Flandreau FFA National Convention Application

Name: ______Grade in School: ______

Years in FFA: ______Cumulative Points: ______
(including current year) (found on FFA Website)

Please type this application. Email the completed application to Mr. Christiansen by September 10. Print and obtain signatures on the last page of the document.

1.  List the FFA local activities in which you have participated. (meetings, community service, committees, etc.

2.  List the district, state, and national FFA activities in which you have participated. (camps, CDEs, workshops, etc.)

3.  Write a 2-paragraph essay explaining how you will benefit from attending the National FFA Convention and why you should be chosen to attend.

4.  Write two additional paragraphs detailing how your attendance at the National FFA Convention will improve the Flandreau FFA Chapter. Include specific goals, projects, or activities that you will lead at the local level following convention.

Judging guidelines for applicants is as follows:

1.  Seniority

2.  Cumulative FFA points

3.  Application ranking

4.  All other things being equal, members who have not previously attended convention rank highest.

Flandreau FFA National Convention
Participation Guidelines/Contract

I realize that if selected to attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN,
I ______will meet the following requirements.
(print student’s full name)

1.  Abide by the FPS Code of Conduct and the State and National FFA code of ethics.

2.  Pay my share of the convention fees or get sponsors to pay for my way by 3 weeks (Oct. 4) prior to the convention leave date, (Shared fees are as follows: 1st time attendance 50%, 2nd time 60%, 3+ times 70%. Total cost = $350).

3.  Have all of my schoolwork made up before leaving or arrangements made with my teachers at least 4 school days prior to the convention leave date (Oct. 19).

4.  Be academically eligible according to the FPS eligibility standards at the time of application as well as not on probation the week prior to convention. (If you are on probation the week prior to leaving, you may lose your seat and/or have to pay the full price for the empty seat.)

5.  Complete and return to Mr. Christiansen this and all other necessary forms, signed by my parents and myself by Sept. 10.

6.  NOT back out of this trip after Sept. 22, with the exception of a family emergency; or become ineligible or on probation after Oct. 13, and if I do I will be forced to pay the entire cost of the bus seat; $350.

If I fail to comply with any of the above stated requirements, I will NOT attend convention but will pay the entire cost of the bus seat that I will be giving up ($350).

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______