Sunshine Coast Sub Region
Five minute silence
March 2016
Visitors: This coming Sunday 28 February, 2016, we welcome two Canadian visitors.
Mark Bridges, a retires RCMP NCO and his wife Carole arrive for a 3 week stay at Mooloolaba followed by 2 weeks at Noosaville.
On Monday 14 March we are having a dinner at the Mooloolaba Surf Lifesaving Club to welcome them to the Sunshine Coast.It is a 6pm arrive for a 6.30 dinner.
All who are interested in attending please adviseBob Murphy by 10 March2016 so he can advise the club of the numbers attending.
Welfare: At our last meeting Klaus Hempfing attended, coming straight from the Nambour hospital. Klaus has an injured back and has much pain. I have checked with Klaus, and he still has bad back pain and it does not appear to be improving at present. We wish Klaus a speedy recovery.
Birthdays: Celebrating Birthdays this month are: Wayne Woods on the 2nd, Janet Robertson 9th, Mike Needham 21st, John Walker 22nd, Di Kirkman 24th, Mike Sperling25th, and Rod Hunkinon the 27th. We wish all these members a Happy Birthday.
2016 Membership: Would the following members please forward their $20.00 membership fees to the Region Treasurer Lorenzo Ricato, Region Bank A/c is BSB 704-052 A/c 100094 or mail to P.O. Box 16025, City East, Brisbane Qld 4002. Quote the invoice number I have following your name:
Warren Doughty17616 , Eloise Blundell17648, John DeVlaming17767, Roy Larsen17787, Dennis McGuinness17799, Candice Reilly18647, Nicholas Nitschke18887, and Peter Feldman (2 Years) 16196 & 19303.
I have been informed by Lorenzo that the new membership cards will be posted to Financial members this week.
New Member: We welcome new member to the IPA, Scott Sutton, lives in Bellmere. Scott is currently in the process of joining the IPA, he is a serving member of the Queensland Police Service. We look forward to meeting him and his partner Maree