helen Taylor (4/16)

Dan (4/16)Paul Fitzgerald (4/16)

Ann Ulrichsen Burge (4/16)Magnus Aadland (3/16)

Steve Cambra (3/16)Liv Haines (3/16)

Jay Powers (3/16)Tom Softcheck (2/16)

Tom Ryan (2/16)Malvin Kvilhaug (2/16)

Baby Gavin (2/16)Martha Burger (2/16)

Lois Tonnessen (2/16)Irene Medeiros (2/16)

Liz LeMaire (2/16)Wendy (2/16)


Church Phone508 993-6351

Pastor Paul’s Cell508 264-5624

(The church office will be open from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM,Monday through Friday. John Softcheck is our parishadministrator.)


John Softcheck

Youth Group

Planning Meeting

Wednesday, January 20

6:30 PM

All middle and high school students are asked to attend a planning meeting for the coming year on Wednesday, January 20, at 6:30 PM. Food and drink provided! Also, if any young people are interested in attending a ski weekend at Calumet the last weekend of February, talk to Pastor Paul. The total cost of the weekend is $130 and we are asking for an initial deposit of $70 from each person. Also, we are seeking adults to drive and/or chaperone the event as Pastor Paul will not be available to attend this year.


(An after school ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church)

It is starting to get cold and some of us have hopes of snow heading our way. The children are ending their Holiday Break and many will be back with stories of visiting relatives, maybe even skiing or snowboarding. Gail and I were lucky to have six of our students with us at TLCPLC the week before New Year’s Day. We had hut and tent builders, banana bread makers, and movie goers. A field trip to the mall took us to see the Chipmunk movie. We made our own pizza and decorated ginger bread person cookies on those days. All in all we had lots of fun.

Last month we asked the parent's and the children of our program to help us with our service project. We wanted to send a care package to the sister of one of our students who is stationed in Italy with the Navy. We found out how many were in her group and then started collecting small toiletries and candies and the whole collection snow balled into a wonderful assortment of items that we put into Christmas Stockings. We mailed that box off as soon as we could before Christmas. Many extra items were mailed later to them as a shared box of goodies.

This new month of January we plan to return to our virtualtraveling and the children voted to go to Antarctica. We will have the children look up information on climate, plant life and animals. During our travel week the children will make a cold snack and create a snow scene in a shoebox.

The children and I would like to thank all of you for your wonderful support. You show us your kindness and giving hearts with yummy goodies to eat and drink and thankful donations of money to help us improve the program. We also know you keep us in your prayers, so Gail and I can continue to nurture the children and keep them safe and loved.

With love and blessings, Ruth E. Medeiros,Director