Follow-up to building learning walk

I so enjoyed my visit to Kibler today!

On a professional note, I saw....

  • students being courteous, kind and respectful.
  • students, students and more students reading "just right" books.
  • students using their chrome books.
  • students carefully cutting out leaves developing their fine motor skills.
  • students speaking eloquently into a microphone.
  • students engaged in learning conversations with you and with each other.

On a personal note, I had....

  • students call me the President.
  • students tell me I looked good in a suit....immediately following my Kibler visit, I served Thanksgiving lunch to our senior citizens at the senior center. They, too, thought I was a politician and liked my suit. I'm going to have to share with Britt that this was a good suit choice!LOL!
  • a student extend his hand to introduce himself in a very professional manner.
  • no students call me Ms. Brown's dad like at Westwood where a student called me Mr. Meyer's dad (this hurt just a bit! ....ughh...for the white hair!!).

Thanks for being so gracious in welcoming me into your rooms. It was obvious to me you are building solid relationships with your students. You and I both know this is an important factor in the learning process. I appreciate your thoughtful lesson planning as evidenced by the actual lessons observed. Please keep working hard for our my mom always told me the whole time I was growing up, "There is no more noble a profession than that of an educator!" She might have had a bit of an influence on my career decision!

Make your Wednesday evening a great one!


Cabinet Visits: Fall, 2017

Creating a Tiered System of Support for Students

Big Ideas to Frame our Conversation

Big Idea #1

As a system, we have defined the long-range (multi-year) goal of creating opportunities to support the academic, behavioral and attendance needs of all students to successfully meet standards through a tiered system of support.

Share with us any celebrations of structures or processes related to this work that your school already has in place for supporting students in a tiered system. Don’t be afraid to brag about the good work already in place.

Big Idea #2

There are multiple “entry points” to building and sustaining a tiered system. These entry points are often determined by the learning environment and collective knowledge at a school. Entry points are often your leadership moves.

In the short-term, as you think about the current work in your school, tell us about the goals, initiatives or ideas you have for this year as next steps in one or more of the three areas (academic, behavioral, attendance).

Big Idea #3

The following questions are to help you “think aloud” and for us to determine our leadership moves in working with all principals in our system.

How do the following prompts help you to describe your current leadership situation?

  • I want to do this and I just need time and planning with staff to move this forward
  • I think this might be a good next step for our school, but I need to learn more about this before I can lead it
  • I want to implement this step, but I need resources or support to make it happen. What do you believe you need?

Protocol - 60 minutes total

The use of protocols help to productively and effectively nudge thinking and learning in a relatively short amount of time. For our cabinet visits, we will be using the following protocol.

  1. Each question is asked and principal responds without interruption or any comment for 3-5 minutes. Cabinet takes notes, no commentary or questions.
  2. Process is repeated for each question. (15 minutes total)
  3. After principal has opportunity to respond to all questions, cabinet goes around (2 minutes each) to make comments and pose questions. Principal records questions. (15 minutes)
  4. After all cabinet members have shared, principal responds to as few or many of the questions/comments as he/she wishes. (15 minutes)
  5. Open discussion(15 minutes)

Keeping our Enumclaw School District Strategic Plan Alive!

Board Business Meetings and Board Workshops

  • Agenda (icons)
  • Superintendent Evaluation Form (at board table for each meeting)
  • Monitoring Progress (Red, Yellow and Green)
  • Cycle of the Year
  • April: Board Retreat
  • Review and Set Vision
  • June: Draft to Board and Leadership Team
  • August: Leadership Team Retreat, Final Draft of Update to Board, Development of School Improvement Plans
  • November: Mid-Year Review with Board at WSSDA

Boardroom Wall

Leadership Team Meetings

School Presentations to the Board

  • School Improvement Plans
  • Board Visits to Schools

Sunday Evening News

Connections in Local Newspaper

Social Media (Facebook and Twitter)

5D+ Instructional Framework / TPEP / Evidence of Effectiveness
All administrators will be proficient in their understanding of the new Version 3 5D+ Framework and how to use the TPEP Supervision and Evaluation process to promote instructional improvement. /
  • Ability to outline major changes to the 5D+ Framework
  • Demonstrated calibration through discussion and collaboration following shared observations
  • Observable systems and routines for regularly monitoring instruction and assessment
  • Evidence of data used to provide personal feedback to staff

Action Steps / Timeline / Leadership Responsibility
  1. 5D+ Framework Training - Version 3 - Patty Maxfield
  2. Participation in on-going Tuning Protocols for TPEP Practices
  3. Cabinet Visits
  4. Calibration and tuning of quality instruction for learning walks.
/ August 3
August - June
September - June / Jill