Week 21Language and images

Look at these images -When you see water what do you think of?

How is water seen differently around the world?

Section 1Vocabulary activity (at home)

  • Two words in each row are similar. Cross out the odd word.
  • Use a dictionary and thesaurus to help you.

A / B / C
1 / pod / shell / seed
2 / glass / mug / cup
3 / private / public / municipal
4 / congregation / gathering / alone
5 / metal / aluminium / plastic
6 / butts in / waits / pushes in front
7 / calm / frantic / desperate
8 / ignore / emphasise / highlight
9 / polished / dull / shining

Section 2Reading activity

The poet

Imtiaz Dharkerwas born in Lahore in 1954, grew up in Glasgowand now lives in India. In an interview she said:

"When a pipe bursts or when a water tanker goes past, there's always a little child running behind the water tanker getting the bits of drips and it's like money, it's like currency. In a hot country in that kind of climate, it's like a gift. And the children may have been brought up in the city and grown up as migrants, but the mothers will probably remember that in the village they came from, they would have to walk miles with pots to get to a well, to the closest water source. So it really is very precious. When the water comes, it's like a god."

To read more about Imtiaz go to:

Read more about water difficulties globally:

The skin cracks like a pod.
There never is enough water.

Imagine the drip of it,
the small splash, echo
in a tin mug,
the voice of a kindly god.

Sometimes, the sudden rush
of fortune. The municipal pipe bursts,
silver crashes to the ground
and the flow has found
a roar of tongues. From the huts,
a congregation: every man woman
child for streets around
butts in, with pots,
brass, copper, aluminium,
plastic buckets,
frantic hands,

and naked children
screaming in the liquid sun,
their highlights polished to perfection,
flashing light,
as the blessing sings
over their small bones.

Section 3 - Please answer these questions before coming to class.

1.)What tense is the poem written in and what is the effect of this?

2.)Lines 3 to 6. What is the sound of water being compared to?

3.)What do you think the purpose(s) of the poem is?

4.)How many similes can you find?

5.)How do the children and the adults react differently? And why?

6.)How many metaphors can you find?

7.)Which synonym best explains ‘roar of tongues’ – line 11?




8.)Which sentence best explains ‘highlights polished to perfection – line 20?

a)the wet skin of the children is shining under the sun

b)any dirt on the children’s skin is washed and cleaned away

9.)Look at the first page. Which pictures do you think best represent the poem? And why?

10.)What is water being compared too in the poem? Find examples.

Is there a ‘big idea’ in the poem, something idea to make the reader think?Tick which you think are important ideas in the poem:

  • what happens when a pipe bursts
  • the goodness and happiness of people
  • poverty in third world countries
  • the connection between people and where they live
  • Western countries and wastefulness
  • that water is as valuable as religion

Section 4(Watch the video - CLAiT Plus Week 21 Video)



You are working as a Personal Assistant in an environmental agency. One of your jobs is to produce the company advertising material.

You will be required to produce a template for notices and then use this to produce two notices. You will also be required to produce an information leaflet that will be given to people who want to know more water shortages.

You will also need to refer to the Draft Documents.

week21.1 / text file
week21.2 / text file
week21.3 / text file
image1 / image file
image2 / image file
image3 / image file

To produce the publications you will need the following files:

You will need to use system software and application software that will allow you to:

1manipulate images

2combine text and graphics

3control page layout, columns and text flow

4print colour separated printouts.


Before you begin this task ensure you have the file week21_1.

You have been asked to prepare an information leaflet:

  • the text has been prepared for you
  • you will be asked to make some amendments to this text
  • the approximate positioning of the page items and text is shown on the

Page Layout Sketch and text flow diagrams on page 369.

1 Create a new publication.

Format the document as follows:

Paper size: A4

Orientation: Landscape

Top Margin: 25 mm (2.5 cm)

Bottom Margin: 25 mm (2.5 cm)

Left Margin: 30 mm (3 cm)

Right Margin: 30 mm (3 cm)

Columns: 3

Space between columns: 10 mm (1 cm)

2 Insert the following headers and footers:

Header / your name and centre number / flush to right margin
Footer / the date
automatic page number(starting at page 1) / flush to left margin

3Set up the page layout as shown in the Page Layout Sketch on Page 369.

4 Import the text file week21.1 and position this text as shown in the Page

Layout Sketch on Page 369.


5a) Format the body text to be:

style: sans serif

size: 12

emphasis: regular/normal

alignment: justified

b) Format the heading Dirty water kills 5,000 children a day to be:

style: serif

size: 24

emphasis: bold

alignment: centre

c) Format the 3 subheadings How Much? andWorld’s slums and Water sharingto be:

style: serif

size: 16

emphasis: bold, italic

alignment: left

6Copyfit the publication ensuring that:

a) the leading is adjusted so that there is no more than 10 mm of vertical space anywhere in the document, except where indicated in the Page Layout Sketch (the whole of column 2 of page 2 and the top of column 3 of page 2)

b) columns are balanced to within 10 mm

c) leading is consistent

d) paragraph spacing is consistent

e) there are no hyphenated line endings

f) subheadings are kept with at least two lines of related text

g)there are no widows or orphans

h) all material is displayed as specified

i) the text file is displayed in full.

7Save your publication using the filename week21.1_com

8 Print a composite copy of your publication.

Close any open documents.

Page Layout Sketch for Task 1

Dirty water kills 5,000 children a day

Nearly two million children a year die for want of clean water and proper sanitation while the world's poor often pay more for their water than people in Britain or the US, according to a major new report.

The United Nations Development Programme, in its annual Human Development report, argues that 1.1 billion people do not have safe water and 2.6 billion suffer from inadequate sewerage. This is not because of water scarcity but poverty, inequality and government failure.

The report urges governments to guarantee that each person has at least 20 litres of clean water a day, regardless of wealth, location, gender or ethnicity. If water was free to the poor, it adds, it could trigger the next leap forward in human development.

How Much?

Many sub-Saharan Africans get less than 20 litres of water a day and two-thirds have no proper toilets. By contrast, the average Briton uses 150 litres a day while Americans are the world's most profligate, using 600 litres a day. Phoenix, Arizona, uses 1,000 litres per person on average - 100 times as much as Mozambique.

"Water, the stuff of life and a basic human right, is at the heart of a daily crisis faced by countless millions of the world's most vulnerable people," says the report's lead author, Kevin Watkins.

Hilary Benn, international development secretary, said: "In many developing countries, water companies supply the rich with subsidised water but often don't reach poor people at all. With around 5,000 children dying every day because they drink dirty water, we must do more."

Many countries spend less than 1% of national income on water. This needs to rise sharply, as does the share of foreign aid spent on water projects, the UNDP says. It shows how spending on clean water and sanitation led to dramatic advances in health and infant mortality in Britain and the United States in the 1800s.

World's Slums

In the world's worst slums, people often pay five to 10 times more than wealthy people in the same cities or in London. This is because they often have to buy water from standpipes and pay a middle man by the bucket. "The poorer you are, the more you pay," says Mr Watkins.

Poor people also waste much time walking miles to collect small amounts of water. The report estimates that 40bn hours are spent collecting water each year in sub-Saharan Africa - an entire working year for all the people in France.

And the water the poor do get is often contaminated, spreading diseases that kill people or leave them unable to work. The UNDP estimates that nearly half of all people in developing countries at any one time are suffering from an illness caused by bad water or sanitation and that 443m school days are missed each year.

Water Sharing

There is plenty of water globally but it is not evenly distributed and is difficult to transport. Some countries use more than they have due to irrigation, population growth and so on. But many simply do not handle their water properly.

The Middle East is the world's most "water-stressed" region, with Palestinians, especially in Gaza, suffering the most.

Climate change is likely to hit the developing world hardest, reducing the availability of water, lowering agricultural productivity and leaving millions hungry. Changing weather patterns are already causing drought in countries such as Kenya, Mali and Zimbabwe, but wet areas are likely to become wetter still, causing devastating floods and loss of life.

It says governments need to get more water to people, either through the public sector or a regulated private sector. The end, the UNDP concludes, is more important than the means.


Before you begin this task ensure you have the files image1 and image2.

You have been asked to create a template that can be used to produce notices.

You will need to prepare the template in two colours, black and red.

The template will be used to produce two publications.

You may use any fonts, sizes and styles for the text in this template, but you must use the colours specified in the assignment.

A layout sketch is given below to show the approximate positioning of the text and images:

Page Layout Sketch for Task 2

1 Using suitable software, create a new publication using the measurements given in the layout sketch. Use any margins and layout guides.

2a) Import image1 and position it at the top of your publication, as

shown in the layout sketch.

b) The image may be resized, but must be kept in proportion.

3 a) Create a text area/frame and enter the text Global Concerns

b) Position this text at the top of the white area on top of image1, as shown in the layout sketch.

c) Centre this text and colour this text red.

d) Make sure that the text is clearly visible and does not touch or overlap the black area of image1.

4 a) Draw a thick black line under the text Global Concerns

b) Make sure the line touches, but does not extend beyond the left and right edge of image1.

c) Make sure the black line is clearly visible and does not touch or overlap the text.

5 a) Create a text area/frame and enter the text:

Water running out

Global warming

Water pollution

b) Position this text in the bottom left of the white area on top of image1.

c) Left-align this text and colour this text black.

e) Make sure that the text is clearly visible and does not touch or overlap the black line or the black edges of image1.

6 a) Import image2.

b) Position image2 on top of image1, in the bottom

right hand corner of the white area, as shown in the layout sketch.

c) The image may be resized, but must be kept in proportion.

d) Make sure that the image is clearly visible and does not touch or

overlap the text, the black line or the black edges of image1.

7 Save the template using the filename week21.2_com

Task 3

Before you begin this task ensure you have the file image3 and the template week21.2_com (that you created in Task 2).

Your Manager has requested some additions to the template, and has provided the following page layout sketch to help you.

Page Layout Sketch for Task 3


Continue working in the template week21.2_com that you created in Task 2.

1 Group all the items in the publication.

2 Copy the grouped items and paste the copy at the bottom of the template as shown in the layout sketch.

3 Ungroup the copy of the grouped items.

4 Replace image2 within the ungrouped items, with image3.

5 Insert your name and centre number as a header or footer.

6 a) Make sure all items are clearly shown and that all items placed on top of

image1 are not touching or overlapping unless specified.

b) Save this template retaining the filename week21.2_com.

7 a) Set crop marks to print.

b) Print a composite copy of the template showing crop marks.

c) Save and close the template retaining the filename.


Before you begin this task ensure you have the files week21.2 and week21.2_com (that you saved in Task 3).

You have been asked to prepare a notice for an investment of properties.

1 Open a copy of the template week21.2_com.

2 a) Import the text file week21.2.

b) Position this text in the white space in the centre of the publication.

c) Centre this text.

d) Colour this text red.

e) Display the text using fonts, styles and sizes to suit your publication.

f) Make sure that all the text is fully displayed and does not touch or

overlap any page items.

3 Save your publication using the filename week21.3_com

4 a) Prepare colour-separated printouts.

b) Print a colour-separated copy of the publication.

c) Check that one print shows only the red items.

d) The colour of this printout must be shown on the print. You may need

to handwrite the word —“red“ on this print.

e) Check that one print shows only the black items.

f) The colour of this printout must be shown on the print. You may need

to handwrite the word —“black“ on this print.

5 Save your publication keeping the filename week21.3_com


Before you begin this task ensure you have the files week21.3 and week21.2_com (that you saved in Task 3).

You have been asked to prepare a publication to advertise investment opportunities.

1 Open a copy of the template week21.2_com.

2 a) Create a text area/frame and enter the text:

China and India warned their water is running out

b) Position this text at the top of the white space under image1.

c) Apply a special effect to this text (for example word art or reverse text).

3 a) Import the text file week21.3.

b) Position this text in the white space in the centre of the publication.

c) Format the text using fonts, styles, sizes and alignment to suit your


d) Make sure that all the text is fully displayed and does not touch or overlap any page items.

4 Save your publication using the filename week21.4_com

5 Print a composite copy of your publication. Close the file and exit the application.

Section 6Video activity

Watch the video The Blessing. Try to answer the questions below.

Timeline 72.00 – 73.00

  1. What is the water compared to?
  1. Where did Imtiaz work; who did she work for; who did she help?
  1. How do people clean their pots?

Timeline 73.20 – 74.00

  1. What changes when water arrives; what do the children do?
  1. How is England compared?

Timeline 74.00 – 74.50

  1. How does the poem begin and why?
  1. How does the poem change when the water arrives and why?

Timeline 74.50 – 77.00

8.What do the students say when they have read the poem?

Timeline 77.00 – 79.00

9.What does the city of Bombaymean to Imtiaz?

10.What does the poem mean to Imtiaz?

Section 7Writing activity(at home) Choose one option to write about.

1.Compare and contrast water in this country with other countries.

2.Look at the blessingand write about the language. You could include short paragraphs on:

  • Similes, metaphors, adjectives.
  • What you liked or didn’t like about the poem.

3.Re-write the poem in the past tense.

4.Re-write the poem in the first person (I, me) or the third person (he, she)

5.Choose your own subject.

6.Read the following poem by Imtiaz. How is it similar and different to The Blessing?

This Room by Imtiaz Dharker
This room is breaking out
of itself, cracking through
its own walls
in search of space, light,
empty air.
The bed is lifting out of
its nightmares.
From dark corners, chairs
are rising up to crash throughclouds.
This is the time and place
to be alive:
when the daily furniture of our lives
stirs, when the improbable arrives.
Pots and pans bang together
in celebration, clang
past the crowd of garlic, onions, spices,
fly by the ceiling fan.
No one is looking for the door.
In all this excitement
I'm wondering where
I've left my feet, and why
my hands are outside, clapping.


S. Woulds

Week 21Language and images