

FLAIR Integration Job Aid–FACTS

This document should be used to help agencies further understand the FLAIR Integration process as it is used in the MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) transactions. This job aid is intended to only be used by those with the role of “FLAIR Access Controller” or “Invoice Manager” in MFMP. The points below describe a number of facts about the FLAIR Integration process and how it works within the MFMP system.

In an attempt to simplify the use of this document, it has been organized into five primary sections:

  1. General Information about FLAIR Integration
  2. Facts about Requisitions & FLAIR Integration
  3. Facts about Invoices & FLAIR Integration
  4. Important Tips
  5. What Happens Transactions Fail FLAIR Integration?

General Information about FLAIR Integration in MFMP

There are two components in MFMP that utilize FLAIR Integration: Requisitions and Invoices. MFMP uses a FLAIR UserID and Password every time a transaction takes place involving integration with the FLAIR system to do the following actions:

1) To encumber a requisition

2) To send a request for Invoice to be disbursed

Note: unencumbered requisitions only involve FLAIR integration when they are paid.

The Requisition and Invoice FLAIR Integration operations are executed once the approval flow that leads to a FLAIR Integration step is completed. At the point that the FLAIR Integration step is executed, MFMP uses a FLAIR Lookup Table to find the appropriate FLAIR UserID and Password. The Organization Code, FLAIR UserID and Password are the three key data elements that are passed to FLAIR used to access FLAIR to perform the transaction in FLAIR. When trying to disburse an Invoice, the Entity, Site Code, and invoice manager are used to lookup the FLAIR UserID and Password that should be used to access FLAIR to disburse the Invoice appropriately.

Facts about Requisitions & FLAIR Integration

MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) uses a FLAIR UserID and Password every time a transaction takes place involving FLAIR Integration

  • The FLAIR UserID and Password used are based on the Entity and Site Code of the requisition. Once the requisition is created, the Site Code and Entity associated with the requisition is locked and cannot be changed.
  • If the transaction being passed to FLAIR is an encumbered requisition, MFMP uses the generic FLAIR UserID and Password assigned to the Entity and Site Code identified on the requisition. MFMP will use the Site Code and Entity from the requisition to lookup the FLAIR UserID and Password in the FLAIR Lookup Table. The generic FLAIR UserID and Password must be entered into MFMP for each Site Code and Entity combination. , and
  • Since the FLAIR UserID and Passwords are entered into the MFMP system for use, anytime the FLAIR a UserID and/or Password is changed directly in FLAIR, the same FLAIR UserID and Password must be updated in MFMP via the FLAIR Login Information eForm to reflect the change. This is done using the ______EForm.
  • There are two components in MFMP that utilize FLAIR Integration: Requisitions and Payments. FLAIR Integration for Requisitions will always use the FLAIR UserID and Password stored in MFMP that is associated with the PUI and Site Code of the Requisition. The Entity and Site Code of the requester on the requisition must match the pre-existing Entity and Site Code on the generic FLAIR UserID. FLAIR Integration for Payments will always use the FLAIR UserID and Password stored in MFMP for the Invoice Manager that approved the payment in the approval chain.
  • How MFMP finds the correct FLAIR UserID and Password – For Requisitions, wWhen a requisition is created the Site CodeSite Code and EntityEntity from the user’s profile are copied onto the requisition. At the time of FLAIR Integration, the MFMP system uses the Site CodeSite Code and EntityEntity that is stored on the requisition and looks up the generic FLAIR UserID and Password for encumbrance operationstransactions. Only one will exist. The generic FLAIR UserID and password must be stored in MFMP and must be current in order for the requisition to successfully pass FLAIR Integration and encumber in FLAIR. For Payments, at time of FLAIR Integration, the MFMP system uses the Site Code and Entity on the IR, and the MFMP user id of the Invoice Manager that approved the payment, and looks up the FLAIR UserID and Password for disbursement operations. Only one will exist.
  • Currently the Site CodeSite Code associated with a Requisition cannot be viewed by the User. However, a change is being made to allow it to be viewed on the requisition., and should be implemented in the end-of-August release.
  • Adding / Updating FLAIR UserID and Passwords – The FLAIR Login Information eForm is used to update the generic FLAIR UserID and Password for encumbrances. TThe FLAIR UserID and Password eEForm is only accessible to those MFMP users that have the role of “FLAIR Access Controller”.
  • If the user accessing the eForm serves dual functions where he/she has both the “FLAIR Access Controller” and the “Invoice Manager” role in their user profile, then the user will not be able to manage the generic FLAIR UserID and Password via this eForm. There is a change that is currently being reviewed to allow users that serve this dual function the ability to manage both the generic and Invoice Manager FLAIR UserID and Password via this eForm.
  • The way the system currently works, if the User using the EForm has the Invoice Manager role, then the FLAIR UserID and Password being managed through this form is the one used for disbursement operations for the associated Site Code, Entity, and user. If the User does not have this the Invoice Manager role, then the FLAIR UserID and Password being managed through this efForm is the generic one used for encumbrance operations transactions for the associated Site Code and Entity. The password must be maintained (updated) every 90 days so that they can be used by the system to communicate with FLAIR.
  • Requisitions The followingmay perform one of the following transactions types of actions may be performed in FLAIR for an MFMP-initiated Requisition:
  • 60S – Initial Encumbrance
  • 6SU – Encumbrance Change or Update
  • 6SUD – Delete Encumbrance

The FLAIR UserID and Password used (based on EntityEntity and Site CodeSite Code on the requisition) must have a valid FLAIR UserID and Password on file in MFMP to be able to lLog inIn to FLAIR, have the security rights to operate on the Site CodeOrganization Code associated with the Requisition, and have the permissions to be able to perform the transactions listed above.

  • Available Balance Override Indicator (ABOI) – The Available Balance Override Indicator is available to MFMP Users that have the role ______ABOI Edit assigned to them within the MFMP system. If this role is assigned, the User has the ability to choose ABOI on the accounting details when processing a Requisition. If the User selects ABOI when processing the Requisition, then FLAIR Integration will always check ABOI when processing a 60S (Initial Encumbrance) or 6SU (Encumbrance Change/Update) when interfacing with FLAIR. It is very important that the generic FLAIR UserID and Password associated with the EntityEntity and Site CodeSite Code, as entered in MFMP, has ABOI permissions within FLAIR. If it does not, and FLAIR Integration selects ABOI as part of the 60S or 6SU operation in FLAIR, then the requisition will fail at FLAIR Integration will fail and FLAIR will send back an “UNAUTHORIZED AVAILABLE BALANCE OVERRIDE” error message. It is recommended that the ABOI role only be assigned to agency users at the point of need after ABOI permissions have been verified and/or setup for the user in FLAIR.
  • Encumbrances Already Deleted issue – If a 6SUD (delete encumbrance) transaction is initiated in MFMP, attempts to pass through FLAIR Integration, and the encumbrance has already been deleted or satisfied in FLAIR (regardless of how it was done), MFMP will not consider this successful, and will not uncheck the encumbrance checkbox on the transaction. However, an error message will not be displayed to the end user noting this fact. This is currently being addressed, and will be fixed in a coming release.

Payments may perform one of the following transactions in FLAIR:

o51E – Pre-Validation for Payment for an Unencumbered P.O.

o51S – Payment for an Unencumbered P.O.

o53E – Pre-Validation for Payment Against a Payable

o53S – Payment Against a Payable

o70E – Pre-Validation for Payment Against an Encumbrance

o70S – Payment Against an Encumbrance

The FLAIR UserID and Password used (based on the Site Code and Entity of the IR and the Invoice Manager that approved the payment) must be able to Log In to FLAIR, and have the appropriate security and permissions to be able to perform the transactions listed above.

The Pre-Validation transactions are exercised prior to their counterpart transactions be executed. If an Auditor is inserted as an approver between the Invoice Manager role and FLAIR Integration, the Pre-Validation transaction will take place prior to the Auditor approval.

Facts about Invoices & FLAIR Integration

  • If the transaction being passed to FLAIR is an Invoice, MFMP uses the FLAIR UserID and password of the Invoice Manager involved in the approval chain. The appropriate FLAIR UserID and Password must be entered into MFMP for each Site Code and Entity combination.
  • The Entity and Site Code of the Invoice must match the Entity and Site Code on the Invoice Manager’s FLAIR UserID and Password that will be passed to FLAIR to disburse the payment.
  • How MFMP finds the correct FLAIR UserID and Password – At time of FLAIR Integration, MFMP uses the Site Code and Entity on the Invoice Reconciliation, and the FLAIR UserID and Password of the Invoice Manager that approved the Invoice for disbursement transactions. The Invoice Manager’s FLAIR UserID and Password for each Site Code and Entity combination must be stored in MFMP and must be current in order for the disbursement transaction to successfully pass FLAIR Integration.
  • Adding / Updating FLAIR UserID and Passwords – The FLAIR Login Information eForm is used to update the FLAIR UserID and Password for the Invoice Manager. If the Invoice Manager using the eForm also has the “FLAIR Access Controller” role, then the FLAIR UserID and Password being managed through this eForm is the one used for disbursement transactions for the associated Site Code, Entity, and user. The password must be maintained (updated) every 90 days so that they can be used by the system to communicate with FLAIR.
  • Invoices may perform one of the following transactions in FLAIR:
  • Pre-Validation for Invoice for an Unencumbered P.O.
  • Invoice for an Unencumbered P.O.
  • Pre-Validation for Invoice Against a Payable
  • Invoice Against a Payable
  • Pre-Validation for Invoice Against an Encumbrance
  • Invoice Against an Encumbrance

The FLAIR UserID and Password used (based on the Site Code and Entity of the IR and the Invoice Manager that approved the Invoice) must be able to Log In to FLAIR, and have the appropriate security and permissions to be able to perform the transactions listed above.

  • The Pre-Validation transactions are exercised prior to their counterpart transactions being executed. If an Auditor is inserted as an approver between the Invoice Manager role and FLAIR Integration, the Pre-Validation transaction will take place prior to the Auditor approval.

Important Tips

  • Accounting information is updated in MFMP once each night in a batch process. If any of the accounting information in FLAIR changes, it will not be reflected in MFMP until the next day. The only exception to this automatic update is the Site Code. If an agency adds a Site Code in FLAIR, it must be added to MFMP via the weekly data update to Production process. The agency must notify their appropriate MFMP liaison on Friday at least one week prior to the desired timeframe the agency wants to have the Site Code added to MFMP so that it can be viewable in MFMP Site Code list of values.
  • Some Agencies, prior to MFMP implementation, have found benefit in using a Sub UserID in FLAIR, for the purposes of gaining certain permissions not available through the UserID used to initially log in to FLAIR . This entails logging to FLAIR with one UserID, then choosing an option to alias to a different UserID to gain additional permissions. For those Agencies that utilize this approach, the Sub UserID in FLAIR cannot be used as a FLAIR UserID entered into MFMP for use. The reason is that the Sub UserID is not a valid login ID when initially logging in to FLAIR.
  • It is very important that Site Code and Entity within the various user profiles of MFMP are adequately correlated with the Site Codes and Entities setup within MFMP for an Agency, and that each Site Code / Entity combination has an appropriate FLAIR UserID and Password identified for encumbrance transactions. It is also important that each user with the Invoice Manager role also have an appropriate FLAIR UserID and Password setup in MFMP for each Site Code and Entity for which they disburse Invoices. The FLAIR UserID and Password for a Site Code and Entity (for encumbrance operations) must also have ABOI permissions in FLAIR if there are MFMP users setup with that Site Code and Entity and also have the ABOI role.

What Happens when Transactions Fail FLAIR Integration?

The Requisition and PaymentInvoice FLAIR Integration operations listed above happen real time, within a couple of minutes of theabove are executed once the approval flow that leads to a FLAIR Integration step is completed work flow approval that leads to a FLAIR Integration step. However, if FLAIR Integration fails for any reason, the operation is flagged with the appropriate problem status. Some failures will prompt the system to display FLAIR error messages that are displayed to the user, while other failures will prompt the system to communicate systematic error messages which are not displayed to the user. In the instances where failures trigger systematic error messages, the Accenture team will continue to work to resolve the root cause of the failure and will contact the impacted user as needed. These FLAIR Integration operations may not be automatically re-performed until the following morning at approximately 7:00am.

If a problem causing the FLAIR Integration failure is identified as one that requires user action to take place, the impacted user must complete the appropriate steps to resolve the problem. If the FLAIR Integration failure is taking place on an Invoice, once the user actions are completed the user can resubmit the Invoice for FLAIR Integration immediately. If the FLAIR Integration failure is taking place on a Requisition, the user must notify the agency’s Post-Implementation Support Liaison once the user actions are completed so that the Requisition can be manually resent to FLAIR to verify that the changes were successful.

See the “Common FLAIR Error Messages Requiring User Action” table below for a list of the common error messages that may be returned upon a transaction failing at FLAIR Integration which will require action to be taken on the part of the user.

Date Published: 7/23/2004Page 1 of 7


Common FLAIR Error Messages Requiring User Action

Message from FLAIR / Message Description / User Action Required
ACS01 27066 – PASSWORD NOT ON FILE / The FLAIR username stored in MyFloridaMarketPlace does not exist in FLAIR. This could also mean the Requester on the requisition or the Invoice Manager on the Invoice Reconciliation do not have the proper Organization Code assigned to them. / Ensure the user has an account in FLAIR, and that the Organization Code assigned to the Requester or Invoice Manager are correct in MyFloridaMarketPlace.
ACS01 27601 – USER NAME IS REQUIRED / A FLAIR username and password was not found in MyFloridaMarketPlace for the Site Code and Entity combination. / Ensure the user has the correct Entity and Site Code assigned to them. Ensure the Site Code on the transaction is correct. Make sure the user has actually entered the FLAIR login information for the proper Site Code and Entity.
ACS01 27628 – INVALID PASSWORD FOR USER NAME / The password stored in MyFloridaMarketPlace for the FLAIR UserID is different than the password that is stored in FLAIR. / Requisitions:
Have the FLAIR Access Controller update the Password for the generic FLAIR UserID in the FLAIR Login Information eForm to reflect the correct password.
Have the Invoice Manager update the Password for his/her FLAIR UserID in the FLAIR Login Information eForm to reflect the correct password.
DFHCE3525 – YOUR PASSWORD HAS EXPIRED. PLEASE TYPE YOUR NEW PASSWORD / The MyFloridaMarketPlace RACF system password used to secure the connection to FLAIR has expired. As a result, FLAIR will not allow MFMP to continue sending transactions to FLAIR. / Contact the MFMP Customer Service Desk of the situation immediately.
DFHCE3530 – YOUR USERID IS INVALID. PLEASE RETTYPE / The username of the MyFloridaMarketPlace RACF system UserID to FLAIR is incorrect. As a result, FLAIR will not allow MFMP to continue sending transactions to FLAIR. / Contact the MFMP Customer Service Desk of the situation immediately.
DFHCE3532 – YOUR PASSWORD IS INVALID. PLEASE RETTYPE / The MyFloridaMarketPlace RACF system password used to secure the connection to FLAIR is invalid. As a result, FLAIR will not allow MFMP to continue sending transactions to FLAIR. / Contact the MFMP Customer Service Desk of the situation immediately.
SIGNON USERID HAS BEEN REVOKED / The MyFloridaMarketPlace connection to FLAIR has been revoked. As a result, FLAIR will not allow MFMP to continue sending transactions to FLAIR until the connection has been reset. / Contact the MFMP Customer Service Desk of the situation immediately.

Accounting information is updated in MFMP once each night on a batch basis. If any of the accounting information in FLAIR changes, it will not be reflected in MFMP until the next day.