TopYacht Pursuit Race Offset enhancementp1 of 3

A growing numbers of clubs are using the “negative offsets” manipulation for pursuit races in TopYacht. [Separate paper available upon request.]

As an endeavour to simplify that situation

  • Plus the enable you to store and re-view boat offsets
  • Plus to enable you to set a default AHC for time zero

TopYacht now provides the facility to store a nominated “zero boat” AHC.

It will also now allow you to nominate the zero boat elapsed time on the same screen on which you view the boat offset times.

The pursuit race entrants/offsets screen now has a new section on the left.

Important notes.

  1. Whatever you change in the two columns provided ie “Mins” and the “0 AHC” fields, is stored once you close the screen.
  2. If you choose to alter the zero boat/ref boat AHC then consider whether you may also need to alter the estimated race time for a boat on that AHC.
  3. You can use this facility to have a nominated ‘0 AHC’ rather than an actual boat’s AHC. Warning: This may result in negative offsets that you may not desire!
  4. This removes the need to manually alter AHCs or ‘Time HC’ on the Offset screen to create negative offsets.

Use - If you wish set a negative offset time for one or more slower boats.

Note the AHC of the new “zero boat” and type this in the ‘0 AHC’ area for this division.

Consider whether you wish to also alter the estimated race time for this new zero boat.

When done press the ‘Update Offsets’ button.

In the example below Pippa has to wait 7 minutes before starting.You can alter the zero boat to Pippa by setting the “0 AHC” to 0.582. You might also consider altering the Mins to 120-7 = 113 to maintain relativity of offset times. (See discussion that follows.)

Altered this becomes..

Originally the fastest boat was “Wicked” on an AHC of 0.926 and an offset of 49 minutes.

If we alter the “0 AHC” to that of Pippa ie 0.582 and leave the “Mins” at 120 then we get the negative offset time for Calypso as intended. Wicked moves to an offset time of 45 mines after Pippa and thus 51 minutes after Calypso.

If we were instead to alter the o AHC to 0.582 AND alter the mins to 113 then Wicked moves to an offset of 42 mins, ie42 mins after the zero boat Pippa and 48 minutes after Calypso.

In this example you have to bear in mind the “round to whole minutes” that occurs in this process. None the less by altering both the ‘0 AHC’ AND the ‘Mins’ we have maintained a better relativity across the fleet.


The initial release of the new version of TY (morning of 20/10/2009) the altered ‘0AHC’ will NOT be taken into account when showing the “New Offset Times” on the result.

This will be implemented as soon as possible and you will be notified.

If you wish to have a play with this interim release then..

1/ Back up your data.

2/ Go onto the TY Web site and go the downloads area.

3/ Download TopYachtInt.exe.

4/ Place this in your C:\Program Files\TopYacht10 folder.

5/ Run this version by starting in from Windows Explorer or My Computer by double clicking on this new version directly in the folder mentioned above.

Feedback welcomed.

Rod McCubbin 20/10/2009