SL.5.1 / Student engages in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, or teacher-led) building on others’ ideas and expressing their own by:
- coming to discussions prepared (read/studied material).
- following agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles.
- posing questions to further develop the conversation and responding to specific questions to clarify and inquire about information/ideas presented.
- elaborate on others’ comments and draw conclusions based on information gained from the discussion.
- coming to discussions prepared (read/studied material).
- following agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles.
- posing and responding to specific questions to clarify or inquire about information presented or ideas expressed by the group.
- elaborate on others’ comments based on information gained from the discussion.
- coming to discussions prepared (read/studied material).
- following agreed-upon rules for discussions.
- posing and responding to specific questions to clarify or inquire about information presented or ideas expressed by the group.
/ Student summarizes a written text presented in various formats (i.e. visually, quantitatively, or orally). / Student paraphrases portions of a text presented in various formats (i.e. visually, quantitatively, or orally). / Student determines the main ideaof information presented in various formats (i.e. visually, quantitatively, or orally).
SL.5.3 / Student summarizes the points a speaker makes and explains how each claim is supported by reasons and evidence. / Student summarizes the points a speaker makes and identifies reasons or evidence for each claim. / Student identifies reasons and/or evidence a speakerprovides to support particular points.
SL.5.4 / Studentreports on a topic or text or presents an opinionby:
- sequencing ideas logically
- includingappropriate facts andrelevant, descriptivedetails to support main ideas or themes.
- speakingclearlyat an understandable pace, and making eye-contact.
- sequencing ideas logically
- includingappropriate facts anddetails to support main ideas or themes.
- speakingsomewhat clearly, and making minimal eye-contact.
- including facts anddetails to support the topic, though not in a logical sequence
SL.5.5 / Student selects appropriate multimedia components (i.e. graphics, sound, visual displays, etc.) forpresentationsto enhance the development of main idea and theme. / Student selects appropriate multimedia components (i.e. graphics, sound, visual displays, etc.) forpresentations. / Student includes multimedia components (i.e. graphics, sound, visual displays, etc.) which are related to the topic, but not relevant to the presentation.
SL.5.6 / Student canadapt speech to appropriately incorporate formal and informal language when writing and speaking based on audienceand purpose while demonstrating command of the Conventions of Standard English(i.e. conjunctions; prepositions; interjections; perfect verb tenses and correlative conjunctions). / Student canadapt speech to appropriately incorporate formal and informal language when writing and speaking based on audience while demonstrating command of the Conventions of Standard English(i.e. conjunctions; prepositions; interjections; perfect verb tenses and correlative conjunctions). / Student does notadapt speech to appropriately incorporate formal and informal language when writing and speaking.
*Note: Teachers may utilize portions of this rubric based on the Speaking and Listening Standard that is assessed through the specific learning task.
Adapted from the PARCC Performance Task Rubric: