First Programming Assignment
Late programs will be assessed a 10 point per day penalty and will not be accepted more than 3 days late.
For this programming assignment you will write a program which will contain the following files, data and perform the following tasks.
- a driver for class ManipulateData named ManipulateDataDriver
- a class ManipulateData
- The input data will come from a file whose name the user will provide
- The output data will come go to files whose names the user will provide
- The input data will consist of words (Strings) and numbers (ints) which will be separated by delimiters
- The delimiters are: .,?:;-%$ (period, comma, question mark, colon, semi-colon, hyphen, per cent sign and dollar sign).
- Your program must introduce itself to the user
- Your program must get the input filename from the user
- Your program must get the two output filenames from the user
- Your program must store the words (Strings) in an array. Note that there will not be more than 100 words but there may be fewer.
- Your program must store the number (ints) in another array. Note that there will not be more than 50 numbers but there may be fewer.
- Your program must show the words in the order they were read
- Your program must show the numbers in the order they were read
- Your program must sort the array of words in ascending order
- Your program must print the sorted array of words to a file
- Your program must sort the array of number in descending order
- Your program must print the sorted array of numbers to a file
- Your program must remind the users where the data from and where it has been stored.
- Your program must end with the standard message “This program has ended normally”.
- Your program must have java docs for every method and class
- Your program must have programmer information for each file
- Your program must have adequate and appropriate internal comments
- Your program must use appropriate exception handlers where appropriate
- Your program must be appropriately modularized
- Posted grade sheets from previous labs should provide additional style reminders
You should write enough of a stub before lecture on Tuesday so that you can ask questions about things that are not clear in this assignment description.