FL Digestion & Nutrients: LGHS Nutrition & Food Science

Student Name: ______Period: ______

Food for Life / Period: 1st & 4th / DATE:
Sept 26, 2016 –
Oct 26, 2016 / UNIT: Digestion & Nutrition
Outline the function of the digestive system
And absorption process during the lifespan.
2.1Describe the structure and function of the
Digestive system.
2.2Define bioavailability and describe the
Nutrient absorption process.
2.3Define essential nutrient, list the six classes
Of essential nutrients, and describe the
Functions they perform in the body and list
Major food sources in the typical American diet.
/ Driving Questions:
  • Describe the digestive system and its functions.
  • How does the digestive system affect nutrition?
  • How do digestive diseases affect the diet?
  • Describe and explain the six classes of nutrients.
  • Describe and give examples of an essential nutrient.

  • Preferential seating by student needs
  • Redirection to small groups as needed
  • Modified quizzes, tests as needed
  • Unit TaskSheet
-Students choose tasks in the order they wish to complete assignment
-Standards addressed in a smaller environment instead of large group.
-Small group help: teacher led or student led; increased time with students struggling
  • Quizlet term practice allows student to construct own type of review: game, written, quiz (multiple choice, written, t/f, matching); provides review games and electronic flash cards
/ Assessments:
  • Flash CardReview; Quizlet Practice
  • Journal thoughts/predictions
  • Notes,Study tools & videos
  • Whole Class Activities
  • Coffee House Discussions.
  • Disease Graphic Organizer
  • Digestion Considerations
  • Unit assessment– Digestion & Nutrients
  • 3D Digestion Poster/T-Shirts
  • Unit Create Your Own Study Guide
  • Projects & Labs
  • Completed Task Sheet

Teacher Comments:
Instructional Strategies (Activities):
Students will perform the following tasks at their own speed within the following dates:
September 26, 2016 –October 26, 2016
Teacher will facilitate the following:Coffee House Discussions, Labs and other instruction needed.
Standard(s) covered / Task / Date completed
2.3 / Digestion & Nutrient Vocabulary: Create a creative way to help you practice the vocabulary. You may create a song, dance rap or use an item like Quizlet to learn the vocabulary. If you have another method to learn vocabulary, please tell Mrs. Foster and she will let you know if that will meet the assignment.
2.3 / Nutrient & Nutritional Labeling Guided Notes & Coffee House / 9/28/16
2.3 / DRI Quest
This will be conducted in class in groups. / 9/29/16
2.3 / Nutrients in Food: Create & Draw a meal which contains all six essential nutrients. Use the MyPlate template as a guide for what your plate should look like. Labe the foods and list the nutrients found in each food. Identify specific vitamins and minerals found in the foods.
2.3 / The Great Tower of Nutrients
This will be conducted in class in groups. / 10/5/16
2.1 / Magic School Bus Video
This will be conducted in class in groups. / 10/6/16
2.1, 2.2 & 2.3 / The Human Body: Digestive System Guided Notes & Coffee House / 10/11/16
2.1, 2.2 & 2.3 / Eating for Your Future Video
This will be conducted in class in groups. / 10/13/16
2.1 / Digestion Lab
This will be conducted in class in groups. / 10/17/16
2.1 / FOOD LAB:Meal for the Mouth / 10/19/16
2.1 / 3D Digestive System:Create a Life-size 3D model (individual or group) or 3D T-Shirt (if completed in a group each member must have a t-shirt) of the digestive system with descriptions and functions of the organs.
2.1 / Disease Graphic Organizer/Popplet/Prezi
2.1 / Digestion Considerations
2.1, 2.2 & 2.3 / Digestion & Nutrients: Create Your Own Study Guide/Tool / 10/26/16
2.1, 2.2 & 2.3 / Digestions & Nutrients: Unit Assessment / 10/26/16