Transition to Algebra
Week 7, Quarter 2
Bryan, Baygents, Busby, & Evans 12/3/12 – 12/7/12
· MMFR. TTA. 5a – Construct graphs, make predictions, and draw conclusions from tables, lines, graphs, and scatter plots.
· MMFR.TTA.5b – Use a given mean, median, and mode, and range to summarize and compare data sets including investigation of the different effect that change in data have on central tendency for a given purpose.
· MMFR.TTA.5c – Calculate basic probability of experiments and simulations to make and test conjectures about results.
The student will be able to:
Monday: Pre-Bell – “Are You Ready” page 673
Pre-Test on Data Distribution
Activity - Bar and Circle Graphs – pages 676 – 677
Lesson 10-1 Organizing and Displaying Data pages 678-686
Define: bar graph, line graph, circle graph
Explain and model how to read and interpret bar graphs, double bar graphs, line graphs, double line graphs, and circle graphs.
Explain and model how to choose an appropriate display for data.
Guided Practice: page 683 # 1-16
Closure: Students will explain which graph they like the best and why.
Assignment: page 684 # 17 - 34
Tuesday: Pre-Bell: Students will solve 5 equations from the board.
Lesson 10-2 Frequency and Histograms pages 687-693
Define: stem-and-leaf plot, frequency, frequency table, histogram, cumulative frequency.
Explain and model how to make a stem and leaf plot, a frequency table, a histogram, and a cumulative frequency table.
Guided Practice: page 690 # 1-6
Closure: Students will compare and contrast the different types of displays.
Assignment: page 690 # 7-28
Wednesday: Pre-Bell : Lesson 10-2 Quiz (on powerpoint, and page 694 in teacher’s edition)
Lesson 10-3 Data Distributions pages 694-699
Define: mean, median, mode, range, outlier, quartile, interquartile range, box-and-whisker plot
Explain and model how to find mean, median, mode, and range of a data set.
Explain and model hot to chose an appropriate measure of central tendency.
Guided Practice: page 697 #1-10
Closure: Students will find the mean, median, mode, and range of ages in our class.
Assignment: page 697 # 11 - 30
Thursday: Pre-Bell: Lesson 10-3 Quiz (on power point and pg. 699 in teacher’s edition)
Lesson 10-4 Misleading Graphs and Statistics
Define: random sample
Study and discuss several examples of misleading graphs and how those graphs can be used to mislead people. (Looking for social studies or science tie-in)
Guided Practice: page 704 # 1-6
Closure: Students will explain how misleading statistics can influence social issues.
Assignment: page 705 # 7-18
Friday: Pre-Bell: 5 mean, median, mode, and range questions on the board
Activity: Sampling & Bias – page 708-709
Mutli-Step Test Prep – page 710
Quiz on 10-1 thru 10-4 (page 711 in text)
Monday – page 684 # 17 – 34
Tuesday – page 690 # 7-28
Wednesday – page 697 # 11 – 30
Thursday – page 705 # 7-18
Friday - none
Holt Algebra 1 textbook
Observation of students
Oral responses
Monitor guided practice
Grade classwork/homework
Quiz Friday
Test next week