Fixture Permission Slip 2012/2013

Dear Parent

Your son/daughter has been selected to represent the school at a forthcoming sports event and may well be asked to represent the school at future events.

We ask students completing their first fixture of the year to have the following letter checked and signed by either a parent or guardian. This letter will act as permission for all subsequent events throughout the course of the year except for events where students will be required to a miss a substantial part of the school day where separate permission will be sought.

Please read and check the following carefully and then give to your son/daughter to return direct to the P.E department.

I understand and give permission for the following:

  • My son/daughter has permission to represent the school when requested and I understand that it is their own responsibility to inform me of any events which take place after school that they will be involved in.
  • My son/daughter will be taken to and from events by minibus or coach as necessary. Minibuses will be driven by suitably qualified members of staff. Your son or daughter may leave from the event direct if it is convenient for them to do so and they tell a member of staff that they allowed to.
  • My son/daughter will be accompanied by one member of staff for events within the Colchester district and two for county or national events.
  • I give permission for first aid to be administered to my son/daughter as necessary and for further medical attention to be sought if required. In the event of the school being unable to contact the emergency contact I give permission for the member of staff to make decisions on the basis of medical advice as necessary.
  • My son/daughter is able to photographed taking part in events which may then be used in The Stanway Times and local press.
  • My son/daughter will make their own arrangements home from school after any event.

For all events the main reception will have a list of students attending, location and estimated return time.

Should you have any questions regarding the contents of this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully

Mr N Mussett

Head of P.E

I have read the fixture letter and accept the protocols set out within. The office has all necessary medical information.


Student Name……………………………………………. Year………………..

Emergency Contact……………………………………..NMU