Mr. Jones 7th Grade Civics Student Handbook Independence Middle School

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year! Today your son/daughter received the 7th Grade Civics Student Handbook. This handbook covers what I expect from students and covers the most basic classroom policies and procedures. The information found in the handbook will be a heavy portion of your son/daughters class activities, assignments, homework, and testing for the first week back to school and continually referenced throughout the school year.

Please review this handbook with your student as it covers: student supply list, classroom rules, student reward program, consequence program, grading policy, and classroom procedures.

I believe that communication between the home and classroom is an important part of a student’s education. This handbook is our first line of communication of the year, which makes it very important. Digital and downloadable versions of this handbook can be found thru Edline along with: agendas, notes, homework assignments, and other types of information about the current happenings of class.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and going through the class handbook with your son/daughter. The very last page of the handbook contains a “student/parent” information sheet. Please take the time to fill out the parent portion and return it so I can have accurate information on: how and when to contact you, Internet access at home, and medical concerns to consider in the classroom (it is also the first homework assignment of the year). I look forward to working with you and your son/daughter in building a school year that is interesting, exciting, and of course filled with learning experiences!


Mr. Aaron T. Jones

PHONE: (561) 799-7500 EXT: 70403
Room #: cc6

“Work hard so you can live strong” - unknown

Student Information Sheet


Full Name ______Birth Date______/______/_____

Hobbies:______Goals / Dreams: ______


Tell me something you’d like me to know about you: ______


Parents Please PRINT

Parent / Guardians (Please Print) ______

(Please write names of both parents / guardians)



Home Phone: ______Work: ______Ext. ______

Other: ______Best times to call: ______

Parent E-Mail: ______

Do you have Internet access at home? Yes or No (Circle one)

Are there any medical conditions you I should keep on file in the classroom in case of an emergency?______
Parent Signature (acknowledges Mr. Jones Civics handbook has been received, reviewed, and understood)



1. IMS Planner aka Agenda

2. Civics Binder

(1 inch Three-Ring Binder)

(Divide into 5 sections using tabbed dividers)

(Label each tab with a number starting with 1 and ending with 4. Tab # 5 = old chapters “OC”)

(TIP = Fill each section with some lined notebook/tablet paper)

3. At least 2 pencils. (TIP = put in a pencil bag that is three hole punched, put in binder.)
Student Reward Program = Stamps and Student Store

·  Students are recognized for positive actions and choices

·  Student’s are recognized with either blue or red stamps placed in their agenda (5 blue = 1 red)

·  Agenda’s must be completed and present at time of getting or using stamps

·  Stamps can be “spent” every Friday at the student store

·  Store Items =

o  1 red stamp = reward pencil

o  2 red stamps = reward pen

o  3 red stamps = music request ticket

o  4 red stamps = homework pass

o  5 red stamps = “treasure” item.

o  10 red stamps = 5 extra credit points on assignment of student choice

Classroom Rules

1.  Be on time and prepared.

2.  Raise your hand and WAIT to be called on.

3.  Follow teacher expectations and directions.

4.  Respect others do not interrupt or disrupt.

5.  No physical contact with each other or property.

6. Follow campus rules (i.e. dress code, locker usage, moving on campus, food/drink in cafeteria only, no bullying policy, and no vandalism/destruction of property)

Progressive Consequences

à Consequences are used to acknowledge/address broken classroom rules, actions, and choices that are disruptive and disrespectful to the learning environment.

à Consequences are tracked with “strikes” like baseball.

à Students track their strikes in their agenda. Teacher keeps master record.

O Strike One = warning

O Strike Two = seat change and/or time out

O Strike Three = ½ hour detention and conference request

(3 three detentions = administration referral)

½ hour detention and parent teacher conference:

Detention will be scheduled on the first available detention day. There is ONE reschedule day on the very next possible detention day. Failing to serve results in administration referral. Parent’s signature is required on detention slip and should write in desired conference date and time.

à Strikes reset every nine weeks

Grade Policies

1.  Class Work – 20%

2.  Homework – 20%

3.  Quizzes & Tests – 20%

4.  Projects – 20%

5.  Four Quarterly (9week) Finals – 20 %
TOTAL = 100%

àCommon assignment types are:

·  Class work (warm-ups, notes, worksheets, study guides, etc)

·  Homework (same as class work)

o  HW check: assignment is checked for completion not correct answers, student is given credit for each question sensibly attempted. Blank questions are marked wrong

o  HW grade: each question is graded for correct answer.

·  Section Quizzes, Chapter Tests, and Unit Projects:

o  Graded on a total number correct out of the total number of questions. (Unit projects are graded using a rubric, which is made available to students during the course of the project.

·  Late assignments are penalized by 40%

Keeping Your Civics Binder

1.  ALL quizzes, test, and exams are based on warm-ups, notes, worksheets, study guides, and homework placed in your binder.

2.  A Checklist is ALWAYS on the right side of the front white board and on Edline @“Binder Checklist”

3.  A Teacher Binder is also in the classroom as an example. ASK to see it.

4.  STUDENTS are responsible for THEIR binder items. I provide everyone ONE original copy.

5.  Lost binder items are not available in the classroom; STUDENTS must reprint them off Edline.

Classroom Procedures

Entering the Classroom

1.  Be in the classroom before the bell rings

o  Tardy= out of the classroom when the bell rings. 4 tardies = consequence 3,4, or 5.

2.  Sit in assigned seats with needed materials.

3.  Copy the daily agenda into your IMS Planner

4.  Start warm-up activity listed on agenda

o  Warm-ups preview new lessons or review old lessons.

o  They take 10min or less.

o  Each warm-up needs: name, date, heading, question, & answer.

o  Warm-ups go with your notes for each section.

5.  Check your work, start next activity, and get ready for teacher directions.

Starting Lesson

1.  Teacher will stand in front of classroom and ask for attention.
*Visual/Audio clues will also be used (red-light, freeze, lights off, quiet hand)

2.  Once the class is quiet and focused the lesson will continue

3.  No verbal or physical disruptions during the lesson will be accepted.

Note Taking

1.  Students are EXPECTED to be active & take notes.

2.  Keep all notes in your civics binder; everything is based off your notes.

3.  STUDENTS are responsible for their notes.

4.  Only one student copy can be guaranteed. Extras must be printed through Edline BY THE STUDENT.

Independent Work

1.  Stay seated

2.  Follow directions and steps for the assignment

3.  Raise hand and WAIT to ask questions.

4.  Stay on task.

5.  No verbal or physical disruptions will be accepted.

Classroom Discussions

1. Raise hand and WAIT to give an opinion, fact, response, or questions.

2. All opinions, facts, responses, and questions MUST be respectful to everyone

3. Opinions, facts, responses, and questions must be on topic.

4. No verbal or physical disruptions will be accepted during a discussion.

* If expectations are not followed this activity will be removed OR individuals will be.

Working in Groups

1.  Teacher will form work groups.

2.  Follow teacher instructions for group formation and work.

3.  Work and talk WITHIN your group only (1foot rule).

4.  Each member must have a job to do that is ON TOPIC.

5.  No verbal or physical disruptions or disrespect will be accepted from groups or their members

* If expectations are not followed this activity will be removed OR individuals will be.

Finished Work

1.  Double Check, Raise hand, and WAIT to have current assignment(s) checked

2.  Perform notebook check (use class checklist or teacher binder)

3.  Complete any missing assignments (original assignment or workbook twin)

4.  Work on current homework, any subject

5.  Read DEAR book

Home Work

1.  Is collected IMMEDAIATLY after Warm-Ups.

2.  Is graded for completion or correctness (pg 3, Grade Policies)

3.  Late work is penalized -40%.

Transitioning from the Classroom

1.  Teacher will give “pack-up” signal before the bell.

2.  Stay in assigned seats until TEACHER dismisses not the bell

Restroom & Water Breaks

1.  I do not use RR or Water Fountain Passes and will not write/give any.

2.  Use public RR and Water Fountain before coming to class.

Responding to Drills/Codes

1.  Freeze immediately

2.  Follow teacher directions for length of drill/code.

3.  Disruptions and Disrespect = automatic 1 hour detentions (Level 4).

Visitors/Speaker to the Classroom

1. Treat ALL visitors as IMS factuality

2. Disruptions and Disrespect will follow standard consequence levels 3-5

Sharpening Pencil, Needing Supplies, Asking for Help

1.  Have pencil sharp and supplies for class before you start you warm-up.

2.  All other times raise hand and WAIT for permission.

3.  Disrupting class verbally or physically will follow consequence levels 1-5.

4.  If borrowing a supply, student ID must be given as collateral. No ID = no borrowing.

5.  Classroom supplies are limited; I may not be able to supply students, and WILL NOT supply chronic borrowers.

6.  Student ID will be held until borrowed item is returned

7.  If classroom supplies are lost or destroyed while being borrowed, the borrower will not be supplied any longer

Going to the Office or Media Center or Guidance

1.  Only an option in the LAST 10 minutes of class.

2.  Raise hand and WAIT for permission.

3.  Fill out ALL pass info in your agenda.

4.  Get teacher signature.

5.  No agenda, No id = no pass

PTO WISH LIST of class supplies:

1.  Student Store Items (Novelty pens & pencils, silly bandz, stress balls, hacky sacks, coupons, gift cards, slogan bracelets, granola bars, gushers, fruit roll ups)

2.  Paper Towels 3. Tissues 4. Clorox Wipes

5. Colored pencils, crayons 6. Colored construction paper 7. Student Scissors

8. Student Glue Sticks 9. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers