Dorset LPC’s guide to the new local healthcare landscape
This guide is for community pharmacies in the county of Dorset.
The changes to the NHS in 2013 mean new organisations are taking over responsibility for tasks previously undertaken by your PCT. Due to the speed with which the changes to the NHS have been implemented, in the first few months of operation of the new health and care system it may not always be clear which organisations are taking on responsibility for all the previous roles of your PCT; check the LPC website updates.
NHS England
NHS England is responsible for commissioning the national community pharmacy contract as well as the other primary care contracts for general practices, dentistry and optometry. NHS England is also responsible for some nationally commissioned public health services such as vaccination programmes, e.g. seasonal flu vaccination, and national screening programmes. For more information visit their website
The NHS England Wessex Area Team is the ‘local’ arm of NHS England and is located at the old SHIP HQ. They can be contacted at
NHS England Wessex Area Team,
Oakley Road, Millbrook,SO16 4GX.
Tel: 02380 296914
Primary Care Contracts Manager at NHS England Wessex Area Team:
Julia Booth, tel: 07500 225675
fax: 02380 725457 (mark for 1st floor PCC team)
Practitioner Support Services, NHS Shared Business Services, Camberwell House, Grenadier Road, Exeter Business Park, Exeter, EX1 3LQ
Tel: 01392 351351
Fax: 01392 351383
Contact: Sarah Thompson 01392 351351
Escalation: Leslie Young 07966822736
Pharmaceutical List, NHS Shared Business Services, Sanger House, 5220 Valiant Court, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4FE
Contacts: Audrey Whitehouse 0300 4211665
Kim Thomas 0300 4211681
Fax: 0800 421 1866
Ruth Wilshaw: 0300 4211671
Roma Vowles: 07966 821015
Payments, NHS Shared Business Services, Peveril House, Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 9AU
Phone: 01202 654050
Fax: 01202 654060
Contact: Tracey Kay 01202 654060
Karen Chilcot: 01202 654052
Roma Vowles 07966 821015
Smartcards, Natalie Lahoud, Systems Support, Dorset HealthCare THQ, 11 Shelley Road, Bournemouth, BH1 4JQ
Tel: 01202 443238
If you can’t find the answer you need below, please contact the LPC tel: 01202 579349 or email
Where can I get…?Drug Tariffs / SBS Exeter
EPS R2 dispensing tokens (please allow 10 working days for delivery) / SBS Exeter
FP10CDF (standard requisition form for CDs) / SBS Exeter
FP57s (refund and receipt forms) / SBS Exeter
Smartcards / Dorset HealthCare – Natalie Lahoud
Who do I send the following forms/documents to?
COC/COAs for non-Part VIIIB unlicensed specials & imports / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Bank Holiday opening hours notification forms / SBS Gloucester
Quarterly MUR & NMS reports / NHS England Wessex Area Team
MUR certificates / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Fitness to Practise notification forms / SBS Gloucester
Annual report on complaints received / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Reporting CD incidents and concerns / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Who do I make the following applications to?
Applications for new, additional or relocated premises / SBS Gloucester
Changes to core & supplementary opening hours / SBS Gloucester
Permission for emergency relocation of pharmacy premises / SBS Gloucester
Request to examine an individual prescription or bundle sent to the BSA / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Permission to undertake telephone MURs or MURs outside the pharmacy / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Resolves payment issues for pharmacies due to administrative errors in completing their FP34c submission document / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Undertakes pharmacy contract monitoring visits / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Oversees the management and use of Controlled Drugs / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Authorises suitable witnesses for destruction of date-expired Schedule 1 & 2 CDs / NHS England Wessex Area Team CD Accountable Officer, Manda Copage
Develops and publishes the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) / Health & Wellbeing Board/Local Authority
Distributes MHRA drug alerts and medical device alert notices / NHS England Wessex Area Team, but pharmacies can also register to receive alerts direct from
Distributes Central Alerting System (CAS) safety alerts / SBS Gloucester
Organises the annual clinical audit (formerly led by your PCT) / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Chooses the topics for the six public health campaigns each year and provides appropriate support / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Manages access to email accounts / NHS England Wessex Area Team (arrangements TBC)
Manages the collection of waste medicines from community pharmacies / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Who authorises the following payments?
Top-up payment claims for the Establishment and Practice payments / NHS England Wessex Area Team
EPS monthly allowance / NHS England Wessex Area Teas
Pre-reg training grant / SBS Ferndown
Local out-of-hours arrangements / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Part IXA appliances not available without extra charges - may authorise discretionary payment / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Discretionary advance payment for very expensive prescription items / SBS Ferndown
Who commissions the following services?
NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (pharmacy contract) – Essential and Advanced services / NHS England Wessex Area Team
Locally commissioned services / See table below
Organisation / Area of Responsibility / Contact InformationNHS England – Wessex Area Team
Oakley Road, Millbrook,
SO16 4GX / Specified Bank Holiday LES
Directed rotas / Helen Wardle
02380 725554
Tim Perriment
02380 296041
CCGs / Area of Responsibility / Contact Information
Dorset CCG
Vespasian House, Bridport Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1TS / Palliative Care enhanced service
Care Homes enhanced service / Katherine Gough
Head of Medicines Management
01305 213610
Public Health Teams / Local authority / Area of Responsibility / Contact Information
Dorset – Public Health
Public Health, Vespasian House, Bridport Road, Dorchester, DT1 1TS
/ Chlamydia Screening
Chlamydia Treatment
Emergency Hormonal Contraception
Needle exchange (with DAATs)
Smoking Cessation (with DHFT in Bournemouth & Poole)
Supervised consumption
Weight Management / Chris Ricketts Head of Programmes
Michelle Homer (PA to Chris Ricketts & Pharmacy Services Administrator)
01305 361255
May 2013