Grades K-2 Intermediate
follows simple three and four step directions.
identifies initial, medial, or ending sounds.
identifies the main idea of a short passage.
identifies key details from short passages.
uses basic grammatical forms.
retells stories with a beginning, middle, and end.
tells what is happening in a picture using simple sentences.
identifies word families and distinguishes rhyming from non- rhyming words.
recognizes words such as compound words, base words, and inflections (e.g., railroad, aim, tall, –ed, -er, -est).
demonstrates comprehension of intermediate vocabulary in context.
identifies the correct usage from multiple-meanings words.
identifies intermediate synonyms and antonyms.
identifies and understands analogies in written text
identifies the sequence of events in stories read, using key words or phrases.
responds to stories by answering questions using phrases or simple sentences (e.g., who, what, when, where, and how).
draws inferences and conclusions from short passages.
distinguishes fact and opinion in various texts.
writes 3-5 sentences related to a picture or a prompt.
uses sequence and transitional words correctly (e.g., first, then, next, after).
uses common and proper nouns.
uses adjectives and adverbs, including comparatives.
uses high-frequency prepositional phrases (e.g., in the house, to school, on the bus).
uses varied verbs (e.g., enjoy, seem, reply).
uses subject, object, and possessive pronouns.
uses definite and indefinite articles.
uses regular and irregular plurals correctly.
uses prefixes and suffixes correctly.
writes simple sentences with varied lengths in correct word order (e.g., declarative, interrogative, and imperative forms).
writes grammatically correct simple, compound and complex sentences, using conjunctions (e.g., since, because, if, but, while).
uses subject/verb agreement in sentences.
uses simple verb tenses and auxiliary verbs (e.g., simple past, future with will and going to, past progressive).
______uses correct ending punctuation and commas (e.g., lists, dates, and cities to states).
uses correct capitalizations.
uses appropriate paragraph format (indentation and alignment).
spells high frequency words correctly.